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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. shirley says…

    one of my ordinary moments is hanging out in the kitchen with my adult children and their friends, listening to the stories of their day. Then I wonder what my parents must have thought when it was me and my friends in their kitchen.

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  2. Britiney says…

    We finally broke down and bought the kids (yes, it's for the kids) a Wii. It has afforded us a LOT of fun family time this weekend. More than is probably healthy, actually. Lots of fun ordinary moments.

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  3. Lori says…

    Saturday mornings- everyone still in their pajamas, hot coffee percolating (sp?), the kids playing, my husband working on breakfast and day full of possibility laid out before us.....

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Keshet says…

    Watching 2o minute bits of TV shows on the couch with my husband!

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  5. Kim Hacking says…

    Readying the house at night before I go to sleep. Turn off lights, turn down thermostat, close blinds, lock doors, etc...

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  6. Staci Miserlian says…

    This sounds very intruiging. I think some of my favorite orginary moments are snuggled up with the kids on the couch while watching tv. My 12 year old used to sit with me when she was really young & my 9 year old still does.

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  7. Deiga says…

    Definitely dinner around the table - with everyone home. Not wild about the cooking or the cleaning up afterwards, but love the 'moment' around the table.

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  8. Jacquelyn says…

    Hiding behind the door or in the hallway with my husband when my 2-year-old is in his room singing and dancing his little heart out. My husband and I giggle like school children as we hear "tinkle tinkle...wittle STAR" (yelling) "ow i...wat woo ARE!" and he just shows us how to live a life where there are no boundaries. Such a regular moment for us but one that never fails to put things into perspective, where we hope to life our lives a little more like our children.

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  9. Patricia says…

    Picking my dinner ingredients from my backyard garden...

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  10. Kelly says…

    Walking through the house before going to bed, turning off all the lights, filling the water pitcher one last time to ensure cold water in the morning, and hitting the "start" button on the dishwasher.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Mandy says…

    Visiting my parents home and seeing my niece Hayden. I don't get to see her all that often because I live about 5 hours from them. I love it when I wake up each morning and she comes straight up to me and wants me to hold her and roll around with her. It is a truly beautiful moment. I love that she trusts me so much even though she see me rarely. She is almost 2 years old and so beautiful. Those moments take my breath away. I love them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Michelle Elaine says…

    Every night I "visit" my kids in their beds when I tuck them in. There they tell me about their day: good and bad. For some reason they are more open then, than any other time of day. Very ordinary, but very special.

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  13. benessi says…

    Morning coffee, checking emails while my 7-month old son is playing on the floor, speaking his very own language.

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  14. Jana says…

    Funny, just told this story today at work - we were talking about dogs, & how through time the "scary" dogs have changed from german shepherds to dobermans, rottweilers & pit bulls. I had a rottweiler experience a while back. We used to have bunnies & when strange dogs would come around I'd poke my head outside to shoo them away, not wanting them to scare the bunnies. They always would just jump away, & run off until one day a rottweiler visited. I again popped outside & hollered "go away, shoo" thinking it'd bolt, but instead it just stood & stared at me! What?! That sorta freaked me out, so I went inside & gathered a handful of rubber bands & went back out & started shooting them at the dog, hollering still! Yeah, just an ordinary moment in our life... at that time anyway!

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  15. Ali says…

    Saturday morning at the coffee shop with friends. It is for sure a "third place" in my life.

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  16. tonya says…

    My fav ordinary moment is driving to school with my kids!

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  17. Marg Van Patten says…

    Listening to my 6 year old granddaughter reading a favorite story to me is one of those ordinary moments that really melt my heart.
    Very nice giveaway today Ali...thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sarah says…

    My favorite ordinary moment is: enjoying a cup of spiced chai tea in the 9 o'clock hour of morning while my 9-month old baby watches Sesame Street on television. His entire face lights up with such enthusiasm whenever he hears one of the muppets. There is a reason WHY Sesame Street has been around for 40 years.... because kids LOVE IT!

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  19. Paula in Australia says…

    My ordinary moment is looking forward to my daughter coming into our bed for early morning cuddles the way her sister and brother (my step children) used to when they were little. Nothing beats an early morning sleepy snuggle from someone you love so dearly. Thanks for the chance to win.

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  20. Kelly says…

    My favorite moments are at bedtime, while we're plugging in phones, slathering on lotion, getting into jammies, setting alarms, and chatting about today and tomorow....then laughing as we shoo the dogs from the pillows to the foot of the bed and slide close to each other...and seeing his eyes...large, soft, and brown...and realizing again how much love we share...right before he kisses me goodnight.

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  21. Karen says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is when my son comes home from school. I love that time when he is eating his snack & talking about his day.

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  22. Leslie says…

    Some of my favorite ordinary moments are when its dark outside and still. My family and I sit around our living room and just talk. We talk about EVERYTHING. We have had some of our best conversations ever with our kids during these unplanned times.
    I would LOVE to win a copy, Ali. Thanks!!

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  23. carolyn h says…

    my ordanarly moments have to be in the morning before i go to work fixing breakfast for my husband and having a cup of coffee just getting to spend a little bit of time with him each morning before we begin our day makes the day so much brighter

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Carmel says…

    Reading out loud with my DD - have read to her from the time she was only a few months old until the present (she is now 11).Although she is an awesome reader in her own right we still spend time together before bed when I read out loud to her!

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  25. Monda says…

    Love when our dd arrives home from a day at college, we are all under the same roof, together, safe,

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