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an end + a beginning + my word

In between working on projects, still battling this ear infection/cold, getting ready for tonight's festivities, drinking coffee, etc, I cleared off the boards above my computer. I do this every so often and today seemed like a pretty good day to invite something new. I am also changing things up by adding some clipboards on the other wall next to my desk for project organization (inspired by Lotta Jansdotter's studio tour).

A fresh start. A new beginning.

I took everything down, put the things worth keeping in an inspiration notebook, and am now ready for new images, new words, new things to motivate + inspire + help me grow in 2008.

For me, in 2008, I am looking forward to getting to the heart of the matter - whatever that is. Clearing away excesses. Focusing on the most important things and not worrying about the rest. Taking a deep breath and beginning one foot in front of the other.

My word for 2008: vitality.

Vitality is the state of being strong and active; energy. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. Creatively.

Here's to moving forward. To fullness of life. To you and yours.

If you have decided on a word for the year I would love to read what it is - feel free to share in the comments.

Also: Loved this post over at Photojojo on Photo Resolutions. And I think this is the year I will do a 365 project.

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481 thoughts

  1. Kim says…

    I get to be the first one! My word for 2008 is GO. Don't stay home when you could go dancing. GO. Don't stay in when it's raining and the dog wants to go for a walk. GO. Don't play computer games when you could be talking with your child. GO. Don't NOT scrap. GO. Don't say I can't. GO. Don't just sit there. GO. Don't do nothing. GO. Don't wait. GO. Be, do, GO.

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  2. Amy Nabors says…

    my word for 2008 is GROW. in the past year i have taken some leaps. it's been amazing and so rewarding how i've grown. things i would have never done or tried before i took a chance and i just want to continute to grow in my photography and learning photoshop, my scrapbooking, and my life.

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  3. Lisa M says…

    Ali, I've been thinking about this for a few days now...and so far I have not yet come up with THE WORD! I have some ideas though.
    I know one thing...I will be copying this: (For me, in 2008, I am looking forward to getting to the heart of the matter - whatever that is. Clearing away excesses. Focusing on the most important things and not worrying about the rest. Taking a deep breath and beginning one foot in front of the other.) and putting it up for me to see every day. It is just so good!
    I'll post my word as soon as it comes to me. Thank you so much! Lisa

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  4. Jolene George says…

    My word for 2008 is "steadfast"! It's part of our youth theme for the year. "Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works." I LOVE it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Taylor says…

    My word for 2008 is reflect. Recently I have been taking time to reflect more, and it has been great. It has really enriched my life and made the process of creating much more enjoyable. Hoping to continue to reflect in 2008.
    Also, I was wondering, what kind of label did you use for day 23 of the december daily album? I love it!
    Happy New Year! Take Care,

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  6. emilypowers says…

    i'm in!!! i unintentionally participated last year even though i didn't know about my word this year is g r a c e.
    "i am not what I ought to be, i am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still i am not what i once used to be, and by the grace of God i am what i am" (john newton).
    blessings ali and happy new year!

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  7. Kimberly L.C. says…

    My word for 2008 is FREE. This past year my word was contented... to be satisfied with what one has, but still strive for more. This year I want to continue to be contented, but strive to be FREE in all I do -- how I think, what I do, what I'm inspired by, etc.

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  8. noell says…

    Hi, Ali. I worked on my goals for the new year a couple days ago and one word stood out to me when I was done: BUILD.
    I wrote about my process on and gave a sneak-peek to the start of a mini-book that I will use all year to record my goals and evaluate my progress. I will add photos, and in the end it will be a visual record of my progress and accomplishments for 2008.
    Here is a link to the sneak-peek. I'll come back when it's done so I can share it with you:

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Julie Howard says…

    My word for the year is going to be RESOLUTION - for a couple of reasons... I have resolutions that I want to stick to (spending less on this wonderful hobby, and creating more with what I already have!)
    Coming up with resolutions to some personal issues and other problems as well. I want 2008 to be better than 2007.
    It helps to keep hearing Nicholas Cage say "A resolUtion" too (from National Treasure)
    Good luck to you and yours in the new year - I hope you feel better soon (have been working on a chest cold myself for the last week)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. sally says…

    I really wanted to participate this year you have been such an inspiration for the past year so here goes, my word is SIMPLIFY. I seem to worry so much about the little things and forget about what's really important, therefore I want to strive to Simplify my life, expect less and just be.
    Here's to a great year ahead to you and your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. alexandra says…

    I'm in my studio today too. Just about to get up the nerve to remove things from my bulletin board - why is that so hard for me??!! Wanting to start the year in a fresh and (reasonably) tidy creative space. Even thinking of painting the walls. Time for change.
    Last year my word was BALANCE - loved it - did wonders for me.
    This year I have chosen SOUL. I want to live with more soul - in my home, my dealings with others (and the environment) and in my very being. Just need to bring in lots of soul - soak everything up and generate more love and peace.
    Thanks for always making me think, Ali.
    Wishing you all things good in the new year and always.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jami Keyes says…

    My word for the year is GRATITUDE. I found this great qoute on the Inspire Me Thursday website, that I know will inspire me everyday in 2008.
    "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger to a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." (by Melody Beattie)
    I love this, and I hope that everyone else can see into the words that I have.
    Happy New Year!!!!

