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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. Jenell says…

    An ordinary, yet wonderful, moment is when I walk into my daughter's house and she's holding her 7 month old daughter (our first grandchild) and the baby grins from ear to ear when she sees me, grinning even behind the binky! The DVD should provide some great inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity.

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  2. Deanna Snader says…

    my favorite ordinary moment of life is when I am sitting in the car driving my daughters to different activities and they start telling me all the details of their day. Makes me happy that they still want to share with me and happy that they feel they can trust me with their secrets.

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  3. patty says…

    since my son (who will be 14 this fri.) got a dvd collection of "supernatural" for christmas...we have been watching them together and really enjoying and bonding over this. we have our special time. i am savoring this time, even though it is basically ordinary, because he is growing up so very fast. This time is so precious and fleeting...that is the story of my ordinary favorite moments!
    thank you ali for sharing!!!

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  4. Jenny says…

    My boys are 2.5 and 1. I love tucking them in. It's ordinary and it happens everyday but there's something about those few minutes that are a perfect wrap-up to the day!

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  5. amanda says…

    Taking the time to make dinner - sometimes it feels like such a chore but I need to remind myself that it's an important moment in my day and in my life and when I do -- I love it.

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  6. Judy Webb says…

    Just yesterday, I made a two page layout about my husband's 80th birthday. Not and ordinary moment, but certainly one of the best moments in our lives. He turns 84 in April and for that we both give Thanks. Scrapbooking our family moments gives me lots of worthiness. God Bless your Wisdom and for sharing it with us.

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  7. Theresa says…

    This looks so neat! After I put the kids to bed, I go and check on them. I love to see their cute faces in their sleep.

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  8. Dani says…

    Those few moments when I have just waken to face another day feeling refreshed snuggled in the warmth of my bed and listening to my hubby and doggie still asleep, waiting for me to wake them with a good morning and love pats.

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  9. Veronica says…

    the early mornings when I see three teenaged boys struggling to wake up for the day of various states of awakedness, they try to converse and get their chores done before heading off for the school may seem dreary to some...for the language usually consists of grunts and moans....but to me ... it is a blessing!

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  10. leah says…

    One of my favorite everyday moments is when my toddler walks up to his newborn baby brother, says "kiss charlie" and then bends down and kisses him on the head. This happens between 10-15 times a day and it melts my heart every time. :)

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  11. Robin says…

    I am potty training my daughter these days and it is completely normal to hear the ABC's sung at a yelling pitch from the bathroom. Life is so funny :)

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  12. Jennifer B says…

    Telling my 11 month old darling "no" and redirecting her for the 13.5 billionth time this morning to stop putting the alphabet frig magnets in the dog's water bowl.....and her smiling like a Cheshire cat the whole time she is doing this act.

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  13. Anne T. says…

    Right now I am savoring the moments where my 5 week old little boy is sleeping peacefully on my chest. I know he won't be this little forever and I have to go back to work next week so I'm treasuring our last few days alone together. For the last few weeks these have been our ordinary moments and I will be sad when things have to change.

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  14. Liz says…

    My favorite ordinary moment is thinking about my boyfriend when he laughs and laugh too just before I fall asleep.

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  15. Katrina says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is the daily drive to drop the kids off at school. We listen to crazy loud music, talk about silly (or deep) things, and laugh.
    (thanks for the reminder to document this on a layout!)

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  16. melissa says…

    Organizing my home. Daily routines of wiping down the counters and sweeping up the floor. Walking around my house picking up the odds and ends of my family. Some days it doesn't feel like a part of me but most days it is like the air I breathe.

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  17. Kim says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is hanging out with my family on weekend mornings. My kids and husband bring me coffee and breakfast in bed (wonderful, right?!) and we snuggle and watch an HGTV show together (I record a bunch of them on the DVR so we can pick a good one to watch each Saturday and Sunday morning). It's an awesome way to ease into the day, and so different from the hustle-and-bustle of the week days!

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  18. Melanie K. says…

    My absolute favorite moment of everyday? When I get home from work, hearing three young voices, saying "Mama! You're home!" (well in varying degrees of clarity since they are all 6 or under!)

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  19. Melissa L. says…

    Thanks for this opportunity, Ali, both to win the DVD and to focus on ordinary moments. One of my favorite ordinary moments right now: sitting next to my husband on the sofa, watching a favorite television show, sharing laughter, just looking over at him and knowing he's there.

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  20. Mechiel says…

    Each evening when I nuzzle my child's neck, tell him I love him and ask him to please get some good sleep. I love the smell of his freshly bathed cheek!

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  21. Cindy d says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is picking out my son's clothes each morning. I love going through the drawers of miniature clothing, thinking about his day and what will he'll be doing, picking just the right thing. Soon enough he'll be picking out his own clothes, but for now it's an ordinary something that's actually pretty special.

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  22. Susan says…

    I love when the kids are doing homework at the island as I am preparing dinner - they ask questions here and there about what they are working on and I can help out while I cook. Sometimes they help each other. (sometimes not) Sometimes we get into interesting conversations about things that happened during the day. Sometimes we just get the work done. But the possibilities when we are all gathered and seemingly occupied by something else ...

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  23. Dawn Nikol says…

    Nursing my daughter.

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  24. Laura says…

    Cooking with my children brings me joy, and nourishes us on many levels.

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  25. michelle says…

    Celebrating who I am every time I "make" something.

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