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Week In The Life : Wednesday Photos + Words


week in the life : good morning lily by you.

week in the life : reality by you.

week in the life : coffee with chris by you.

week in the life : coffee with chris by you.

week in the life : doctor's appointment by you.

week in the life : headlines by you.

week in the life : lunch by you.

week in the life : high-five by you.

week in the life : after-school play by you.

week in the life : wednesday homework by you.

week in the life : wednesday night swimming by you.


- Simon was up before the alarm today. When I got up I found him on the
couch cuddled up under a blanket where he had gone back to sleep after
not being able to locate the Darth Vader mask.

- Bagel. OJ. Clothes on. Wait for bus. Off to school.

- Working on financial spreadsheet. Working on establishing a budget.

- Chris checking out Facebook.

- Emails.

- Shower.

- Chris tells me “I like it when you are funny.”

- We head out for coffee and to my OB appointment.
Starbucks: decaf pumpkin spice for me, cinnamon dolce for Chris.

- Wait 45 mins for doctor ☺.

- All good at the appointment. Measuring a bit big which she said was a
good thing. Lots of political banter (love that about her). Will be
going to OHSU for second level II appointment on Friday.

- I love that Chris comes to the appointments with me. I love having a bit of time with him to grab a coffee.

- Planning to cook homemade chicken noodle soup tonight.

- Work on Designer Digitals releases for this weekend.

- Simon home at 1:45pm (every Wednesday). A high five to Chris as he leans out the window from the living room.

- In the house. “Stayed in green.” And into the Darth costume.

- “I am the best Darth in the whole world.” According to Simon.

- On comes Empire Strikes Back.

- Nap time for me on the couch.

- Chris goes to a meeting. I cook dinner (did the homemade chicken noodle soup and it was great). Simon does his homework. Fix Simon’s dinner.

- Chris comes home + we head to the indoor swimming pool. A Wednesday night tradition.

- We leave there with Simon in his PJ’s. Home. Brush teeth. Read book. Prayer.

- Work a bit more.


So how's it going? Are you still playing along?

I know it is a challenge to keep going. I find that by this evening I have found my rhythm. I am not capturing everything, but it is enough to tell a pretty complete story about our lives right now. I am not obsessing about the photos or the words or the stuff (I barely have any this time around)...just letting it become a part of my day without overtaking my day.

In the comments section of the last post Dena asked about stuff. So far I have very few things: a couple receipts, a copy of the paper, grocery list, a few things Simon has brought home from school. It's not a big deal if you don't have a ton of stuff - in the end we will just be working with whatever we have collected.

Make sure you are getting yourself in some of your photos. Use your self-timer or have someone in your family take some shots of you. You are a major part of this story.

Hope you are enjoying this journey.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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82 thoughts

  1. José (It's a Girlsname here in Holland!) says…

    Still following along. But I have to say; It's hard to make decent (and interessting) pics when you work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. It brings me back on earth and realise that I don't want to do this (working 40 hours a week) for the rest of my life. I hope that within 5 years I can do this project again and be happy about the photo result...

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. vanessa says…

    It's harder then I thought but I am greatful to be doing it. I add in Stacy's project too.
    Who knew our lives would be so intresting and different from day to day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. sannika says…

    Still going. I'm a bit disappointed in my photos - it is soooo dark here in Finland this time of year that with my skills the photos are not what I'd like them to be. But I know the album will be interesting anyway, so I keep on taking the blurry & dark photos :-) Happy about a few successes as well. I still love the idea of this album and even before finishing this album I think I'll do another one later.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Johanna says…

    I'm still going strong :) I have to remind myself though that not this project is my week, but my week is this project! I am terribly good at procrastinating and fiddling around with my camera, forgetting what it actually was I was doing and documenting. Working on it though! I even had a few ideas how the album could come together, which I love, as this is my first scrapbooking project and I was a bit anxious to do it "right" before starting this. A perfect chance and a challenge, as well! It's not hard for me to take "enough" photos or collect "enough" stuff, but to keep focused on my day (setting priorities is my weak spot). So this is what I am trying to achieve!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kelly says…

    Hi Ali,
    I was wondering if you could post a copy of Simon's communication book or email it to me.
    I am trying to improve communication with my daughters kindergarten teacher I think this would be perfect!
    Congrats on your pregnancy, she is one lucky girl ;)
    Hugs from Germany,

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Nora says…

    I'm still playing along, taking photos every day and I have also uploaded them every day + edited some to put on Flickr and in my blog. I don't write much each day, I just make a short list of what I've done and where I've been:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Thinkie says…

    At the beginning of the week I've made lists of what to take pics of and they help me not to forget about things but mostly I'm just clicking as I go along. My husband is also taking more pics of me than normally because of this project. One of the pics I'm shooting daily is the view from our livingroom, it has a great big window and that view is one of the things we love most about living here. Sometimes we just sit and watch the clouds sail by for a little while. I always keep a journal (not the kind with feelings but about what we do, so it's easy to write journalling for our photoalbums and I don't have to worry about forgetting things when I'm behind on those), but now write more detailed than normally.
    I'm going to scan the covers of the dvd's we watched/cd's we listened this week and try to find the logo's of the shops I've been to.
    I'm thinking about making an album about how it is to live here, still in doubt to make this project a part of that, keep it seperate or make it part of the 2008 album.
    I think most of my pics look horrible 'cause I don't have a lot of patience these past couple of days to really take time and compose a pic, and the lighting is often horrible (autumn has set in, it's really rainy and clouded and despite of the big windows it's so dark I have to turn the lights on during the day sometimes), but that's ok, these pics are snapshots of everyday life and I'm going to have small prints of most of them anyway.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. kim Faucher says…

    still snapping away despite the rolling of eyes from a few family members and a few places that actually won't let me take camera.. so Im doing a ton of still shots to tell the story better
    need to write a bit more..
    still having fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jan says…

