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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. karen says…

    I love Brene's ideas. She is so real!

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  2. MaryAnn Kearns says…

    ...I love the calm, sereness of the house at night when I turn the last light off and walk up the stairs knowing the doors are locked, dishes in the dishwasher, toys put away and everyone in their bed getting ready for the craziness of another day ;-)
    a favorite daily ordinary moment is hard to pick...and thank you Ali for helping encourage us to look at them differently when so many times we are looking at the glass as "half-empty"!
    you rock Ali ;-)

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  3. scrapper al says…

    Thank you for introducing Brené to us.

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  4. Christine says…

    Having dinner with my family.
    I look forward to it every night.

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  5. EmJay says…

    I like dinner every night with my family. I makes my heart swell with joy when my 3 year old asks every family member individually how their day was. She is clearly modeling what she has witnessed and I love it.

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  6. Ginny says…

    I love seeing my daughters smile when she gets home from a long day at school!

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  7. bdaiss says…

    Right now it's nursing my infant daughter. Or playing outside with my son. Can't wait for the weather to warm so we can have more more of the second!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. bdaiss says…

    Right now it's nursing my infant daughter. Or playing outside with my son. Can't wait for the weather to warm so we can have more more of the second!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Michele Bailey says…

    Just looking into my children's eyes while listening to their voices. And knowing that they are growing and changing every single day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. bdaiss says…

    Oops - sorry, double post. Computer hiccuped on me.

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  11. Tonya says…

    My favorite ordinary moment is at our dinner table where we share our "high" moments for the day. It is awesome to hear what the kids come up with other than "good day"! I cherish learning about their world.

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  12. AmyGee says…

    the quiet moments when i get to journal are some of my favorite ordinary moments. these moments to myself really help me to recognize the ordinary moments with my kids.

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  13. Erin says…

    Watching my kids read together. Love that my 8 yr old will sit down and read stories to my 5 yr old. Ordinary, but so special.

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  14. Stacy S. says…

    Great giveaway! I loved her book "I thought it was just me".

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  15. Meaghan "Bonafyde" V. says…

    My favorite ordinary moments happen often throughout my days but the ones that sticks out most to me is when I watch my kids sleeping and I can't resist snuggling in for a squeeze & a hug. The smell of them,the softness of their hair, the warmth and the fleetingness of that very moment gets me every time!

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  16. Meaghan "Bonafyde" V. says…

    My favorite ordinary moments happen often throughout my days but the ones that sticks out most to me is when I watch my kids sleeping and I can't resist snuggling in for a squeeze & a hug. The smell of them,the softness of their hair, the warmth and the fleetingness of that very moment gets me every time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Meaghan "Bonafyde" V. says…

    My favorite ordinary moments happen often throughout my days but the ones that sticks out most to me is when I watch my kids sleeping and I can't resist snuggling in for a squeeze & a hug. The smell of them,the softness of their hair, the warmth and the fleetingness of that very moment gets me every time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jeannine says…

    Now that all the kids are out of the house - my favorite ordinary moment is waking up on the weekends to the sun shining. I feel a sense of peace when I am able to stay in bed until the sun rises. The sun just warms my soul.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Katemeri says…

    Thanks for sharing this Ali! I went to Brené's website and bookmarked it instantly. An ordinary moment that I cherish is snuggling with my furbabies (dogs and cats) in the morning while I have my coffee.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Misty M. says…

    I'm getting ready to work on a layout about when my son was small and we loved to pop popcorn in the air popper. At the end was the best because every time we thought the corn was done popping, one more kernel would surprise us with a loud pop. We enjoyed the suspense of waiting for all those stragglers to finish up!

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  21. Carolyn says…

    Last week I told my nineteen year-old (boy!) how much I love it that he calls me, "Mommy". He said, "Of course! You are my mommy." Gotta love it.

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  22. Natasha Smith says…

    Cuddling with my kids. Today it was a few minutes waiting at the doctor's office.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Sandy says…

    Snuggling with my kids as we read or watch t.v.

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  24. Jakki says…

    That quote alone...draws me in

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Catherine says…

    I discovered Brene Brown last December. I read her book and it has been so influential in my life as a woman, parent, wife, friend and counsellor to college age students. I often recommend her book to my clients and friends.
    My ordinary out our mudroom and washing all the snow pants, mitts, hats and scarves. We are having such spring like weather in Ontario that it is a joy to be doing this task. Another sign that winter is almost over.

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