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  13. Amy says…

    My word for this year was actually fairly easy to choose. It kept reappearing throughout the last month.
    My niece took her first picture (2 1/2 years old) of her Christmas tree and the ornament that stood out was one with my word on it! That confirmed it! My word for 2008 is "JOY!"
    My goal is to live in the moment, experiencing the joy that surrounds me every day, but which I get too busy to see. Thanks for this wonderful idea!

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  14. Susan Hessler says…

    Ali - very inspiring. I participated last year, my word was "roots". I found various quotes, art, occassionally reflected again on my word - but really it was just in the background. During this year I was offered and accepted a job in my hometown - moved back (it's astounding to me the hold a place can have on me, and my kids too), reconnected with longtime friends and family and am now in the process of buying land and a house - my first. What could be more rooted than that! My life and my perspective has been altered by my participation in this process - thanks!!
    It does make me more reflective about what I will choose to invite into my life and thoughts this year. I haven't settled on a word yet, but will post when I do.
    Thanks again - Susan

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  15. Jennier says…

    My word for this year is simplify. Simplify what I use, how much I have, how I feel.
    I did the project 365 this year and I loved it. I've put the pictures in black albums I bought at Crate and Barrel and I'm planning on making little notes about each one and slipping it in behind the picture.
    I also liked the Photojojo article about photography resolutions. I plan on following a couple of them.
    Have a happy, happy new year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Brooke says…

    Love the idea of starting fresh and new. I just totally cleaned my scrap area making it ready for a fresh start. My word for 2008 is FOCUS. I want to stay focused on what really matters. Focusing on making the most of my time so I have more of it for what matters without sacrificing any of my time for one thing for another. Focus more on my son and how fast his youth is flying by and living each day for the most of those 24 hours.

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  17. Fiona Groves says…

    trying to fall pregnant for the past year so 2008 will be full of hopes wishes and maybe dreams come true

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  18. Barbara says…

    My husband and I have been through two campaigns back to back (you know how that goes!) in the two years we have been married. It tends to make one's life pretty hectic. We called it living in "emergency mode"- we were just surviving, not living. We found ourselves in the trap of saying "When the campaign is over..." or "When this project is done..." Pretty soon, my life has passed by while I was too busy to enjoy it! I haven't decided on my word quite yet, but it will have something to do with this idea of really enjoying life, slowing down, taking on fewer projects, and moving away from crisis living.

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  19. Stacy says…

    For 2008 my word is BALANCE...always striving to find and create it in my little world. With 2007 bringing so many wonderful changes in my life, I know 2008 is a start to many amazing beginnings and I'm excited to enjoy each and every one of them!

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  20. Angie says…

    Happy New Year!
    My 2008 word is "FREEDOM"! I had been struggling with some things/ people personally in 2007. I will celebrate the freedom that I feel now when thinking of those things (as little as I can!). Also, I will strive to be free of clutter and things... opening my life up to so much more. I will celebrate the freedom that I have to spend time with my family and not worry about what else needs done!
    I can't forget... Freedom is a word that strikes an emotional chord with me... what men and women and their families have gone through so that we can celebrate. We should not waste the freedom that we have been given... those that have given the most deserve our best effort in living to the fullest.
    May 2008 bring blessings and joy beyond measure!

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  21. Susan Bowers says…

    My Word for 2008 is GROW. I want to grow my walk with Christ. Grow my friendships. Grow my health. Grow my ministry at church. Grow my scrapbook albums. Grow my knowledge of photography. Grow my swim distance. Grow my relationships with my husband and kids. Grow my knowledge of meteorology. Grow my creativity. Grow some vegetables. Grow my snowman collection. Sounds good.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. donaB says…

    Wow. I *just* published my
    post on this topic. Titled "one foot. then the other foot."
    Sharing a brain today? I hope you feel better and Happy New Year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Amy says…

    I hadn't really thought about it until I read your post but my word for 2008 came IMMEDIATELY to mind as I read it. My word for 2008...
    I need to LIVE my life! Not just sit back and let my life pass me by! LIVE it!

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  24. Angie says…

    I love this idea! This is a word that has been on my mind for many years, actually. Yet, I've had a hard time really putting it into action. This is the year for it.
    My word is DARE.
    Dare to be myself and not try to be anyone else.
    Dare to do my own thing and feel good about it.
    Dare to stand up for what I know is right.
    Dare to learn more and try more and feel more and love more.
    Sounds scary, but I'm ready for it! 2008 here I come!

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  25. Paige says…

    My word for this year is "Breathe"... I'm constantly on the go whether it be work or running the kids to and from their activities! I worry about the big things, the little things, and things not done... I never take the time to just relax, soak in the things around me and "Breathe"!!

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