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The Roller Coasters Of Life

Over the last five days or so we've been on a roller coaster of emotions with our dog Lily.

While camping she began having difficulty breathing and not being able to keep food or water down. Chris took her to the nearest emergency vet hospital where they put her on IV, sedated her and found a variety of maladies - the combination of which put her in critical condition. We made the decision to transfer her to a different emergency vet hospital in Tacoma (the next closest) to be able to see a specialist and get more information (underlying causes, etc) before deciding how to proceed.

Since we've been here in Tacoma it's been close to the end and then it's been a bit better. It's been up and down, each day waiting for a different test, a new hope, a bit of recovery.

Riding the coaster is hard. Being here with family while riding the coaster makes things easier and keeps the kids entertained.

Today she seems on the upswing, able to keep some food down last night, but there's still other conditions that need to be addressed. We're waiting for another update from the main doctor today to determine the next course of action.

Lily's 11. She's had an awesome full life and has been a great companion for our family.

I appreciate your patience and your kindness towards our family and Lily as we move forward in the coming days.

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307 thoughts

  1. Denise says…

    I'll be thinking of Lily. When I lost both my girls, Scarlett & lady, over six years ago, it was hard. I hope Lily pulls through so you don't have to face that yet.

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  2. Casey says…

    On Thursday we brought our young cat into the vet's and were told he would have to have a minor surgery at that moment, or he would die within hours. We spent four days going back and forth to the vets and nursing him at home. Today, he's back to his old self and the vet gave him an all clear. I can empathize with you and your family. Sending loving energy to Lilly and you all!

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  3. Carol says…

    My Josey (who looks SO much like your Lilly) is 12 1/2 and I know we will be facing similar heart-wrenching choices soon. Our prayers are with you and your family.

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  4. Sheila says…

    I recently lost my cocker spaniel, Sam, to cancer. Putting him down was the hardest thing to do but the right thing to do. I know what you are facing. Many prayers for your family and for Lily. Could not stand not hearing the patter of paws in the house so we went and got a little Maltese and named her Zoe. She's more of a lap dog but suits our family well. Good luck with your next high or low of the rollercoaster ride.

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  5. Barb says…

    So sorry to hear this! Thinking of Lilly and of you and your family.

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  6. Stephanie says…

    How I feel for you. I know Lilly is like one of your children and you hate this happening. We lost our beloved Dickens earlier this year when my husband and our Dickens (a basenji) were attacked and mauled by a neighbor's pit bull. It is horrifying to see them suffering. It hurts more when it hits you blindsidded like this. I think we all want our fur babies to just go peacefully. Watching them suffer is just the worst. Hugs to you and your family.

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  7. Tracey Holdyk says…

    I am finding this so hard to type as my eyes well up with tears. We said goodbye to our sweet dog "Rastus" just a few months back and it was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. He had been with us for 16 years and I still miss him so much. My heart goes out to you and your family and to your sweet Lilly.
    Love me :-)

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  8. mari says…

    So sorry to hear. Sending prayers for Lily and your family.

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  9. Sally L says…

    I know how hard this is. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. {{hugs}}

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  10. Terri Marchbanks says…

    Prayers for Lily and your whole Family Ali,
    Praying for a miraculous recovery...Huge Hugs to You From S.C.

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  11. Pam says…

    Ali, My thoughts are with you and your family as you walk this path with Lily. Over the years I've had lots of four-footed family members and it's always difficult to see them ill. It's a diffult decision whether to treat and hope for recovery, or to let them go peacefully. But as Janet wrote so well, you will know when the time comes, what the decision needs to be. Meanwhile, hugs to you all.

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  12. Zoey and the furballs says…

    So sorry for all you are going through. It's amazing how much our furry friends become a cherished member of the family and how hard and helpless it can feel to see them not happy and healthy.

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  13. Emily says…

    Hugs and thoughts for you, your family and Lily. I hope that things work out positively for you. We recently dealt with the loss of my husband's 16-year old dog Mickie. It was heartbreaking to lose her and so difficult to go through the ups and downs (and the hard decision of putting her to sleep- we knew when it was time). I don't think any of us were ready to say goodbye. She was the sweetest dog and had a wonderfully full and happy life, but it doesn't make losing a loved one any easier. My thoughts and well wishes are with you!

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  14. Claire says…

    I am sending positive healing thoughts to you and Lily. Pets bring so much joy to our lives- if only they could stay with us as long as we needed them to!

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  15. jett says…

    Big hugs to you and yours from another fur-baby mom. I know how hard it is. Trust your heart and it will guide you.

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  16. Crystal M says…

    I'll be thinking of you and Lily, and your family. I know what this rollercoaster is like- we lost our 12 year old "princess" 3 years ago, and then this past January, my 6 year old cat passed away after we found out she had heart failure. For such tiny creatures, they sure leave huge holes in our hearts when they go. There's this passage that brings me a lot of comfort when things like this happen (we've got two more furbabies that are quite old- 15 and 11). I hope that it's ok that I am posting it now, and I really hope that Lily pulls through. But whatever happens, whatever decision that you may need to make, know that she knows how very much she is loved.

    Here's the passage:

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... ~(Author unknown)

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  17. Jane says…

    Thinking of all of you at this time and wishing you well.

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  18. Rachel Briggs says…

    Ali, I am thinking of you, your family, and Lily.

    Our pets truly become our children as well. Almost 5 years ago we had to take that same difficult road and make a very difficult and heartbreaking decision with our cat, Zeke. He was only 7 when he developed a very rare cancer. There isn't a day I don't miss him, but I am so grateful that he was with us, his family, through it all and especially at the end.

    My heart goes out to you and if I was there I would hug you. Lily is a very lucky dog, and she knows just how much she is loved.

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  19. Alison says…

    Praying for your sweet family member.

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  20. Suzette says…

    Awww, I am so sorry! I will say a prayer for your sweet dog.

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  21. Kelsey says…

    Hugs! Hope everything turns out alright.

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  22. ale says…

    my prayers are with lily and your family, ali. i imagine how you feel - i've been there twice. i hope she gets better soon.

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  23. cheiron says…

    Prayers for Lily, you and your family.

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  24. Janet says…

    My family has two senior dogs. We'll be keeping your family and Lily in our prayers.

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  25. Christine S says…

    When those wonderful soles get sick, it's like a stab in the heart strings. Sending you prayers for a good recovery. :) Peace be with you and your family.

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