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Filing Day.

Yesterday was filing day for the Oregon Legislature - the last day for any candidates to file to run for office in 2006. Chris was up in Salem all day in meetings, turning in his signatures (he filed by petition), and getting excited for the road ahead.

Simon and I drove up in the afternoon to meet him and attend a reception for Democratic candidates after the deadline had passed. I decided that Simon needed a new outfit for the occasion. He was so cute in his button-down shirt, sweater vest, blue overcoat, khakis, and boat shoes (loafers). He got to run around on the floor of the Oregon House of Representatives, try out the seats, try to push some buttons, etc. We were just so happy that he was able to handle all the people. I think he really enjoyed the whole thing.

Feeling totally proud of Chris, no matter the outcome, that he is following his passion. That he wants to make a difference. That he wants to invest his time, his energy, his intelligence to work for the betterment of the people in our district (and for the state as a whole).

Especially for the kids.

So it is official. Chris is a candidate for House District 14 (Oregon House of Representatives). He has no primary opponent for the May election, but will face an incumbent in the general election in November.

Should be a very interesting adventure.

And, speaking of adventure, today is Cathy Z's birthday. She is ten years older than me, so if you know how old I am then you will know how old she is :). So, so, so, so happy that Cathy is a part of my life. She is an amazing human being (along with all her other amazing talents) and makes me laugh all the time. Happy birthday my friend. See you in a couple weeks.

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88 thoughts

  1. t says…

    thats cool but i want to know what YOU wore.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. jessica McDougall says…

    these pictures are truly priceless.
    Go Chris!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. beth says…

    it's all very exciting and i'm excited for him!
    my best wishes to Chris and i hope the pursuit of his dream is realized!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kristi says…

    Wow, what handsome men you have!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Karen says…

    Exciting news... yeah for Chris doing something so worthwhile & giving of himself while following his dreams :)I will be following the election from IL!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Leigh Anne says…

    You know, everyone else has skirted around the issue, saying "oh such handsome men". I'm going to come out and tell you that your hubby is smokin' hot. But I'm sure you already knew that.
    By the way, I tell you this not in a "oooh, ogling Ali's man" way, but more in a "you go girl for finding such a cutie" way ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jen Gall says…

    Here's wishing Chris (and you and Simon, too) the best on this big adventure. I've been toying with the idea of running for Minnesota's House of Representatives, but decided that this isn't my time yet. First and foremost in my life right now is my 2-year-old and trying to give him a sibling. But, maybe in the next decade, I'll hope to follow in Chris' footsteps here in my own state and my own district.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. krisfred says…

    I think you should have a class in OR in Nov right before the election so the whole class can canvas your district for Chris!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Brek says…

    Love those pictures of your boys. Wishing Chris the best experience in his new adventure. I can see why you're so proud. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Valerie says…

    you've got two good lookin' fellas there! Best of luck to Chris in his race! Keep us posted (as if you wouldn't!)!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jess says…

    what great examples BOTH of you are to Simon - pursuing your dreams....making a difference....what great examples to all of us :) good luck!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lee says…

    WOW Ali what an amazing thing for Chris to be doing. The best of luck for him!
    Now that is the cutest picture of the two of them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. kristy says…

    Congrats to Chris. As I mentioned at CHA, Jeff and I would love to send some D support to Chris! I will send you an email so we can get your PAC info.
    Take Care!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Summer Fullerton says…

    What an amazing journey CONGRATULATIONS - I will look forward to seeing where Chris goes in politics - I am excited to see someone truely following their dreams.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. kirsty says…

    you cant scrap photos like that - the photos exude so much that putting them on a sheet of plain bazzill would be just about all you could benefit from them! They are just so smiley and happy piccies
    I like that in a photograph, dont you? xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Joey says…

    Wow Ali! Can you feel the love and support from all of these wonderful people's lives you have touched?!!! He is lucky to have such a wonderful support system behind him (you and Simon). Best of luck to your family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. gina says…

    We need more FAMILIES like yours in government!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. islandjen says…

    congrats to chris!! i have no political sense what so ever, so more power to him for wanting to make a difference!! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. anna louise bowkis says…

    wowo ali, thats awsome, i wish chris loads of luck

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Missy says…

    Congratulations and best of luck to you both. Chris will really work to make a difference. I am glad I moved back to OR so I can read about his progress, but I moved to Salem so I can't vote for him! Simon is the cutest--you are a lucky girl.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. kellicrowe says…

    have to say i have so much respect for your hubby for seeking out public service. also wanted to tell ya, i read his blog after katrina hit. he didn't bash the President when others did about the levies. thought that was classy. showed integrity. makes this republican totally want to hear what he has to say. best wishes to your family in this new thing.
    :) kellicrowe

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Melissa says…

    Absolutely love that picture of your guys walking hand in hand down the hallway. It touched my heart as a moment to be captured and treasured. Thanks for sharing. Good Luck to Chris in reaching his dream.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Valerie says…

    Chris is doing what we all say we should do. We complain (certainly I complain) about how disatisfied we are with the status quo, but it takes real dedication to step up and actually do something about it. I commend you both, it really takes guts to stand up and take action.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Valerie says…

    Hi Ali, if you don't mind please give Chris' blog web address. I couldn't find it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Lain says…

    Your boys are just gorgeous. What a day!

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