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10 Things

1. December Daily making is in full-effect around here. Look for an initial foundation post on my projects blog on Friday. If you want more info on what this project entails, as well as past albums, take a peek here.

2. Struggling a bit in the transition home after the last trip. Yesterday was the first day that I actually felt even a little like myself. It doesn't help that the house is still half-unsettled from the move. I'm someone who very much likes to feel settled in my environment.

3. Simon is huge. Seriously. He got off the bus yesterday and I caught my breath. Big. Up to my shoulders (I'm 5'9).

4. The crock pot is my friend. My Mom always told me that one of the paths to sanity was carved by making or prepping dinner early in the day. She so totally knows what she's talking about. The busier I get, the more stress creeps in, the more comfort and sanity I find in having something planned and in the works before 5pm.

5. No travel through the holidays this year. YES. We had talked about traveling to see family but have decided to stay here as Simon has decided that our chimney will work very well for Santa.

6. Toddlers are challenging and amazing and crazy and wonderful all in the same instant.

7. I ordered a new sewing machine after watching this video and reading her recommendation. I want to make circles like that. When you click the link you might want to check out more inspiration on her site including her really cool travel journals. I also love how she calls what she does gorilla sewing. I first learned about Dispatch from LA after seeing a journal my friend Catherine's made after taking the Remains of the Day workshop.

8. We've had a house-guest for the last week named Howard. He's Chris' Chinese tutor and is in transition between school and the working world. It's been fun having him here and chatting about the cultural differences between life in the US and China. He tells me he's eaten more cheese while staying with us than any other time in his life.

9. After holding off for awhile I finally tried misting with Studio Calico's Mister Huey Color Mists this past week and now I want to mist all kinds of stuff. More on this in my upcoming December Daily post. Last night I was trying it out on acrylic - it was still wet when I went to bed so I'm not sure how long it will take to actually dry. When I was in Greece I saw some cool stuff that Ronda was doing with it and I was also inspired by a layout created by Leah Fung in a past issue of Scrapbooks Etc. magazine.

10. Glee. I love it. I can't help it. I was catching up on episodes I missed while I was out of the country the other night and I was completely laughing out loud by myself in the living room.

WEBSITE HOUSEKEEPING: I found out yesterday that people have been having an issue when linking to my site and receiving a "Connection Reset" message. You were still able to get to my site if you clicked refresh or clicked on the link again. That is NOT acceptable - no one wants to click twice. I was actually having the same issue but thought it was just me and had been chatting with my web person about the issue. We think we found a solution to the problem but if you are still receiving a message that says "Connection Reset" could you please let me know via the comments or email me.

BIG THANK YOU: To those of you who helped me reach my $1000 Komen Race for the Cure fundraising goal. Excited to run this weekend. Cathy is pushing me to run under 30 mins for the 5K...that's my goal.

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107 thoughts

  1. Amber says…

    I have been wanting to start on my December Daily so badly but we just moved to Germany so I have to wait until our household goods get here...probably mid-late November!!! I guess I'll have to hurry especially considering I have an entire house to unpack before I start on it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Sasha HOlloway says…

      They will be there I am sure before then. Enjoy Germany and LIVE it up . we sure did ..

  2. Leanne says…

    The December Daily album was one of my favorite projects that I ever did Ali. Last year was my first attempt at it, and I LOVED it! Can't wait to see what you plan on doing with yours this year! Thanks for the continued inspiration you give! (And we eat lots of cheese in this house, too!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Susan says…

    If I can finish up my Stories of Summer album now that my scraproom is clean I might tackle the December Daily if I can work around/amidst travelling and no decorating - not sure how to approach it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. pam in NC says…

    ACK! Any hints about December Daily? I leave for a weekend crop after work on Friday and won't have time to swing by the house. (I did make one last year...)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Nothing earth-shattering :). Following along with what I have done in years past but mixing it up a bit with consistent page sizes. You can see images from past years here:

  5. dawn says…

    This is a fun post of your top 10, love all the variety of subjects. I am thinking of how to do my december daily too and have thought to add an extra day for the day after Christmas because it's so much fun staying in pj's and playing all day with our new gifts. Thank you for all the work and inspiring us that you do even though you are a busy working mom. I love the crockpot also and making dinner while kids are at school then reheating it for dinner. Simon looks big every time you show us a new photo of him. I'm sure he looks even bigger after not seeing him for 2 weeks. You summed up toddlerhood perfectly. Enjoy your day and I can't wait to see Friday's post.

    By the way is that first photo of DD the new stuff you have for this year's album or from the past, because it looks great.
    I also noticed your Project Life journal cards in photo of granmda & Anna...

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      That's my new album - all lined up and in production :).

    2. dawn says…

      Thanks Ali, it looks great and love how you have it all lined up ready to go. Think I will pull out an extra table to do that also.

      I forgot to mention good luck on your 5k and doing it under 30mts. That Cathy is such a motivator isn't she....

  6. Tanja says…

    Ali...hoping that you get that settled in feeling sooner than later before the holidays sneak up on us! Was curious if you would ever entertain the idea of doing the December Daily via Shutterfly? You had mentioned a while back you were submitting another book to them, do you have an eta? I loved the last one! Here's to grabbing the day by the horns!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      There's a new Shutterfly book from me coming out in January :). Not December Daily related but a nice general theme...I'll reveal more when I can.

