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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. Lisa says…

    one of my favorite ordinary moments is sitting down at my desk in the morning, with a mug of herbal tea, to catch up on my friends around the blog world.

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  2. BLKinOR says…

    Cooking for my sweetheart, watching him cook for me or cooking together

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  3. Sandi M. says…

    Every day that my eyes see my world is an (extra) ordinary moment.

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  4. jenn says…

    Quiet days at home with my family on the weekend tending to chores - with fun sprinkled in.

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  5. dawny dee says…

    picking up my son from after school. he's my third, and just like his two sisters before him, when he sees me he breaks out into a big grin and comes running over to me and my heart swells with love.

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  6. Jan says…

    Driving my kids to/from school. My oldest is about to get her license and I am realizing that once she does, I'm really going to miss that time with her and the other carpool kids.

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  7. alyssa says…

    This sounds like a wonderful DVD! Thanks for sharing the info & the giveaway.
    My favorite ordinary moments... cooking dinner with my husband, the funny/random songs we make up for our dogs, our very casual Sunday morning coffee & breakfast routine. So many, many moments. Thanks for helping remind me of them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Meg says…

    One of my favourite ordinary moments is to watch the world out of my window. And what I like even more is to watch it from a bus when going to vacation :)

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  9. Kimberly L.C. says…

    On some weekend mornings, my husband and I lay in bed and talk and he walks his fingers around my face, as if his fingers were a tiny, little man. Him being so gentle and studying my face that way... it's one of my favorite, ordinary moments.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Cheryl says…

    my favorite moment is listening to my daughter read to us when it seems that just yesterday we were reading the bedtime story to her. and seeing how proud she is of herself for sounding out the words she doesn't quite get. It has taking her a long time to get here but she is accomplishing it and loves it.

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  11. Jesa says…

    Watching my husband and son reading, playing or simply taking a nap together.

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  12. kathy m says…

    Baking...yesterday spent the afternoon baking a loaf of yummy bread. The house smelled wonderful when everyone got home.

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  13. Stephanie George says…

    Currently my favorite every day moment is putting my 6 month old daughter down for her first nap of the day. This is when she is the calmest and sweetest. She nuzzles into my neck and wraps her tiny arm up over my shoulder. I usually give her about four extra sweet kisses before laying her down in her crib.

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  14. Denise K. says…

    Hearing my husband make breakfast for our son (age 7) and over-hearing their daily morning conversations. Delightful.

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  15. Maggie says…

    When I am with my son and we are caught up in the moment of a great conversation... life is so good! I ma so blessed to have him! Thank you Ali for all you do to bring joy to my life in bits and pieces daily!

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  16. Malin/malwa says…

    Snuggle up in the sofa with a good book! :)

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  17. linda says…

    I'm reading Brené's book right now and heard about this DVD...would be lovely to see it :P We are all worthy NOW!

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  18. conniemelancon says…

    Everyone gathered in the living room after supper and bathes to watch one of our favorite programs which right now happens to be American Idol. We all have our favorites and we all TRY to sing along! LOVE THIS TIME! Everyone is happy.

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  19. michelle c. says…

    The ordinary moments haven't always been my favorites until more recently because I am learning to appreciate the normal everyday stuff, not always holding out for the next big thing to happen. Lately I'm enjoying listening to my 4 yr old play in the next room and hearing her talk to herself as she makes up all sorts of cool stories. Her sweet little sing-songey voice is precious.

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  20. Deb J says…

    Been following Brene for a while now. Did her read along of her one book. Can't wait to see her DVD. She's a very special lady.
    My ordinary moment is just being in church every Sunday morning and being blessed by it. It's an every Sunday thing but I guess it is far from ordinary really.

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  21. Marla H. says…

    My special ordinary moment is spending time shopping with my teenage daughter or making cards with her.!!

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  22. HeatherK says…

    My husband leaves for work before I do so every morning he comes and gives me a kiss before he leaves. I look forward to this every morning.

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  23. Barbi says…

    My favorite everyday moment (and this has been my favorite for awhile now) is over hearing all the cute, cute sister chats coming from my 7 1/2 and 5 year old girls. They whisper away for quite awhile sharing secrets, giggles and moments. Love it!

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  24. Marnie says…

    "You are worthy. You are enough." this message jumped off the page and brought me to tears. This is a constant battle for me and this morning has been one of sheer fight within myself. I told my husband, just before sleep came last night..."I just want to be enough"
    Thank you for these words. They were a gift today.

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  25. Joyce says…

    Saturday "stay-up-late-and-movie-night" with my 2 & 5 yr old boys. They get to pick the movie, we lay out our picnic blanket in front of the tv, turn off the lights and enjoy our movie and popcorn. They both look forward to it all week long. So simple, yet so priceless. I look forward to it too :)

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