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Week in the Life : Tuesday Photos + Words (and a workshop giveaway)

Just a note that Stacy Julian organized a really cool project encouraging everyone to give ourselves the gift of the present moment. This is precisely what we are doing with this week in the life journey. Check out her blog today.


From Tuesday:

week in the life : tuesday morning by you.

week in the life : tuesday morning before school by you.

week in the life : morning work by you.

week in the life : chris at work by you.

week in the life : driving to the farmer's market by you.

week in the life : farmer's market by you.

week in the life : capturing me by you.

week in the life : coming home by you.

week in the life : hello darth by you.

week in the life : pumpkins on the porch by you.

week in the life : simon's day by you.

week in the life : farmer's market bounty by you.

week in the life : fresh flowers by you.

week in the life : simon + chris fixing tostadas by you.

week in the life : german apple cake by you.

week in the life : reading homework by you.

Went with the simple list idea again - not as detailed as day one, but still much more than I would ever do without this project.

1. Super happy Simon wake-up this morning. He came into our room around 2am. I stayed for a bit and then went to his bed (which happens to be a bit more comfortable because of a firmer mattress). He joined me at about 5:45am just before the alarm went off at 6am.
2. Breakfast routine same as Monday: bagel + cream cheese for Simon, cereal for Chris, and me, I have to wait a bit for my thyroid medication. I usually eat after Simon leaves for school.
3. Every morning that Simon is cheerful I am so very thankful.
4. Working on a project for Australian Creating Keepsakes.
5. Listening to OPB.
6. Head out to the Farmer’s Market. Pick up spinach, carrots, celery, red onion, raspberries, and flowers. Grab a toasted bagel from Bagel Sphere.
7. Ship package to Australia.
8. Look up some recipes at Do a bit of meal planning for the week.
9. Text Chris to pick up a couple things at the grocery store.
10. Make German Apple Cake + eat hummus and pita chips for lunch.
11. Clean up kitchen.
12. Move laundry around.
13. Back to work. Internet. Emails.
14. Talk to Mom on the phone. Ask her about how to get the cake out of the bundt pan.
15. Totally bummed that message board has been down today.
16. Simon comes home on the bus.
17. We check out his Communication Notebook. Looks good. He brought home the same library book he brought home almost every trip last year.
18. On comes the Darth Vader costume and Star Wars video.
19. Chris talks on the phone. Mom reads about cloth diapers.
20. I take a little nap.
21. Dinner is tostadas (Chris cooks). Dessert is the German Apple Cake.
22. Simon does his math homework (no complaints tonight) at the table and then puts on his PJ’s.
23. Reading homework on the couch.
24. Family light saber battle.
25. Simon in bed. Read Green Eggs + Ham.
26. Back to work for a bit.
27. Watch Tivo’d John Stewart.


This week I am excited to give away a spot in Kolette Hall's Giving Well (In 2-hours or Less) online workshop at Big Picture Scrapbooking.

Kolette is one of my favorite people and happens to be having a baby right around the same time as me next year. She is a fabulous product designer and instructor who really keeps the emphasis on things being meaningful and coming from the heart.

Here's the basics of Giving Well:

Gift-giving is an art. From the gift tag and wrapping paper to what's inside the package, you are saying something when you give a gift. Back by popular demand, Kolette Hall has designed a fresh round of fabulous, manageable gift ideas for the holiday season and all year long. This class is literally packed with everything you need to give well for the holidays or any special event all year long - and Kolette has designed every idea you will see in this class!

Every other day, you will receive a new idea for "Giving Well (still in 2-hours or less!)." True to form, Kolette has also included her exclusive downloadable artwork to help you create the perfect gifts, holiday cards and gift tags. As those of you who joined us last year for Giving Well know, you will be amazed with what you get in just four weeks of class time.

You asked for it, so we're starting class a month earlier than last year to make sure you have plenty of time to get those projects done for the holidays! Whether you are mass producing one gift idea or choosing to craft a different gift for each person on your list, you'll get tons of ideas for creating personalized gifts in less than two hours. Come join Kolette as she guides you in your new art form: the art of Giving Well.

You can read all the details about this online workshop here. It runs October 9 through November 5th. While you are there you can also check out her year long workshop for 2009: A Life Well Crafted.

To be entered leave a comment below and let us know if you have started planning for the upcoming holiday season yet. Comment section will be closed at 5pm today (Wednesday) and the winner announced shortly after.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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638 thoughts

  1. Linda says…

    Hmmmm planning for the holiday season. Well, I guess I can actually say "YES!" for a change! I've started gift lists, and even purchased a couple of gift cards already (coffee shop gift cards - great for coaches, teachers, crossing guards etc etc etc). Work wise I had to starting thinking holidays a few weeks ago, so that helps me get into the planning mode. Out of planning and into action, well, that can be a totally different story!!!lol

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jo says…

    I ordered in a load of kraft cards and envelopes this week ready to make the family's christmas cards. Today I have cut out fabric to make stockings to hang from the mantle piece and plan to make little advent stockings which will run along the banister of stairs. I love Christmas and read up on Kolette's course a few weeks back. Would love to do the course, but I'd already signed up for Cathy Zielske's course and couldn't afford to do both!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Lisa Hiatt says…

    HI Ali---I'm loving this project, thanks for the opportunity to create with you. The holiday know I feel like we lose out on the beauty of fall if I think about xmas too much too early, it's like waiting for Friday on Monday morning, with that attitude we are wishing our lives away, so I am going to wait until November at least to really start my holiday activities. Thanks again, Lisa

