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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaways: Get It Scrapped, Lettergirl, and Scarlet Lime


One person will receive an online class spot in Art Journaling 101 and another person will get a spot in Art Journaling 102 with Dina at Get It Scrapped.

Are there are times when photos and journaling on a traditional scrapbook page don’t convey all you’d like? Scrapbooker, mixed-media collage artist, and visual journaler Dina Wakley uses a line-upon-line approach in her online classes at Get It Scrapped! to teach even those who think they’re not artistic the craft of making Art Journal pages. Classes include downloadable pdf and video lessons.

In Art Journaling 102 Dina teaches you how to “amp” up your images, layers, and textures. Art Journaling 101 covers the basics of art and journaling techniques and includes a bonus Spray Ink tutorial.


One person will receive a Katie Return Address Stamp (choice of rubber or self-inking) from Lettergirl.

Gina has been hand-lettering for 16 years. She sells her custom
stationery through retail stationery stores across the country; the "Katie Return Address"
design is an etsy exclusive.

Shop Gina : Meet Gina


One person will receive Scarlet Lime's bright and cheerful February kit. You can read more about Scarlet Lime here.


To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment letting me know something that is making you happy right now. Comments will be closed at 8pm this evening with the winners posted shortly after.

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2774 thoughts

  1. Leslie says…

    A hot cup of tea to start my morning off makes me happy today. Sometimes it is the smallest of pleasures.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Beth says…

    Your Wednesday giveaway is making me very happy right now! ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kristen B. says…

    Today - my kiddos are both healthy after dealing with pneumonia and flu bugs....that's why I'm happy!
    I'm so inspired by you and your blog, Ali!! Congratulations on the new baby girl - she is beautiful!
    Kristen B.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Elaine P says…

    What's making me happy right now? Knowing that my mom and dad will be home tomorrow from their winter pilgrimage to ski country. They've been gone for five weeks. She's my artistic muse, so I have MISSED her. I have so many projects to share with her as soon as I see her again. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Amy Cline says…

    Oh Ali, your daughter is just perfect. I am glad you all are well and doing great at home!! We are glad to have you back as well. Thanks for the awesome product giveaways.

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  6. sherryg says…

    The gentle rain is making me happy. It's not storming, just raining, and we need the rain.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Laura says…

    The book The Middle Place and the author Kelly Corrigan (who I met 2 days ago) are making me very, very happy right now. People like you Ali (and Kelly) that are working hard to throw goodness and support out in to the world always make me very happy. Congrats to you and your family on Anna, enjoy every minute of this time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Julie Campbell says…

    Oh man! I've been on the fence for months... trying to decide whether or not I can afford a Scarlet Lime subscription. :) It's just a beautiful thing. What's making me happy right now? Playing 'Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee' with my 3 yr. old at 7 am. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Meghan says…

    I'm happy for my mom, she's on a much needed trip to Italy with some of her girlfriends! She deserves it, she's always doing things for others so I'm happy she's taken the time to treat herself!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jane (nswscrapper) says…

    Two things making me happy right now.
    I have my babies home - at least for a few weeks. My 18 year old is having a gap year so hasn't flown the nest yet and my 22 yo has finished Uni and she's home for a few weeks.
    Also - My younger daughter wrote that "her mum is FABULOUS" on her Facebook page! Gave me goosebumps.
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter - happy families make ME happy!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Alyson says…

    I'm happy right now because I have a new job!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Susan W says…

    I am happy that my 6 year old is happily playing before going to school while I am on the computer for a few minutes with my itunes playing some new music ... it is a good happy morning.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Korey Lindberg says…

    Watching my 8 1/2 year old cruise around the house in his walker, exploring new areas of the house with a huge smile on his face is making me happy right now!
    I hope you and your little family are doing well and I have to say that the pictures you have posted so far are completely adorable!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Sara says…

    Knowing that after six months in S Korea, I'll be seeing my soldier in 10 days is making be beyond happy right now!

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  15. Katherine Vo Brooks says…

    We've been a drought for the past few years in California. The weeks of rain have brought some much, MUCH needed water and I'm happy for that. When I look out my window, everything is wet and green. Its calming and pleasant. I like that.

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  16. Rebecca Brigham says…

    I am happy that my husband and I both still have our jobs. So many people are losing theirs... it is a scary time. We are grateful and blessed.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Regan says…

    well the suy warmer weather was making me happy but alas I woke up to a cloudy and snowy day..hmmm
    spring will be here soon!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Mary says…

    I'm happy right now that my 2 1/2 yo is showing some interest in using the potty. He actually tells me sometimes that he needs to go. YIPPEE!!!
    Mary Whiteside
    Chas., SC

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Michelle Botterman says…

    Seeing my little boy yesterday wanting to feel like a "big boy" playing with his dad's old Gameboy at his speech therapy office. All the older kids play their games and he watches. He was beaming wanting to be like them. I couldn't get over how much it meant to him.

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  20. Sandy says…

    my wonderful 4-legged child is making me happy...and old english sheepdog, Penelope Louise! if i find myself felling down about something, i can look at her and into her big brown eyes and know that she is happy with me and loves me unconditionally and that lifts me up!
    sandy in nh

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  21. Katherine McKamey says…

    The LOAD challenge is making me happy right now! It's day 18 and I have been feeling super creative! I have been really enjoying having to stop everything to create a layout to upload and my LOAD album has been filling up! Very creative, very happy! I needed this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Erika Hyde says…

    The warm weather has been making me really happy these days. I love the coming of spring after the gray days of winter!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Stephanie B says…

    I am happy to be busy at work today

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  24. Megan says…

    I'm so happy that I had a brand new nephew born yesterday, on my birthday!! :)
    Love all the goodies!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Rachelle Brown says…

    I am happy right now preparing/nesting for baby #2. Kinda like you just did. :)

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