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December Daily 2010 | Day Seven

Welcome to Day Seven!

A big thing I love about this project is the chance to try out a few different things each day.

My photo today is from my iphone. I took it in the waiting room at the dentist. Simon calls these balls "jollies" - not sure where that came from but it's a cool name for them! I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out or not and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to print it at 6x8.

It worked and I love it.

I uploaded the iphone image to mycomputer and was able to adjust the image size to 6x8 at 300dpi (File/Resize). It's a bit grainy but I'm cool with that - it kinda goes along with the emotions in my journaling as you will see below.

And if you didn't notice already, if you look closely in the ornament you can see the reflection of both me (holding my iphone) and Simon. Simon's fingers are holding the ornament.

For this spread I used three circle embellishments.

All of the circles are from a set at Ormolu (looks like it might be sold out). I added the glitter star (from an old K&Company chipbox) and used the Believe circle stamp from my Good Cheer set on the other one.

Here's that cute little stamp all inked and ready to go on top of the circle tag:

I used "Leaf" - a green ink from Technique Tuesday. This stamp also includes a small "to" and "from" that I just avoided when I was adding the ink (great for making small gift tags).

Here's a look at it on the page:

I hand wrote a little sentiment and then decided to cover the whole thing with a light layer of Glossy Accents. I tucked the stamped green circle under one of the tips on the chipboard star.

You might also notice that I trimmed the circle with the star. I added the trimmed portion up on the top left of the photo. I like it when things go off the edge like that.

I also trimmed the "love" circle that ended up on the second page (I didn't include the part I trimmed off for this one). I added a staple after photographing.

Here's a look at that full page:

I did my journaling in Photoshop again today. I find I tell a more complete story when I type it vs. writing it by hand.

I created a new canvas (File/New) that was 5.5 x 6.25 at 300dpi and starting typing.

NOTE : If you're interested in learning about adding text to photos (or just using the type tool) there was a good tutorial on Studio Calico's blog yesterday: Text On Photos.

The pattern paper strip is from Basic Grey.

Here's what it looked like in Photoshop before printing.

Here's what it looked like before I adhered it to my date page (and after I cropped it from the 8.5x11).

These are the kind of pages that I know I will really love in years to come. Pages with lots of words that include both the facts and the feelings of our lives both December- and not-so-December-related.

JOURNALING : I’m feeling very tender towards my kids today. To Simon in particular. I think it’s a bit of a mix of the time of year combined with the simple passage of time. Time is flying by - it became especially evident to me when I took Simon to the dentist today. Here’s the story told to Simon:

I took you to the dentist this morning for our 6-month cleaning appointments. You’ve been going regularly since you were a little guy (probably around 3 is when we first took you and had you just sit with me) and each time has been better than the last (but most often has resulted in some upset or challenge). Going to the dentist is not really fun for anyone, but especially hard for someone who’s already sensitive to sights and sounds and touch.

Today Simon, you were amazing.

Very calm. Very brave. Very accepting of what the hygienist was doing and why we were there. When you sat in the chair the first thing you asked her was, “Do my teeth look great?” We’ve been talking daily about the importance of brushing your teeth and how you don’t want to have any cavity bugs in your mouth. Because of some recent reluctance on your part to brush before bed I told you that if you don’t take care of your teeth you might end up with cavity bugs and that would result in having to get a shot in your mouth. That would definitely be worse than having to brush your teeth before getting your body in bed. I think that was enough to get the point across.

This was also the first time I didn’t sit in the room with you. I started out in there while they did some x-rays (they were almost able to get to see all your teeth - still working on that one) and then left when it was my turn in the other room. You didn’t get upset or look worried. You knew I was right next door and when you were done you very proudly came over to the dental chair I was sitting in and told me all about it. You showed me your little white bag with your new toothbrush, floss, and paste. You showed me the ball you chose from the toy bin. The hygienist told me how proud of you she was and how impressed she was when you showed her how you brush your teeth at home. Nice work!

These are the moments I’ve prayed for for you Simon. To be calm and comfortable and confident even when you might feel a little scared - especially in a place that is safe. I’m so proud of you. I love you so, so much.

SUPPLIES : Hambly Grey Doily Decor Overlay: Two Peas |; Making Memories Number Stickers; K&Company Brenda Walton Chipbox; Basic Grey Jovial Pattern Paper; Glossy Accents; Ali Edwards for Technique Tuesday Good Cheer stmap set; Ormolu circle tags; Ali Edwards 2010 6×8 December Daily overlays; Ali Edwards 6x8 December Daily Layered Templates

All posts related to December Daily can be found here.

Surprise your family and friends this holiday season with fun and unique gifts from Color Inc Pro Lab! Choose from any of our holiday items, including: Gallery Wrapped Canvas, Standout Image Clusters, Assembled Albums, Press Print Albums, as well as Greeting Cards - all of which can be combined with any Ali's Templates to make that one special item for the ones you love. Check out our website for more information on products and pricing!


I’d love to have you include a link to your DAY SEVEN page here. Please link directly to your post or image on Flickr vs. your general blog link. Thank you! Also – don’t feel like you need to leave a comment!

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98 thoughts

  1. Angie Blom says…

    Beautiful page but I so love the story behind the day. I too have had those same fears.. My daughter had her first visit with the dentist.. we are very lucky that a good friend works there and she is the one that just picks her up and tells us to stay put.. that she will be okay in her hands.. trust is a very important thing and we trust her very much.. Well she was just fabulous and no crying, nothing.. and she got 2 cavaties filled that day. The dentist doesn't like working on children but he loved how wonderful and calm she is.. he said better than my hubby.. hehe.
    I am glad it was a good day at the dentist.. keep it up Simon!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. beth lo. says…

    love to you and your brave boy, simon. simply beautiful story.


