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Day In The Life™ 2022 | Join Us On October 27th

Join us for the second documenting day for our community Day In The Life™ project coming up on Thursday, October 27th. 

For this documenting day Ali will be using the lens of gratitude to structure her stories for the day and will be using the gratitude cards from the Day In The Life™ kit and the 4x6 album released earlier this year. 

The half-circle stamp set was also recently re-stocked: 

You can check out how Ali documented her first Day In The Life™ earlier this year here. We also shared Jennie's project here

Looking forward to telling stories with you soon!

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Day In The Life™ 2022 Main Kit
Day In The Life™ 2022 Main Kit is Sold Out
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Originally $24.99, on sale for $22.99
This & That Painted Wood Veneer Phrases
Originally $6.99, on sale for $0.97
Day In The Life™ 2022 Half Circle Phrases 4×6 Stamp Set
Day In The Life™ 2022 Half Circle Phrases 4×6 Stamp Set is Sold Out
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3 thoughts

  1. Birgitreizer says…

    Wonderful! We're moving to a new house this week, it will be perfect for me to tell stories of gratitude next week. :) <3


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  2. birdnscrap says…

    It would be nice to get emails reminding us about DITL and to see what people are doing on the day. Very little attention seems to be paid to the project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lou5421 says…

    That is what I was looking for, what information, present here at this site!

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