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Filing Day.

Yesterday was filing day for the Oregon Legislature - the last day for any candidates to file to run for office in 2006. Chris was up in Salem all day in meetings, turning in his signatures (he filed by petition), and getting excited for the road ahead.

Simon and I drove up in the afternoon to meet him and attend a reception for Democratic candidates after the deadline had passed. I decided that Simon needed a new outfit for the occasion. He was so cute in his button-down shirt, sweater vest, blue overcoat, khakis, and boat shoes (loafers). He got to run around on the floor of the Oregon House of Representatives, try out the seats, try to push some buttons, etc. We were just so happy that he was able to handle all the people. I think he really enjoyed the whole thing.

Feeling totally proud of Chris, no matter the outcome, that he is following his passion. That he wants to make a difference. That he wants to invest his time, his energy, his intelligence to work for the betterment of the people in our district (and for the state as a whole).

Especially for the kids.

So it is official. Chris is a candidate for House District 14 (Oregon House of Representatives). He has no primary opponent for the May election, but will face an incumbent in the general election in November.

Should be a very interesting adventure.

And, speaking of adventure, today is Cathy Z's birthday. She is ten years older than me, so if you know how old I am then you will know how old she is :). So, so, so, so happy that Cathy is a part of my life. She is an amazing human being (along with all her other amazing talents) and makes me laugh all the time. Happy birthday my friend. See you in a couple weeks.

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88 thoughts

  1. Laura says…

    Awesome, Ali. Truly awesome. I wish him (and you) the best.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Suzanne Balvanz says…

    Good luck on this journey. I hope it all goes well for your family.
    Your photos are so heartfelt, I feel as if I were there....

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Annie says…

    So much pride and joy and energy in those photos, Ali. It's so great that Chris has taken this step and is following his dream. Big day! Loved that you shared it with us. Only wish I could vote for him. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Rachel says…

    look at your handsome men!! You must be bursting with pride. Good luck to Chris and congrats to him for following his dream. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Tami says…

    the best part of those pictures is the guy who is passing your husband and simon and the look on his face! cute!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jessica Stoops says…

    Good luck to Chris. I love the photos of Simon and his dad.
    Your pictures rock!!!! Jessica

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. andrea w. says…

    those pictures are so exciting and Simon looks so cute! praying for your wonderful road ahead :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Nadine says…

    simon looks so adorable!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jenn N says…

    What a great day for your family and wonderful of you to keep this memory forever by bringing your camera. I don't know your husband but if he has the passion for life and the people around him like you do, then Oregon is going to benefit greatly from his contribution. Good luck Chris, thanks for sharing Ali.
    By the way, could Simon be any cuter? That boy warms my heart.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jessica says…

    I hope Chris will do well. As I live in Salem, I know that Oregon needs some help in the State Legislature -- I am just sorry I can't vote for him. Congrats to him for following his dream. Simon is the most adorable boy, always such a big smile on his darling face.
    PS . . . the carpet in the State Senate room has salmon on them. Ha ha ha. Next time you should get Simon to sit in Gov. Kulongoski's chair. That would be precious. Anyway, thanks for sharing as always, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Loni says…

    Ali Edwards... that is so cool, man! Very excited for you guys! Love that both of you are pursuing your passions! I admire that. Alot.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Rachel a.ka. Lunchlady (2peas) says…

    Tres' cool! Good luck to Chris (and your family) in the venture into the political arena! So cool! He has the looks of a strong, wise man!
    Simon's outfit totally rocks! What a little dude!
    OK, so Cathy's the bit 40, so you must be 30! You youngin', you!!!
    Since my fav show, the West Wing is ending, I will have to keep an eye on another handsome Democrat, Chris Edwards, to keep my political hopefullness flowing. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Lynda says…

    Sounds like it was a great day, best of luck to Chris and you over the next few months.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jen G says…

    CONGRATS! and good luck to you. Wish my California ballot would count for him. Try to enjoy the adventure ahead.
    Best Wishes,

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Rhonda says…

    Good luck Chris!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Monique says…

    Congratulations and I'm sure Chris will make that difference he's after!
    Wish you both (and Simon off course) all the best by following your dreams.
    It's funny to notice that i've no idea what those political terminology means ;) Today we voted in the Netherlands for "de gemeenteraad" (City counsil?). I'm glad I understand the Dutch politics....
    groetjes van monique

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. corinne5 says…

    HI ALi! first of all you have 2 handsome guys there, whoohoo! ANd second I love it when someone is goign after his or her dream. I think it is so great that you follow him in his dream, that is what a good relationship is all about! hope he will make it big time!

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  18. Anne says…

    Really sending you, Chris, and Simon all the best!! The Pacific NW NEEDS new, fresh, young people out trying to make a difference in our government!!! GO CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Lori S says…

    Congrats exciting for you and yours; and how nice that Simon did so well. Best of luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. emilyruth says…

    very cool...he's got my vote:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Bonnie K says…

    great pics Ali... so exciting for all of you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Flo says…

    So, so cool! Congrats to Chris and enjoy the ride.... btw Simon looks adorable in his outfit and so full of joy and glee and life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. krsiten says…

    1. sharp dressed man:)
    2. congrats---wow. you're like almost the first lady, haha!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. denise says…

    how very exciting ali - i wish you,chris, and simon all the best. i love the "rear" shot of your two boys! my boys are 17 years apart - i have a really great picture like this of them on the boardwalk at the shore. best wishes for much success - someone has to be there for the kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Bradley Batt says…

    Awesome!!! Very excited for him!!!

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