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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. tina says…

    I enjoy conversations with my daughter while I'm driving her to school every morning. It's uninterrupted 1x1 time that is so hard to find otherwise.

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  2. beth says…

    Jan. 24th, 2010--My mom and dad came to church with us because my 6 year-old and my nephew were singing in choir. My folks didn't usually attend, but they never missed their grandsons singing. We ate at Pizza Inn afterwards--my sister's family, my family, and our parents. Typical Sunday. Ordinary Sunday. My dad passed away on Jan. 27th, of a massive heart attack. He was so healthy and had no warning signs. He played golf the morning of his death. It was a complete surprise and has been so heart breaking. On Jan. 24th, I didn't know it would be our last ordinary day with us all together. Now I savor that memory.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. marlis says…

    I just took a picture of my morning coffee in a treasured cup. And then promptly wrote about how my husband has brought me a cup of coffee every single morning we've been together. 36 years now. It's those ordinary things that make life momentous.

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  4. Jess says…

    Just sitting with my oldest in the mornings before the baby wakes. Those quiet moments of connection really start the day off right!

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  5. rose says…

    I have long felt that we all need a voice-we seem to silence our feelings and our thoughts. I struggle with this on a daily basis.

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  6. donna c says…

    your blog and inspiration is what has made me realize how important the little things are! i have a dear friend that is desperately in need of this dvd..i am always trying to tell her that she is important...she is too busy doing for others! this is an amazing blog..thanks for sharing Ali! as always.

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  7. Jill says…

    Getting ready for work each morning. The same routine, over and over. It's all mine.

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  8. tammy g says…

    Right now an ordinary moment is wiping noses and filling humidifiers. But warmer weather is right around the corner.

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  9. Mandi says…

    honestly, it's the wrinkled nose squinty eyed smiles of my 20 mo. old baby girl. She rocks my world.

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  10. quiltter says…

    Thank you for introducing new people to your blog followers. I love journal time and thinking about the good things in my day. I have a loving husband of 62 years who tells me almost everyday that I'm his favorite lady in the whole world. To pay him back we are in FL for 3 weeks so he can attend spring training baseball games from which he gets so much enjoyment.

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  11. Susan Bowers says…

    Eating homemade pizzas in the living room and watching a movie with hubby and twin 12-yesr old sons

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  12. Pam K says…

    I love how my youngest greets me when I pick him up or come home. He runs to me, flings his small but mighty arms tightly arund me saying, "Momo, mama . . . I love you mommy!" I have no idea why the "momo, mama", but I now it is his term of endearment for me and I love this everyday extraordinary moment.

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  13. Kelly Massman says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is just having time to sit down to dinner with the whole family. Thanks for the giveaway--it sounds like a confidence builder--i need that for sure!

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  14. erin s says…

    When my husband and I are both off work and we stay in bed late in the morning, hanging out with our two boys... talking, laughing, watching tv and cuddling.

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  15. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is kissing my husband awake. I get up before he does, so I usually get to wake him, and he always smiles at me.

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  16. Margaret says…

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote!!!!!!! thanks for posting and sharing it!!!!!! my ordinary moments??? time spent on FACEBOOK!!!!!!! :)
    thanks for the opportunity to win!

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  17. Katie Pegher says…

    The moment when I enter my son's room when he awakens from his nap. His cheeks are always flushed and warm. And my nose seems to sink into them like a warm marshmallow when I smooch them. It's my favorite moment of everyday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Chris SB says…

    Listening to the family get ready in the morning. I like the hear the sounds of my husband going downstairs, and listening to our dog follow him. I can hear the dog's dog tag click his food bowl while he is eating. I love to hear when the dog comes in from outside. He usually brings a toy up with him and then it's time to play. Fun times!

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  19. NancyN says…

    I like taking the bus/train to work. There are so many interesting things to see. This morning the sunrise was spectacular!

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  20. Bec says…

    I am a single empty-nester. These days my favorite moment is coming home from a crazy day at work and playing with my dog who is always thrilled to see me. Snuggling on the couch with her comes next. Dr. Brown's book has played a big part in my road to wellness. Looking forward to the new one.

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  21. Brittney Aldous says…

    I really value eating a sit-down dinner every night with my family.

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  22. Peg says…

    Connecting with my BFF over a cup of tea is one of those ordinary things that make my life rich. We had a slumber party Friday night. A rarefied treasure for sure!

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  23. karen says…

    I'm enjoying one of my very ordinary moments...dropped off my 3 year old @ romp n roll, my 1 year old is sacked out in her carseat and I have parked in a random parking lot with my droid phone and my sookie book! We both have 1 more hour of bliss before we get moving again! Thx ali & brene!

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  24. Shelly K says…

    I love every evening around the dinner table...sometimes we are laughing, sometimes "debating", but always enjoying each other. I love the things that come out of my children's mouths...ah the simple truths!
    Thanks for another great giveaway!

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  25. Kathy F says…

    I have two springer spaniels. One who wakes up every day, ready for life, full of happiness and excitement. We hike in the morning and she loves it, we see other people and dogs and there's always the hunt. The sheer joy, she wakes up with, each day is amazing. She makes everyone smile and is such a charmer. So my moments, are hiking with the dogs, and watching the joy they experience during that hour and a half of being allowed to be . . . all dog!

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