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Filing Day.

Yesterday was filing day for the Oregon Legislature - the last day for any candidates to file to run for office in 2006. Chris was up in Salem all day in meetings, turning in his signatures (he filed by petition), and getting excited for the road ahead.

Simon and I drove up in the afternoon to meet him and attend a reception for Democratic candidates after the deadline had passed. I decided that Simon needed a new outfit for the occasion. He was so cute in his button-down shirt, sweater vest, blue overcoat, khakis, and boat shoes (loafers). He got to run around on the floor of the Oregon House of Representatives, try out the seats, try to push some buttons, etc. We were just so happy that he was able to handle all the people. I think he really enjoyed the whole thing.

Feeling totally proud of Chris, no matter the outcome, that he is following his passion. That he wants to make a difference. That he wants to invest his time, his energy, his intelligence to work for the betterment of the people in our district (and for the state as a whole).

Especially for the kids.

So it is official. Chris is a candidate for House District 14 (Oregon House of Representatives). He has no primary opponent for the May election, but will face an incumbent in the general election in November.

Should be a very interesting adventure.

And, speaking of adventure, today is Cathy Z's birthday. She is ten years older than me, so if you know how old I am then you will know how old she is :). So, so, so, so happy that Cathy is a part of my life. She is an amazing human being (along with all her other amazing talents) and makes me laugh all the time. Happy birthday my friend. See you in a couple weeks.

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88 thoughts

  1. Jonel Groscost says…

    You should be proud. Too handsome men in your life. Wow! Your husband will be in my prayers. He sounds like just the man for the job.

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  2. Karen Russell says…

    Man Ali - that is so fantastic, be sure to congratulate Chris for me (love that he is totally going for a dream).

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. karen lee says…

    awesome! good luck to chris(and all of you). he sounds like the right man for the job!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Krista says…

    Wow, such a fun adventure ahead in your life.... You two (plus Simon) make a very cute family! Good luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Sarah says…

    how incredibly wonderful and moving. I got teary-eyed looking at your handsome men, all full of promise and commitment. Simon is a gem, he just glows when he smiles.
    And Chris. I so admire the people who step up, who are willing to get into the meat-grinder we've turned the political process into, because they care so much about making a difference. I cen't send him my vote from VT, but I am sending all kinds of positive energy and respect into his campaign.
    Vermont has Town Meeting annually, the 1st Tuesday in March. Most towns (including my town) meet to discuss and vote on the town and school budgets, go over any articles submitted by the citizenry for a town vote, and generally involve ourselves in the business of running our town. I am a relative newcomer to VT, and I get so tickled by the democratic process. It's very inspiring to realize you CAN change things, that it isn't all happening at some nebular 'other' level, and that one man/woman one vote is still the best system the world has discovered.
    Godspeed to Chris's campaign and bravo to you for being the kind of partner that can allow Chris to follow his dreams. (and lucky lucky Simon to have two such heart-ful people raising him).

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. sara says…

    wow! ali, this is so exciting! and your guys look so so so hansome. :) happy days ahead for you all.

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  7. Terri says…

    Sending all kinds of luck.
    On a side note I just have to say that I love that picture of Chris and Simon walking hand in hand down the hallway.

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  8. Jessica K. says…

    best of luck to him. Simon has such great role models in his life, parents with such great passions. He is one lucky little boy.

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  9. Meredith says…

    LOVE how happy both of your boys look in these pictures...that is priceless.

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  10. Robin C. says…

    Ali: So very cool! I was excited to talk to you about this at the Get Croppin' event in Virignia and I know that this is a huge step for your family. Big prayers for a great experience for Chris - no matter what the outcome.
    He may be interested in a book by a friend of mine entitled "Hats in the Ring: Conversation with Presidential Candidates". My friend, Brad Koplinski, interviewed the unsuccessful candidates of Presidential races to get their unique perspective and to also lift up their accomplishments. We get so busy bashing people in public service but the vast majority of Americans will never run for public office themselves. So, hurray for Chris for just putting himself out there!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Colby says…

    What fabulous photos of your two important men! And Simon looked adorable in his new outfit! Congrats to your husband and good luck on the journey ahead!

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  12. Sharon says…

    I was thinking of you guys yesterday when I heard it was filing day. I remembered you mentioning Chris's nice to see great people stepping up in our state. Good luck to him, if we lived closer he would get my vote. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Haggith says…

    Hi Ali,
    So great to see that Chris is going for his dream!!! Yeah for him! Yeah for you for standing by him..........
    And just look at the dude......isn't he just the sweetest in his new clothes and looking so proud of his daddy!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Frances Mileski says…

    I've been reading your blog for about a week now and it is inspirational. We need more Democrats and I wish your husband and family the best of luck on this adventure! I can't vote in Oregon but will be crossing my fingers for an easy election! I've also been reading your book Designer's Eye for the past two's great. Your scrapbook art is beautiful, the book easy to read and the tips I've applied to my work have already remarkably improved my pages. The whole idea of documenting the ordinary seems to make what seems "ordinary" so very very very special. Thanks Ali...and look forward to reading more!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. katie says…

    Simon looks so dang cute in his new outfit! Best of luck to Chris--it's going to be an amazing journey for all of you!

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  16. KimP says…

    Simon looks TOTALLY comfortable in Patti Smith's chair :) What a fabulous smile.
    Love the photos - what an exciting day for your family! Wish I live in OR - would love to vote for Chris.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Asher - Dreams Into Lightning says…

    Congratulations to Chris, and best of luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sophie says…

    How wonderful! It's so important to be involved, it's the only way to make a difference. I must say I miss the days back in Canada when I was a Young Liberal. In The Netherlands, since I do not have the Dutch citizenship, I am not allowed to vote. But that does not stop me from following internal and foreign affairs closely.
    I love the photos; they emanate such pride and such joy.
    Wishing you all the very best,

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sofia says…

    Two handsome guys on the pictures

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  20. Chandra says…

    Ali, I've been so inspired by all your work...basically, it's been my intro to scrapbooking. Your creativity is simply astounding.
    Good luck to Chris! I bet you're proud of your men. Best wishes!

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  21. melanie says…

    good luck to chris! the interior designer in me is so intrigued by that carpet...

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  22. Shannon Snyder says…

    What treasured pictures! Maybe we'll see them someday again when he runs for President? You know, like the ones we see of JFK with little John John. ;)
    I have to laugh at Melanie's comment on the carpet. (It's all about trees here in Oregon)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. ~michelle~ says…

    Right on! Congratulations to Chris...and I totally know what you mean about 'no matter the outcome.' My husband just filed to be a Precinct Leader for Washington County Democrats in our little neighborhood (we're in Beaverton, OR). He is turning his passion (and frustration!) into action and I'm just so proud of him! Very interesting to read of your similar experiences with your husband. I sincerely wish all of you success and happiness along this journey! ~m

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Jeanette says…

    That is fabulous your husband is pursuing his passion for politics. I wish your family nothing but the best. Exciting times ahead of you!!
    p.s. - does this mean you'll come to DC again???

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  25. michelleg says…

    So awesome for you and your family Ali!!! Good luck to Chris!!! Simon is becoming a handsome young man as well. Take Care.

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