  7. Lana says…

    I am so excited to see your DD daily foundation! Just the sneak peek above made me squeal! It looks awesome.

    I already have my xmas papers/acetate/cardstock picked out, just don't know how I'm going to put it all together yet.

    Thank you for sharing your 10 things, and good luck for your race :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Tracy says…

    I have had a Brother sewing machine for about 18 mos now and LOVE it. The price was right but the features really are still more than I have mastered so it is just perfect. You are going to love creating with yours.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lesley says…

    Looks great Ali! Can you tell me what brand the overlays you are using in the picture above? thanks~

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Full post with supplies coming on Friday.

    2. Madeline St Onge says…

      Ali I am going to try my DD and I am also doing Shimelle's JYC again, hope I can keep up with them both. Would a 6x6 be to small for the DD album.
      Can't wait to see the supply list Friday
      Thanks Ali

  10. Mel says…

    Oh! Hoorah. I love December daily. I was recently in the US (from UK) and bought a sheet of that wonderful flocked red tranparency I see on your table. I picked it out for my Dec daily too! I have done this project twice now but this year am especially giddy as I should have a blog up and running so I can documnet along with everyone else and get those images out into blog land. Look forward to your post later this week Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Alexandra says…

    I loved this post - loved that you addressed so many topics - a medley of goodness!
    I think your Mom is so right about dinner - I struggle with that one and find myself scrambling around, all frazzled, around 5 o'clock each day. I have a crock-pot that is grossly under-utilized - if you ever feel like sharing your favourite recipes or sites for crock-pot cooking I would be oh so grateful.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Julie L. says…

      ditto on favorite crock-pot-recipes. I love the ease and feeling like dinner is taken care of but everything always seems to come out tasting about the same (pretty bland) and mushy when I use mine. I would love some inspiring recipes.

  12. {leah} says…

    Looking lovely for the December Daily, Ali! Can't wait to see!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. amy tangerine says…

    just adore this list.
    funny thing is i'm chinese and one of my favorite foods is cheese.
    can't wait to see what you sew & how your misting turns out on acrylic- what a fab idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jenni Hufford says…

    hi ali! i love your Dec Daily sneak pic! I took me about a week to recover from mykonos too-- just this week i am feeling more like myself. oh, and i can't believe simon is up to your shoulders--- i think that makes your 8 year old taller than me!!! ;/

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Karen says…

    Looking forward to reading more about this year's December Daily!

    WOW! Simon is tall!! :> Mine comes to about the same spot, but I'm only 5'5! Its amazing how fast they grow, isn't it?! Everytime I blink, both kidlets just keep getting bigger....I swear its a conspiracy! lol

    I need to develop a better friendship with my slow cooker this year. I can't stand the 4 o'clock (or worse, 4:30!) what's for dinner scramble. It makes me tired just thinking about it!

    I'll be back to check out a few of those links you've shared, but gotta jet to get ready to take a kidlet to school! :> Have a fantastic day, Ali! :>

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Molly says…

    Yay! this looks so fun. I can't believe we've come back around to another year already. Also, # 4: so key for me as well. I just feel like a better Mom when I'm on top of dinner plans.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Gina Crowley says…

    Love Glee too! I Tivo it and watch on Wednesday's. :)

    So excited about December Daily. Woo Hoo.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Stacy Milford says…

    Hi Ali! Your December Daily looks usual! Can't wait to see more :) As for how fast, how big kids grow...mine oldest is a senior this year...over 6 foot and my youngest is a sophomore & has caught me...I'm officially the shortest in my little family :) Life is good!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Denise Laborde says…

    Ali, I can relate to several of your points. Your mom is a wise woman! Dinner early in the day is such a stress reliever. When I was a new mom, a friend taught me to make double quantities of a meal once or twice a week. Then, put the extra meal in a big freezer bag and freeze it. I am always happy when I do it. On a crazy day or an uninspired cooking day, I am always happy to have a meal ready!
    I am looking forward to joining the December Daily fun this year. In the past, my lack of follow-thr. Is what has kept me from documenting December chez nous. I have put together my holiday supplies and look forward to Friday's post.
    Bises, D

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Alison says…

    Started my December daily yesterday! Had so much fun working on it. Can't wait to see yours.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. TracyBzz says…

    I agree with Simon - staying home for Christmas in a house with a good chimney is a good idea. I want to go to my aunt's in Phoenix (hot xmas!) but not until the girls are bigger and Santa isn't such a big part of Xmas.

    I need to fall in love with my crock pot - it really is wonderful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Brooke M says…

    I can not wait to see your December Daily for this year. This is one of my favorite projects of all year. Last year was my first year doing it and I love looking back at all the photos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. cinback says…

    I, too, have crock pot love...arrived home from work last night to the smell of a wonderfully delicious stew. We were able to sit down to eat by 5:30pm (that's early in my house)!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Kay Gregory-Clark says…

    I totally relate to the idea of tackling dinner early in the day—because I struggle with taking time out then from other tasks. But when I do, I feel so much better, knowing I have a plan & it's in preparation, whether it's crockpot or something else. Speaking of sewing and new machines, I LOVE mine—it's a Juki. I just completed a patchwork totebag that I never could have done without it because of the thickness and layers. Happy sewing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. heidi y says…

    I am sooo excited about your next December Daily! (I've loved all of them so far.) What a great 'peek' you gave us! And I love how I have some of these items :) I'll be digging through my things so I can join you!

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