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. DeborahK says…

    Yes, I have already started getting ready for the holidays. Shoppping and planning cards. It is still hot here in Texas so we are hoping it cools off soon. I would love to be wearing a sweater now - but I am off to exercise bootcamp and it is in the 90's. (Did anyone say BRUTAL??)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. marla says…

    my only planning is that I have many of my gifts bought but that wasn't really planned it just happens that I enjoy shopping and finding bargains...that and I have bought some ribbon to wrap with :)
    Kolette's class sounds wonderful!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. krista follett says…

    i feel like it's too early to start planning for the holidays...i start to get wound up around the end of November but i have to admit that i bought my Christmas cardstock at my LSS for my's been on my mind a little...i just get too excited about i can't think about it too early!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jessica Ozburn says…

    Wow! That is so nice of you. I debated taking this class, but haven't decided yet. That would be great to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Michelle Clark says…

    I have some ideas of things I want to make this year. I haven't started anything yet..too busy with Halloween stuff. :)
    I am having so much fun this week working on the week in the life project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Gina says…

    i've started making gifts for a Stamping group i belong to and have a few presents tucked away for my kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. psmulican says…

    I am so looking forward to Christmas this year! I will be off the entire break with my son and husband. It will be wonderful family time. I have already started planning in so much as I have begun collecting supplies for two special gifts I am making-one Lisa Kaus inspired and the other using an antique Victorian comb and brush chest which will be altered on the inside as a tribute to sisterhood for my siter. I hope to begin putting my other lists together soon-they are a saving grace at Christmas time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. shelleymay says…

    i have!I have started sketching christmas cards and have vowed to buy or make handmade ALL items this year. also - will have my mom here for good now - so totally looking for ideas to kick it all up a notch or two this year. LOVE to give well... it's not about the monetary value of the gift but the meaning and how you give it that counts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Robin says…

    Great post Ali...good photo ideas...I will have to do the self timer on the kitchen counter for a family portait. Thanks for the opportunity to join Kolette's class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. melanie g. says…

    My kids just started making their lists for Santa last night! Might just have to include a copy in this week's project. I have a couple of Christmas project ideas in mind, but nothing is started... yet!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Cameron says…

    I always do photo cards so I'm starting to choose a cute photo to use (and take more photos of my husband and I together!) and I have plans of things I want to make for certain family members. :) I love th BPS classes, I'd love to take Kolette's class! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Tirzah says…

    This class sounds like lots of fun. I would love to try it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Tammy says…

    I am planning on making a few roledex type calendars to give as gifts this Christmas along with the normal food type gifts and plan on using my Just rite stamp sets to devorate them. I would love to win Kolette's gift giving class . . . it sounds like something I would really enjoy! Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Tan says…

    I'm from Australia so I don't know whether I've made the deadline or not but I'll post a comment anyway! This year is the first year I am trying to get all my Christmas shopping done by November. So far so good. I'm not finished but I know what I'm getting those I haven't bought for yet! I decided on a theme for this year `A Very Etsy Christmas'. I am buying everyone handmade gifts from Etsy...and plan on making cute little gift tags to let them know where in the world their present came from! I would love love LOVE to do this workshop :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Debbie Mitchell says…

    I have had to be organised in advance this year as we will only arrive home from 21st Dec from our holiday in Florida! Yes, we're going to Disney for Christmas! I'm so excited - never mind the kids! It will be the first ever long trip for the boys (who are 3 and 1 and a half) - its a nine hour flight from the UK for us, so that will be interesting! I'm thinking about my album already! We are also going out for Christmas dinner, so that's one less thing for me to plan! My oldest son will be 4 on Christmas Day, so I have 2 sets of gifts to organise for him. I had been looking at this class - trying to think of something original and personal for my son's teachers - they have been fabulous this year and I'd like to show our appreciation.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Becky P. says…

    I am definitely thinking about the holidays and feeling more overwhelmed than I ever have this time around!
    Love all your Tuesday photos by the way!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Laura says…

    I'm just starting to feel the holiday spirit. I have started catalog shopping which saves lots of time and allows me to get some awesome gifts that you can't find in stores.
    Haven't started my handmade gifts yet, though. Still trying to decide what I'm going to make this year.
    I'm sure Kolette's class rocks. She is such an inspiration.
    I'm really excited about this Week in Your Life project, Ali. I'm looking at things differently, and while I haven't taken as many pictures daily as you have, I think the book will be a remarkable document of our day to day life! Thanks for all the ideas!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Nicole says…

    Oh yes I have been thinking about the holiday season and birthday season, as the child goes back to school you have a lot of that. And I am thinking heavily on the fact that so many things are dangerous to us from other countries! So it would be nice to give something that is safely made and yet creative! What a great class! And thank you Ali for the great inspiration! This world could use a lot more people like you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Melanie says…

    I don't know about deadline either, so I will leave a comment - and nope, I haven't started yet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Tracy G says…

    I have not started planning yet....we have to decide as a family what we want to do to celebrate, how we want to give back, and start making our lists.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Angela says…

    Seems like I'm always planning for the holiday season and always rushing around at the last minute despite my carefully crafted plans. I would love to participate in a workshop orchestrated by someone else, so thanks for sharing this giveaway. Thanks, too, for constantly challenging your readers to be creative.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jessica B says…

    Oh, I would love to win entry into this class. I was just looking at it last night and thinking what a great class it would be. I would like to say that I have started planning for the holiday season but unfortunately I haven't. It is in the back of my mind though :)

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