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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. Meri says…

    my ordinary moment is when my 4 yr old son and 7 yr old daughter creep into my bed at night and i feel their little bodies next to mine...just pure bliss!!

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  2. Shannon says…

    I love this idea. My favorite ordinary moment happened just recently. We had just finished the family movie and it was time to brush teeth and go to bed. As always my girls tried to stall by telling us they needed to "family dance to the ABC music". So... we danced!

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  3. Christine says…

    I have lots of them, but my current fave is reading aloud in the evenings. Everyone in our house can read now, and we take turns reading books of varying levels to each other. Thank you! This sounds like an amazing DVD.

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  4. Patti Miller says…

    My most cherished ordinary moments are those spent sitting on the bottom steps looking out of the front window waiting for the bus with my 14 year old son. He is still and he is present - two things that a teenage boy seldom is! We talk, we laugh, we love. Priceless.

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  5. Jill says…

    One of my favorite moments happened today. My husband couldn't come to my son's soccer practice. With about 15 mins. left my husband walks in. Patrick catches sight of his dad, jumps up and down, then tells all his friends that his dad is there. My husband was SO excited that he could see Patrick's excitement and watch his son practice soccer.

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  6. Amy J. says…

    My favorite everyday moment is cuddling with my children as I wake them up in the morning. It is a great way to start the day!

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  7. Angee says…

    As a first year teacher I'm adequately reminded of the fact of what I know, what I thought I knew, and what I don't know. One thing that I have learned is that people, even little one's, want to know their loved, appreciated, and listened to. My favorite moments are when a child trusts me enough to confide in me. Sometimes it challenges me to be a better person, sometimes it requires positive or negative actions, and sometimes my words inspire change in someone who will affect all of our futures. It's remarkable, overwhelming, and inspirational all at once. It's the best non-job I've ever had.

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  8. Angee says…

    As a first year teacher I'm adequately reminded of the fact of what I know, what I thought I knew, and what I don't know. One thing that I have learned is that people, even little one's, want to know their loved, appreciated, and listened to. My favorite moments are when a child trusts me enough to confide in me. Sometimes it challenges me to be a better person, sometimes it requires positive or negative actions, and sometimes my words inspire change in someone who will affect all of our futures. It's remarkable, overwhelming, and inspirational all at once. It's the best non-job I've ever had.

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  9. Sandry says…

    I love how every morning my 2 yr old must get her Tink backpack just like her big sister does and head out the door for the drive to school. She is trying to grow up on me already.

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  10. Kelly W. says…

    Without a doubt, waking my daughter up each morning. It's quiet and warm and snuggly. I whisper and run my fingers through her hair until she becomes aware...then I talk about her day and what she gets to experience. She usually wakes up animated and excited, looking forward to the day ahead. The some point she tries to snuggle back in and I have to tickle her to get her up. We both start the day with a smile: it's our routine and the best part of my day.

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  11. breeoxd says…

    what a great concept! congratulations to your friend on her release! My fav moment is watching my hunny sleep with my dear kitty in his arms. THAT is some tender stuff!

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  12. Michelle says…

    Watching my son melt snow in a puddle while rays of spring sunshine shower over him.

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  13. Kara M says…

    one of my favorite ordinary moments: sitting by my hubby on the couch after our son goes to sleep on a weeknight and watching an episode or two of "House" just to wind-down

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  14. Barbara says…

    Looks like a good read.

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  15. Tina S. says…

    What a great giveaway! My favorite everyday moment has been the best for me ever since my first child was born 24 years ago. I love to go to the kids' rooms right before I go to bed for the night just to listen to their breathing and their sweet, sleepy sounds. I used to love to listen to their baby sighs. My "baby" is 17 now but I still go into his room each night before I go to bed to listen to the deep even breathing of sleep.

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  16. Kat says…

    Ordinary moments: as a newlywed we are still figuring out what our ordinary is but my favorite time is Sunday morning- hanging out in bed, cooking breakfast and just "being", no hussle and bussle to pull us away from each other.

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  17. Linda Mc says…

    I love lying down at night when I know all is well and my family is safe. The second fav is when we are all awake in the morning rushing to get out of the house!!!!

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  18. pamela joy says…

    The moments right before my daughters fall asleep. That time when they are most open and vulnerable and tell me their dreams and fears and wishes in the dark. I stroke their hair and listen and think how blessed I am. It is my favorite time each and every day.

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  19. Jan C. says…

    Tonight, cooking a pasta dinner with my kids and joking around.

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  20. Michele says…

    The everyday moment I cherish is when my 2.5 year old asks his brother, myself and husband, "How was your day?" OMG to think he cares about us as much as we care about him!

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  21. Jeannie Jones says…

    We were not fortunate to be blessed with children and my husband hates to be photographed. I'm trying to do the Project Life but find that I've run out of creative pictures to take every day. I can only take so many pictures of my daily Coke Zero. I need some inspiration.

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  22. Cait says…

    My favorite ordinary moment? Listening to my son sing a lullaby to his baby sister when he thinks no one is listening. :)

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  23. Kristi says…

    Getting a kiss with super sticky little lips.

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  24. says…

    to love. every day. every moment. every one. no matter what. and btw - I'm going to be a grandma - no ordinary moment, but wonderful all the same

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  25. says…

    I love kissing my daughter goodnight. No matter what went on that day, no matter how many smiles or tears, how much stress or anxiety, I enjoy that moment more than any other. Each night it is a moment of peace and comfort, I take the time to savor it each night.

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