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December Daily 2010 | Are Your Foundation Pages On Your Blog?

Have you posted your December Daily foundation to your blog?

Part of the fun of this project is sharing your process, experience, stories, photos and pages. In addition to the 2010 Flickr group I wanted to invite you to share your blog as a way to spread the inspiration and motivation.

I'll create another one of these starting in December for anyone who's sharing their daily pages on their blog.

Please share a link to your specific December Daily foundation post below using the Widget below. It invites you to leave a comment after including you link but don't feel like you need to do that too. Happy surfing!

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224 thoughts

  1. Doreen Baros says…

    I stumbled upon your site while looking for Holiday ideas to scrapbook. How wonderful for me! Yours looks like a great, well thought out and organized plan to get a Christmas Mini Book created. I signed up and linked to your instructions on my new scrapbooking blog. This should be fun.

    By the way, I copy and pasted the badge you made, but it doesn't show up properly on my blog. I'll check back in a while to see if you've updated it.

    Thanks for all your work to provide such good tutorials and ideas.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Julie Hollis says…

    Thanks for bringing all of together again, Ali. This is one of my absolute favorite projects/traditions.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Rebep says…

    Hola! Creo que voy a intentar hacer este año este proyecto, el año pasado no fui capaz, a ver si este lo consigo!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. mary says…

    ali - not really sure i should have linked again? but i posted my last 20 pages today and wanted to share. my first link is #177 if you need/want to remove one! thank you so much:)


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  5. Amy says…

    I'm up! Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jessica Woodford says…

    I'm sharing mine :)
    Thanks Ali...looking forward to this project this year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jana says…

    This project was just what I needed this year to get in the holiday spirit! I LOVED building the foundation of the album before having anything to put in it - I must say I am scratching my head as to why I've never done this before? Thanks so much, Ali, for your continued inspiration to get my stories told :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Elizabeth says…

    My first time doing this project. I've decided to create the entire album digitally. So looking forward to it. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Pen says…

    This is my 3rd annual attempt (I have yet to complete an album!) and I am going completely digital this year in the hopes I will have an album to send to the printers at the end of it. Merry Holidays everyone :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Ruth says…

    Thank you so much! Tomorrow is the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
    petonets xoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Mariaje says…

    Síiii, a última hora, pero aquí estoy. Desde el 2008 (fecha en la que empecé en el scrap) llevo detrás de él y hasta este año no ha sido posible. Muchas gracias por la inspiración, besitos.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Michele H. says…

    thanks ali for your inspiration and talents! looking forward to tomorrow and the next 24 days:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Mrs. b says…

    This is my first year with December Daily and I have finished the foundation just in time for December to begin!
    Ali, thank you for all the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. ChristyR says…

    This will be my second year following along and first year being more active on the blogs. Thank you for helping in my most favorite album of the year =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. ana manzana says…

    This is my first year and I'm very excited!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Ashly Margritz says…

    OK so I have been LOVING scrolling thru these and seeing all the AMAZING dec dailys!! Ive got mine done thru 17th so I have a little push here today to get it all done before I get behind. ANYWAY imagine my surprise when I get to #161 Sarah and I keep pulling up MY gallery. I am not Sarah, and I didnt get any december daily posted anywhere yet. SOOO FUNNY. Please dont judge my gallery on most of these were a year or more ago.

    WEIRD!! :) anyway, all but #161 are GREAT!!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ashly Margritz says…

      OK so I did it!! posted to my blog :) Havent used the blog in over a year, but this was a good time to start anew! Thanks for the inspiration

  17. Mandy says…

    Hi Ali, i am so happy to jump on the December Daily train again this year! Thanks for sharing all of your tips and giving us a chance to peek at other December Daily's!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sharis Slocum says…

    First timer! I admit I don't always follow through on art-type projects. I think I am going to rock this one, though. (:

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Natalie Pozniak says…

    This sounds like so much fun! This is my first year doing this project. Last year I did another project similar to this but gave up half way through. I am going to do this digital. We will see how it turns out.

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  20. Anja D says…

    I´m sharing this too and blogged my album on my blog.
    Hope to blog most of the daily pages.
    Best regards, Anja

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Crystal Wilkerson says…

    I've decided to participate in {DD} by creating a blog just for this project! This way I can be sure to post my thoughts & pictures daily & then turn it into a digital album after the rush of the holidays are over. Thanks for all the inspiration Ali! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. HeatherC says…

    Finally posted mine -- going simple this year -- actually the album I made last year, but did not have time to finish. I miss my album from '08, this one is much more uniform, but going with the "use what I have" this is what I had. Next year I hope to have an album that has more texture, but documenting is the important thing and want to do that this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jennifer says…

    I love this time of year and I love doing the December Daily. I never try to stress too much about it. Even if I don't get the pages done I still do my journalling in a file on my computer so I can always go back and do it later. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Jen says…

    let the daily begin! :)
    so excited!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Catherin Gau says…

    I love this project. So excited to be doing it again this year.

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