    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Anne M says…

    Great shot Ali and so proud of Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams says…

    What a great story and cool, unique photo. Such a wonderful combination...and I love that he calls them "jollies."

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Me too - when he first said it I had to have him repeat it again. I will probably always call them that now too.

  5. Jessica Woodford says…

    Love it Ali! I can't wait to "play" with my pages more! I LOVE the UTEE and finally purchased some awhile back. I too saw Tim Holtz Christmas tags using UTEE and then yours, so this morning I played w/ it for the first time creating just a quick basic tag from our Elf :) Looking forward to using it in my December Daily and on layouts and other projects....thank you for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Wilna says…

    lovely post. : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Donna says…

    This is so wonderful...can you tell me what type of paper you printed your large photo of Simon holding the ornament on...I'm new to this scrapbooking and would love to know!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Donna - I use Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl photo paper. You can find that here:

      You can always check out my basic equipment list here:

  8. Jill says…

    Gorgeous story, Ali :) I was tearing up by the end. Prayers are answered - hooray!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Alana says…

    Well done, Simon.
    My photos are terrible, Ali. Lots of noise, out of focus. And I don't even have any for Monday. The Story for Sunday doesn't match any of the (awful) photos I have for that day, either. What do I do? I'm not sure how to handle all these particular challenges at once! Thanks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      For the day you don't have a photo I suggest just making a page(s) that focuses on a story or a list. Use embellishments to give it that extra something if you need more decoration. Also - you can always use photos you've taken on another day - don't feel limited to just the "daily" part. No one will ever know :).

      Same thing on Sunday. Just write the story.

  10. abbeyviolet says…

    I really like the simplicity of just one photo. I haven't had a day where that worked for my story, but maybe today! I have been printing out typed journaling onto the overlay each day and am loving how much more complete/richer a story I am getting to tell than last year where I was writing little notes on journaling cards. I think having this stories is going to be my favorite part of this year's project, but we shall see!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Katie says…

    I love the way that this page turned out. I like how you are typing your journaling. I am writing, and I feel I can tell more this way. I like how I have found an opposit typer person. Have a great day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Nathalie says…

    Oh, Ali - how awesome for Simon, but also for you as a mom to know he is growing into himself! I love this post.

    Can anyone advise me on how to make the December Daily "you're invited" widget work on my typepad. I've tried following the instructions and have spent an inordinate amount of time on it - so far I got it to where you can click on a a word and you get the image but no link from there ... Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tina M. says…

    Thank you for sharing what a heart warming post!!!! Very inspiring. Thank you again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Danielle says…


    I love your pages. I was just wondering how you got the white border around your photo?

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea. I love doing this.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Danielle - that's a frame from my package of digital templates. You can read more and watch a video about that here:

  15. Tere says…

    Ali, you know I struggle to find a "story", especially when my days are filled with meetings and I don't connect with my family until late. I love that you inspire me to look outside the box for a story.

    Q: Can you explain the difference (or direct me to a post) as to when you would use file/new image vs. file/new canvas. As I read here, you are using file/new canvas for journaling.

    As always, much thanks!!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Tere - it's the same thing. It's really just File/New :).

    2. Tere says…

      Thanks for your response(s) and patience.

  16. gscrapbooks says…

    I love those stamps, great entry!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Leah Larson says…

    I have been journaling about what we do every day. I really like the "loving" journaling. I think I am going to try that theme for today as well as my regular journaling.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think I'm going to use it for my page today.

  18. heidi y says…

    Yeah for Simon!! And your pages are beautiful as always!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Jenni Hufford says…

    big hooray for simon!!! how cool to have this story in your december daily!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. AmyHip says…

    Awww, love your story... Simon rocks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. pam says…

    Sorry, #45 Should be removed...somehow linked it to something else!
    Love your journaling today, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Debbie P says…

    What a wonderful touching story. Thanks for sharing it. The iphone photo turned out great! Love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. slmnontec says…

    I love the reflection in the Christmas ball. I took one at church this weekend. I asked my husband to pose next to me thinking I would get a "couple" picture, but when he leaned in, his face took the shape of a "moose". When I put it in my December album (plus some really good shots), I labeled it "fruitcake". We laughed so much....don't get too close with your face....

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. rhonda says…

    Ali thank you for sharing this part of your life with us and I wanted to let you know I included John Lennon in my album today.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Mrs. b says…

    Wonderful story! Lovely picture! And last, but certainly not least, Simon, who is so brave!

    Can you imagine that I have the same story for day 7. (I also took a pic with my phone, and I even used the same LOVE-circle from Ormolu :-) But I haven't had time to finish the journaling part of the page yet.)
    Well, same story, but still not the same. My 5-yrd old son at the dentist. The tooth ache that showed up to be a cavity bug. A big one. The second visit, later in the afternoon, when he first got medicine to be relaxed, and then shots in the mouth, and finally the removal of the tooth (the cavity bug was too close the nerve so it would have probably not been possible to fix it). He was sad and cried, and all I could do was just hold his hand. But he made it. And today has been good, and he has not been in any pain. He got a Lego-present since he was so brave.

    And then this evening, just before he got to bed, we had to pull out a really loose tooth (so that he wouldn't do it by mistake when he's asleep). 2 teeth in 2 days... feels like at least one tooth too much :-)

    Thanks for sharing your story!

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