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December Daily 2010 | Are Your Foundation Pages On Your Blog?

Have you posted your December Daily foundation to your blog?

Part of the fun of this project is sharing your process, experience, stories, photos and pages. In addition to the 2010 Flickr group I wanted to invite you to share your blog as a way to spread the inspiration and motivation.

I'll create another one of these starting in December for anyone who's sharing their daily pages on their blog.

Please share a link to your specific December Daily foundation post below using the Widget below. It invites you to leave a comment after including you link but don't feel like you need to do that too. Happy surfing!

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224 thoughts

  1. Marit says…

    Hi, i'm sharing this project for the third year in a row and really looking forward to do so in this december. Ali, thank ou for inspiring us all.
    greetings from germany

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  2. Renee says…

    This is our third year to be doing December Daily. I love the process because it really keeps us focused on the season. Thanks for keeping us up to date.

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  3. Sherri P eh says…

    This is a great idea Ali! Thanks for this.
    I get more excited every year looking forward to my December Daily -- this year I was thinking about it in July!
    Starbucks is now all decked out for Christmas. I was there this morning, but I plan to try to pop by later, when it's quiet, to take in all of their fun Christmas goodness!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. caro says…

    Just finishing a travel mini-album and then onto the DD foundation . . . love this !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. cinback says…

    I have not yet completed this year's album (because I am busy crafting for a church Christmas Craft Sale), but I posted my album from last year. This year I am using Ali's template pages, but am having a terrible time getting my hands on transparencies up here in Canada!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Carla says…

      Hello fellow Canadian! I had the same trouble finding the transparencies too. What I ended up doing was buying regular overhead transparencies from Staples. I painted circles on some, downloaded overlays from Designer Digitals and created a Word document with varies Christmas words and just changed the size and font. I then printed them off on the transparencies. Handle with care, because the ink will smudge. Once dry I stitched a plain and a patterned transparency together to make them sturdier. I think they turned out well. Good luck!!

  6. madeline St onge says…

    Cool Thanks Ali. For some reason I cannot post on Flicker, it doesn't like me.
    Just have the cover there right now but will add more

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Terri Porter says…

    This is my third year as well and my entire 2009 album is on my blog. For 2010, I have my cover posted on my blog and will be posting my pages as I complete them rather than just posting my foundation pages, since mine is pretty much like Ali's with a few paper and embellishment changes. I can't wait for December so I can start putting things in my album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Radish says…

    I am doing this project because for three weeks in December I am going to be with family in Florida which is not where I live. Because there is so little table space where I am going, I think I will do it digitally. it will be ivory, leather colored and gold. Unless I change my mind.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Terri Porter says…

    So happy you're doing this. This is my third year as well and my entire 2009 album is on my blog. For 2010, I have my cover posted on my blog and will be posting my pages as I complete them rather than just posting my foundation pages, since mine is pretty much like Ali's with a few paper and embellishment changes. I can't wait for December so I can start putting things in my album! Well, apparently I can't figure out how to do the URL, so any help would be appreciated. I really want to be on the list.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Terri Porter says…

    Well, I figured out the URL, but now my name appears twice in the list at #62 and #65. Only the #65 links to my blog. Ali, would it be possible to remove the #62 post?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Sure Terri!

  11. Sue TR says…

    Hi ! My first DD and I'm making progress on the foundation...using a mix of a few purchased items and thing I already have...which is a lot

    Ali - a question... any way for us to share if we don't have a blog??? Between this, kids (who knew 4th grade had so much homework?!), puppy, house and traveling for Thanksgiving, I'm not going to have time to set one up!

    Any advice would be welcome thanks!!!


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Sue - a great way is through the 2010 Flickr gallery. Here's the link:

  12. Cynthia H says…

    I have been wanting to see everyone else's - thank you for setting this up!

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  13. Mariangeles_Spain says…

    Great pages everyone!!

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  14. sara cook says…

    I am just finishing up LAST YEAR'S December Daily. I started early and took lots of pictures and wrote some little notes but then life got hectic and I didn't even get the pictures developed. I found the box of "stuff" this weekend and I got all the pictures developed. It has been so much fun putting it together and reminiscing about last year and taking notes on what to make sure and include this year. I really appreciate all of the encouragement to do what you can with this project, Ali. It makes it easier to just get the book together so that we have it to look through in the years to come.
    Thanks for all your inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nathalie says…

    Thank you for this! I love seeing everyone's process - how fun.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Liesbeth says…

    I can't wait for december to start!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Suz says…

    Sorry that there is a daily in my video sound. I plan to post pics on my blog as well@
    I'm loving all of the inspiration out there! Thank you ladies for posting your creations and to you Ali, for making it all possible.

    One other thing I plan to add into my album are some snowflakes that my son and I created to gear us up for the "snowy" season. I thought it would be a nice added touch!
    And... I'm looking forward to posting my completed 2009 album as I didn't quite get it finished yet (but it's on my to do for this weekend).

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  18. Maureen F says…

    This is my second year doing this - I really enjoy making these - so worth the time to capture these memories in this way.

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  19. Sarah Swann says…

    I posted mine! I haven't posted on my blog yet, but I did post it at Studio Calico, so that's the link. I'm off to look at everyone else's!

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  20. Kaitlin says…

    This is my fifth year doing this project and I look forward to it every year. I love how you did this- way cool to see everyone's projects on their blogs :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Tanya says…

    Hi Ali

    So cool of you to do this- I actually linked up for my dec daily from last year!! but I have a bunch of shots of the ready to go book. I will post photos from this years book as well and comment here again when they are up!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Dawaila says…

    Ali I love how you share an idea and everybody takes that idea and puts their own spin on it!! I have spent the last hour looking at everyones, so many great books!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Marina says…

    I do my Christmas albums every year already 5 years. Ali, thanks to you I embark on this adventure each year. But what incredible fun. Thank you again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Suz says…

    Ok, So my video was voice delayed so I posted my foundational pics to my blog instead.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Teresa says…

    Totally cool idea. Thank you!

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