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The Roller Coasters Of Life

Over the last five days or so we've been on a roller coaster of emotions with our dog Lily.

While camping she began having difficulty breathing and not being able to keep food or water down. Chris took her to the nearest emergency vet hospital where they put her on IV, sedated her and found a variety of maladies - the combination of which put her in critical condition. We made the decision to transfer her to a different emergency vet hospital in Tacoma (the next closest) to be able to see a specialist and get more information (underlying causes, etc) before deciding how to proceed.

Since we've been here in Tacoma it's been close to the end and then it's been a bit better. It's been up and down, each day waiting for a different test, a new hope, a bit of recovery.

Riding the coaster is hard. Being here with family while riding the coaster makes things easier and keeps the kids entertained.

Today she seems on the upswing, able to keep some food down last night, but there's still other conditions that need to be addressed. We're waiting for another update from the main doctor today to determine the next course of action.

Lily's 11. She's had an awesome full life and has been a great companion for our family.

I appreciate your patience and your kindness towards our family and Lily as we move forward in the coming days.

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307 thoughts

  1. TaraMcK says…

    My oldest dog is going to be 14 this year. I can only imagine the rollercoaster of emotions. Keeping her, you & your family in my thoughts and prayers.

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  2. Laura says…

    Praying for you and your family our dogs are part of the family. They are there and love unconditionally.

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  3. Liz H says…

    My heart aches for your family. She's lucky to have all the love from your family, and you're paying her back for all the love she's given you. Hang in there.

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  4. Michele H. says…

    Sending you and the family good vibes Ali!

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  5. AnnB says…


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  6. Laura says…

    I echonthe thought of many others here and wish the best for you, your family, and Lilly. I know it's hard enough dealing with your own emotions, then trying to explain the situation and decisions to your children.

    It may not be Lilly's time but if it is here's something that helped my daughter. She was told that if she finds a feather it meant that our dog had come to visit and check on her even though we couldnt see her. My daughter referenced this for several years and even shared it when the mother of a friend of mine passed away.

    You will make the right decisions for the health and well-being of your Lilly. I'll be thinking of you.

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  7. Debra E says…

    It's never easy when a family member is ill. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your human family, and Lily.

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  8. KarenF says…

    Praying for Lily that she will be well soon and able to continue as a wonderful member of your family. Sending good thoughts your way....

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  9. Lori Proctor says…

    Dear Ali, I'm so sorry to hear that your sweet Lily is so sick hope that she gets better, I know that it is very hard to have an ill pet. I had to have my sweet cat Tinker put to sleep 3 months ago he was 14 years old but very sick. I miss him every day he was my best furry friend, but I know that he is in a good place now with no more pain.
    I will pray for a recovery for your Lily. Good luck and God Bless you and your family. Please give Lily a big hug for me.

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  10. Christine H says…

    Recently had to say farewell to my 21 year old cat. As others have said, you just know when it is time. Very hard stuff. Prayers for your family and Lilly.

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  11. Carrie says…

    in January, we had to let our 13yo Chow-Lab mix go. She was suffering and we fought our selfish needs to keep her alive. She looked at us with desperation in her eyes, and we knew that her time with us was ending.
    She was a beautiful soul, almost human like in her attention and care of our family. Losing her was the hardest decision we had to make. I heart every day for the loss of her in our lives. What made it harder was that our 3 young children adored her. We had to be strong for them, but it was hard.
    This is never easy.
    Lily sounds like a wonderful family member. I hope you find comfort in your memories and know that no matter what this brings you, Lily will forever be with you.

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  12. Elizabeth says…

    Lifting Lilly and the Edwards family up.

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  13. kristone s says…

    May lily feel better soon

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  14. Karin Robinson says…

    You have my love and prayers, Ali. We lost our Savannah in March to congestive heart failure and it left a hole in the family. May God hold Lily close.

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  15. dawn says…

    oh Ali, I've been checking your blog every chance I get to see how your sweet Lily is doing, thank you for making the time to update us. I'm so sorry your going thru this and the tough decisions you have to make right now. I've been sending prayers already not even knowing what was wrong and now I will send more prayers to help comfort your Lily and all of your family. Sorry this happened during your camping trip also, I hope you have some good memories to come out of this as well. I can just imagine the squeals and running around Miss Anna Pants is having and how cool everything must be for Simon and his love for nature. Lots of love and hugs coming your way from our new dog house to yours.

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  16. Erin S. says…

    I'm sorry to hear about Lily. Our 11 year old lab, Maggie, passed away in December and she is still missed so deeply by our family. 11 years goes so fast, I still remember the day our Maggie was born. I'm praying for you all and keeping you in my thoughts. Some say you know when it is time, it was time for Maggie when she could no longer walk or stand up, a decision made after 3 days of my husband carrying her and supporting her for every movement she made and it still didn't feel right or make it any easier. The best you can do for her is love her and keep her as pain free as possible. Best wishes with these tough times.

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  17. Leonie says…

    Been there

    my thoughts are with you
    you will know when it is time
    know that the love will continue long after the life

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  18. Jules says…

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all too. We also had our sad time with our golden labrador Chloe. I used to joke she was my third daughter - our girls are three years apart and Chloe arrived in our family when the youngest was three and was given the name I had picked out in case we ever had a third daughter (we didn't). She was just so beloved, as I can see Lily is. The end of her life was one of the saddest times I can recall and still makes me cry more than five years later. Thinking of you all. You will know in your gut what to do for Lily and will do it with love.

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  19. Kirsten says…

    Hugs to you and Chris and the kids Ali. And a "get well quick" to Lily!
    We lost our 16 year old dog last June, and his brother...17 by then...just this spring. We had to put them both down due to old age issues. It's really hard to think that they were with us longer than the kids: that they made the journey from university to marriage to moving 3000 miles, to growing a family with us. We have a tradition now of drawing a "comic book" in honour of each pet we lose. It's very silly and very roughly drawn, and pokes fun at the pet's loveable...and not so loveable...quirks. And often how those quirks will look in heaven ;)

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  20. sandi Hart says…

    Thinking only the very best thoughts for you and Lilly.

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  21. Sam F says…

    You and your family and, of course, Lily, are in my prayers.

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  22. Dawn Priestley says…

    Thinking of you Ali. Went through something very similar last year when we lost our dear girl. All the best as you try to find comfort for your dear girl, Lily.

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  23. Lisa says…

    My golden retriever, Tucker, and I are hoping and praying for Lily to get better soon. Dogs are the best. They just love and love and love some more, and all they ask in return is some kibble and a pat here and there.

    Get better Lily!

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  24. Steph says…

    Lily and your family are in my family's thoughts and prayers. They are a part of us...

    Sending hugs!

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  25. Deb J says…

    Ali, so sorry to hear about Lily. I'm praying for you all.

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