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The Roller Coasters Of Life

Over the last five days or so we've been on a roller coaster of emotions with our dog Lily.

While camping she began having difficulty breathing and not being able to keep food or water down. Chris took her to the nearest emergency vet hospital where they put her on IV, sedated her and found a variety of maladies - the combination of which put her in critical condition. We made the decision to transfer her to a different emergency vet hospital in Tacoma (the next closest) to be able to see a specialist and get more information (underlying causes, etc) before deciding how to proceed.

Since we've been here in Tacoma it's been close to the end and then it's been a bit better. It's been up and down, each day waiting for a different test, a new hope, a bit of recovery.

Riding the coaster is hard. Being here with family while riding the coaster makes things easier and keeps the kids entertained.

Today she seems on the upswing, able to keep some food down last night, but there's still other conditions that need to be addressed. We're waiting for another update from the main doctor today to determine the next course of action.

Lily's 11. She's had an awesome full life and has been a great companion for our family.

I appreciate your patience and your kindness towards our family and Lily as we move forward in the coming days.

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307 thoughts

  1. reneecrops says…

    Up swing is a good thing. I pray this is just a bump to be rolled over. If not at least take to heart that the suffering will be short which is a blessing.

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  2. Lenea says…

    OH my heart is breaking for you. I just lost my dog less than a month ago to a coyote attack and it happened in front of me. I cant even begin to imagine the pain and up and down emotions that you and your family are going through. I am so sorry and am praying for you.

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  3. Jewel says…

    We have been riding the same roller coaster for the past year with our 14 year old golden. Thinking of your family during this time.

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  4. Beth J says…

    (from my dog to yours)

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  5. Sara says…

    We are going through something similar with our 13 year old black lab. Thinking of you during this difficult time.

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  6. amberca says…

    Oh, Ali, my heart goes out to you and your family. Anyone with pets knows that they are truly a member of our family and it is heart wrenching to watch them suffer in pain and illness. Here's to hoping the best for you all and that Lily will have a continued long life and health.

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  7. gitz says…

    praying for you all and sweet Lily. i can't imagine a reality other than my sweet pup laying next to me, so i can imagine your heart ache during all of this. praying there are good days for her ahead, and that your heart is at peace with whatever decisions you need to make.

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  8. Jenni Hufford says…

    thinking of you all and saying a prayer for Lily-- that you will get the answers you need for her to get better! God is so good to give us pets-- such a special part of the family. xo

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  9. Damiane Lucas says…

    God loves all his creatures and knows the condition and needs of Lily. I will pray to "The Great Physician" to touch, heal, embrace, and comfort Lily and your family.



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  10. Tona says…

    I know that there are a lot of us out there that have dealt with these issues with our pets who are of course our family mambers. Keeping your family & lily in my thoughts.

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  11. nancy d. says…

    None of the decisions you'll have to make will be easy. Good luck!

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  12. Tobi says…

    What a beautiful relationship our furry companions bring to our life. I, believe my fur babies are the best in the world, as you do, I'm sure. I will say prayers for you that things go as smoothly as possible. To Lily...beautiful girl, you are a good dog.

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  13. Zanne says…


    My 13 year old black lab Sierra passed away last month.She had my heart. Just doesn't seem like we have enough time with them. Prayers for Lily.


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  14. Jennifer Demmon says…

    Ali - our prayers are with your family. we've had a lot of dog issues in the last year. Cushings for our 9 year old, HGE, and now hypothyroidism for our two year old. It is very hard to watch your pet suffer. Hang in there and trust your heart.

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  15. Tinka says…

    Prayers for you and your family. Going through something like this is so hard. I swore after the last time I had to make that difficult decision that I was never goiong to have another pet again. And it has been no less heart-breaking when my family members have gone through it.

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  16. lee says…

    Oh goodness. Sending prayers and kind thoughts for comfort and wisdom in this difficult time. =)

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  17. Christin Dukes says…

    Oh ALi, I am so sorry your family is dealing with this. It is so hard because our pets are part of our family. I am keeping Lily and your family in my prayers and sending all our you big hugs!

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  18. rhonda nickol says…

    So sorry to hear about Lily. She will be in my prayers and sending good thoughts to the Edwards family.

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  19. peggy says…

    so sorry, this is difficult, your all in my thoughts and prayers.

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  20. tara pollard pakosta says…

    big hugs Ali, I know how I would feel if this were my dog, I love my dog as a son (not kidding here)....and I am praying and sending lots of love to you and your sweet Lily!!

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  21. Carrie says…

    Oh goodness, so sorry to read this. Pets are such a wonderful part of our lives and provide such richness. There is never a good time for them to have critical medical conditions. Hoping for the best and for great vets to know how to proceed. HUGS!

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  22. Jennifer says…

    So sorry to hear about your dog, Lily. Thinking of you and your family!

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  23. Teal says…

    Ali - hopefully things won't go this way, but I thought of your family when I saw this.

    Also - When our beloved family died when I was a kid, my mom had the idea that we should think of 10 good things about Max. The first few were easy, but soon we were reaching for things like "Max always ate all of his food," and "he only bit one person." We still talk about that list and remember him fondly!

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  24. Lori O. says…

    Our hearts and prayers are with your family. You are in a great area for quality veterinarians. Wishing each of you & Lily comfort and peace. {{HUGS}} to all.

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  25. Julie G says…

    I'm thinking and praying for your sweet Lily and all of you. Anyone who has ever loved and been loved by a furry member of their family knows what you are going through. it's one of the most difficult things.

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