    Hi Ali,
    I love this project! I love the calendar on the clipboard! Where did you get the calendar? Love that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Nora says…

    Lady Scrapsalot: I know you asked Ali but I just wanted to give my input..hehe. I would totally cheat and take a photo later. Like right now I'm headnig to the gym but not bringing my camera, so I'm just going to use the photo I took of the gym when I walked past there yesterday:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Sandi says…

    Still playing along and enjoying it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. TeresaP says…

    I did the first 2/3rds of the day.... now with all your inspiration here... I am planning to do this next week! :) I will be a week behind you all :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Nicky Anderson says…

    Enjoying the project - have slowed a bit on the pictures, but like you feel I will have enough to use. Don't have a ton of papers yet this week, very little mail - a skating receipt and not much else. Looking forward to help putting this together.
    Have a great day

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Steph H says…

    Hey Ali!! I started yesterday because I was already working on a monthly album for September. So I decided to document the first seven days of October this way.
    I love that it's giving me more fun time with my camera instead of just nonstop shooting for work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jessi says…

    Still playing! I'm having a hard time remembering to write things down, though. And when I do finally remember, I feel like I have nothing to say. My routine is the same everyday. Oh, well.....

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. René says…

    I started last Saturday and have been keeping up well. The challenge is making me take a fresh look at my life, why I do the things I do, and question whether or not I need to do some of the things I do. I am enjoying this very, very much!!

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  17. Carol In Loveland says…

    Ali, Thanks for the inspiration to do this project. Besides the fun of capturing our lives right now, it's started some interesting conversations about WHY exactly I have a camera at the bus stop, etc. Also, I've had my camera to catch some precious moments not related to my family - like the two darling little girls laying on a blanket while their mom worked in our CSA gardens. Beautiful!
    I do have a question. I love all of your little close ups of daily life. They make for neat compositions. I haven taken some of those, but I need tips on how to make the "big picture" photos (of an entire room or whatever) come out looking well-composed. Sometimes these seem to be the ugliest shots, but also the most interesting down the road. Thanks again for the inspiration! Carol

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  18. Heather says…

    Ali -
    This week has been amazing -- I find that I am so much more aware of my day and sometimes even the choices I make (hmm.. do I really want my kids to remember chicken nuggets for dinner or roast chicken -- not that I am making changes for the week, but I am thinking more about the choices we make all the time. Was so made at myself yesterday when we went for a walk on the perfect fall day and forgot the camera! Ugh! I love reviewing my day every evening and my parents who live far away love receiving my photo composites every night.

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  19. jennyg says…

    Having so much fun with this project. My camera has been, dentist, school, Target, mall, kitchen, trashcan, laundry... Thanks for the inspiration and your continued posts! It would be fun to do this the same time next year to see how my life has changed just in 1 year! Thanks again...Jenny, TN

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  20. Amanda J. says…

    I'm playing this week :). I've been using my remote to take pictures of myself or me and my friends together.
    One thing this projects has taught me is to be more THERE. Does that make sense? Maybe more present is a better word. I'm enjoying the process very much.

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  21. scrapwordsgirl says…

    Still here, Ali!! Yesterday got photos of our local Wal-Mart where I do most of my shopping, my Mom's 70th birthday and a few other things. I am becoming more aware of my daily life and my surroundings. Keeping up with the journaling, too. Today my husband and I leave for a mini break for our 16th anniversary!! Looking forward to those photos I take. Also can't wait to create this next week. AND I have several receipts from yesterday, too!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Kelli Lee says…

    It is going better than I expected. As the week progresses I seem to get better, ecspecially after I figured out the self timer thing. Take a couple shots of each picture I want just in case I need to choose in the end. As for the question about "stuff" here are a few things I have been keeping, receipts, grocery list, city newsletter, cable bill that arrived on day 1, I printed out the weather report for Wednesday, a happy email from a friend, the packaging of my favorite tea, a candy wrapper of the candy I was snacking on durning my scrapping on Tuesday, the AC wrapper from teh album I bought for this project, a extra envelope from the bank stop I had on WEdnsday....just some of my stuff.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. jennyg says…

    ps..What will you do for the first page of the album?..I noticed on some of the past albums from your class that there was a calendar. Thanks~Jenny, TN

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  24. Niki Rockson says…

    Hi Ali
    I am enjoying this little challenge alot. I was wondering when you use the trading card page protectors do you cut your pictures to fit or get them resized somewhere. Thanks

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Becci Longstreth says…

    I absolutely love your clipboard calendar! Did you make the calendar pages yourself? The simplicity is wonderful!!

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