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Loving that we eat tostadas once a week (probably Simon's favorite food). It's quick and easy and everyone likes it.

Loving that Simon knows the difference between acute, obtuse, and right angles. He rocked his perimeter homework last week too.

Loving that my Mom bought me s spritz Cookie Press for Christmas and gave it to me early. My Grandma made them, my Mom made them and now it's my turn.

Loving that Anna calls the Lego guys "guys."

Loving that the Harry Potter Lego guys are currently being used to play out The Polar Express story. (And now loving that they are all lined up to watch Charlie Brown Christmas with Simon.)

Loving both pairs of slippers I bought on Black Friday. These slippers from the Gap and these from Target.

Loving and savoring that Simon & Anna have watched Elmo's Christmas Countdown at once a day over the last week. I'm savoring it because I know it'll be all too soon that these years of Sesame Street and Elmo will be just a memory.

Loving the Reverb 10 prompts and needing to carve out some time to make that writing happen.

Loving that I've got a surprise planned for Simon on Friday night.

Loving twinkle lights. Always loving them.

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43 thoughts

  1. abbeyviolet says…

    I love that you captured these small moments even with all the big projects going on. Such a sweet post.

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  2. Sheri says…

    thanks, ali. now I'm filled with loving thoughts too.

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  3. Brooke says…

    I'm loving all of your links today! We had an early Christmas with my brother and his family over the weekend and some gifts are just meant to be given early.

    Is there any chance you could hook us up with your tostadas recipe? I had to google what they were. As an Aussie I'm not too familiar with Mexican cuisine but I love the fact they are quick, easy and a hit with all the family!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Sure Brooke - it's super, super easy! We actually just buy tostada shells at the grocery store - they are round and hard like a tortilla chip (here's some on Amazon:

      Simon & Anna eat theirs with just refried beans and shredded cheddar cheese. Chris and I have the beans + cheese and we usually also add lettuce, tomato, avocado, olives, diced onion, etc. (a lot of that just depends on what we have on hand).

      Super simple and good!

    2. Brooke says…

      Thanks Ali. Taco shells look to be the most similar grocery store product we have here. I could always break them in half and use them that way. I'm always on the look out for simple family meals and I tend to go overboard a little too often! So tostadas are on the menu for next week!

      P.S. Love that your hubby reads and comments on your blog too. Sweet.

    3. Shelley D. says…


      We make tostadas all the time, too and we don't always have tostadas shells on hand, so sometimes I just throw some tortillas (usually corn, but flour works also) in the oven until they get crispy. Try that if you have tortillas available. Also, sometimes to mix things up I'll make a concoction of corn, black beans & salsa as the topper (plus fresh veggies...lettuce, tomatoes, onions, etc).

  4. Chris says…

    Loving that my super cool wife documents these cherished little things :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Chris says…

      (not loving that little emoticon that was made from my old fashioned parentheses plus colon)

  5. mandee mattioli says…

    I was going to say how wonderful it is that you take the time to celebrate the little things, because life is all about the little things.

    Then, I saw that your husband reads your blog and posted in the comments... and I am loving that now too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Tweets that mention Loving | Ali Edwards -- says…

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ali Edwards, Josephina Mydreama. Josephina Mydreama said: Loving: Loving that we eat tostadas once a week (probably Simon’s favorite food). It’s quick… [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Nina says…

    Dearest Ali, thanks so much for sharing these little stories. You always inspire me as a mom, as an artist, and and just as the very special person that you are. Bless you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Linda Trace says…

    Hey Ali,

    What a beautiful post. I'm thinking I'd like to do a smaller in physical size but year long version of the December daily and have it be like this post. Just simple things I love at the moment about my family.

    That Chris comments on your blog is truly lovely.

    My 3 year old is crazy about elmo's Christmas countdown too. In fact her DVD just collapsed and refused to work yesterday--need to get a replacement asap!! Every night we are 'required' to sing the 'I want a Snuffaluffagus for Christmas' song and the one Cheryl crow sings at the start. Every. Night. Without fail.

    I love her wonder at this beautiful time of year. I'm songlad she has reminded me of the magic that Christmas can hold, (as Elmo would say) if we just believe.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. dawn says…

    love this, love that Chris reads and comments, go Simon way to go on your math!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. ale says…

    i love to read comments from my favorite scrapbookers' husbands, like chris did today and dan did on cathy's "bits&pieces".

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Louise says…

    This was beautiful, and is inspiring me to do something similar. It would also make a lovely mini scrapbook layout - each page, a different "loving," accompanied by a picture. If only I had time to scrapbook these days!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Lisa W. says…

    Loving "ALL" of these things. Thanks for sharing...enjoy!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Karlene says…

    I am lovin your blog. It is a real inspiration in the morning. I don't know how you do it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams says…

    Oh, what beautiful thoughts. I need to do a post like this! (I especially love the image of all the Lego guys lined up to watch A Charlie Brown favorite Christmas movie.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lena says…

    Hi Ali, I have been reading your blog for awhile now and admiring you and your work. I have a 6 year old little boy who was diagnosed with Asperger's. He loves Lego's just like Simon. Matter of fact that is that only thing that was on his Christmas list this year! I hope that you realize what an inspiration you and your little ones are to everyone! Hope that you have a blessed holiday season.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Debbie S. says…

    Loving that you mentioned Spritz! I made them with my mom when I was a kid and got a press from her for Christmas several years ago. Now they are one of my kids' favorites...except they call them Christmas tree cookies because they never want to use any shape other than the tree! So we color the dough green and get out the sprinkles... I'm curious which press your mom got you...after several false starts with newer ones, we finally found the old school giant screw version and it never misses

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jennifer says…

    My little girl calls them 'guys' too! So cute. Great post, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Christy Miller says…

    Love this post! and it is now going on my list of things to include in my album...a list of things I love! thanks ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Randa says…

    Funny, tostadas have become a frequent favorite recently at our house! Not a very "wintery" food...but they are simple and my boys will eat them!!
    Cute post, Ali. And love the pic of Simon....he looks so proud of his work.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Tere says…

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  21. Rachel Smith says…

    This is the second year that Elmo's Christmas Countdown has been big at our house! I adore it!! Last year my daughter got a Snuffleupegus for Christmas (a tiny stuffed one) because of that movie! This year she's also really into Frosty the Snowman! It's so much fun!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Tammy B says…

    Love my cookie press. I don't make Spritz in them - I do a whipped shortbread recipe and use the press for those. So good, melt-in-your-mouth little shortbread treats!! My family asks for these all the time and they go so quickly!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. rhonda says…

    Way to go Simon! It is so nice to have your family support your interest in life! Way to go Chris!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Louise P says…
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  25. carriep says…

    I'm loving Simon's progress! He inspires me in how I work around the Autistic children in our school!

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