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The Roller Coasters Of Life

Over the last five days or so we've been on a roller coaster of emotions with our dog Lily.

While camping she began having difficulty breathing and not being able to keep food or water down. Chris took her to the nearest emergency vet hospital where they put her on IV, sedated her and found a variety of maladies - the combination of which put her in critical condition. We made the decision to transfer her to a different emergency vet hospital in Tacoma (the next closest) to be able to see a specialist and get more information (underlying causes, etc) before deciding how to proceed.

Since we've been here in Tacoma it's been close to the end and then it's been a bit better. It's been up and down, each day waiting for a different test, a new hope, a bit of recovery.

Riding the coaster is hard. Being here with family while riding the coaster makes things easier and keeps the kids entertained.

Today she seems on the upswing, able to keep some food down last night, but there's still other conditions that need to be addressed. We're waiting for another update from the main doctor today to determine the next course of action.

Lily's 11. She's had an awesome full life and has been a great companion for our family.

I appreciate your patience and your kindness towards our family and Lily as we move forward in the coming days.

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307 thoughts

  1. tammy g says…

    So sorry to hear this. Will keep your family in our prayers!

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  2. Susan says…

    Its so hard when our pets are sick. Its never easy to have to make such tough decisions. sending healing prayers for Lily and ((Hugs)) to you and your family.

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  3. Jennifer Kolakowski says…

    Ali,so many prayers for you and your family. They are such loyal,faithful,kind companions. I have loved hearing about Lily through the years and how she is such a huge part of your family. We had two Goldens who were/are so very much a part of our family. Much love.

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  4. Michele T says…

    Ali, I am sitting here in tears and I don't even know you personally! My thoughts and prayers are with you and you family during this difficult time. Not too long ago (last September) I was in the same spot you are right now, so I definitely know what you are going through. Zeus was 11 also - he lived a long and full life. But that doesn't make it any easier! I look forward to hopefully hearing good news from you in the coming days - just know we are all thinking about you!

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  5. Jane Montgomery says…

    Ali you have brought tears to eyes. My animals (all animals) are very special to me - they are a part of our family. I have been in the same place as you are more than once and it is not easy. It sounds like you are doing everything possible to help Lily and more importantly keep her comfortable. The most important thing is to be there for her and for her to know that you are there.

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  6. Tracy Faulkner says…

    So sorry. We too have a lab that is a beloved family member - Lady who will be 10 years old on 9/01/11. She is our memory keeper dog. We will soon have to put down our 12 year old dog. These two girls have grown up with our kids and have slept by their beds. My heart goes out to you and your family.

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  7. Michelle Snider says…

    Thinking of you and Miss Lily! I have had three labs and have been where you have been. It isn't easy and I wish you and your family all the best!

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  8. emily ruth says…


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  9. Suz says…

    I have followed your Lily through the years on your blog and on your layouts. She has a special place in my heart too, because I have a black lab mix named Lily. When I think of her, I think of your Lily (and vice versa). Your Lily HAS had a wonderful, full life as part of your family! Prayers for the best outcome for her and for you.

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  10. Dawn Stripling says…

    So sorry Ali. We recently lost a pet. It is so hard to know what to do sometimes. I hope the answers are clear for you if you have to make a hard decision.

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  11. Susan says…

    Thinking of you and Lily.

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  12. dawn says…

    Hooray for Lily coming home and being ok. I'm so glad all our prayers got answered for her. Happy welcome home with your sweet dog. So glad it had a happy turnout. Still sending prayers to get thru the next couple weeks and keep her strong and comfortable. Have a Happy Friday and weekend. Let the unpacking and laundry begin,lol

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  13. Carole Hepburn says…

    Thinking of you and your family and prayers to you all in this time of struggle....pets are such a huge part of our family too

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  14. maria rodarte says…

    lily and your family are in our prayers.

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  15. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    (((hugs))) I am praying for God's will and blessings for the family. Our (schnauzer)Mollie is 13yrs old she gets insulin 2 day and is almost blind with cataract and she still plods on...Mollie said"I am not in pain just give me my treats and a nice place to sleep at nite" It is tough but Doc the vet said along as she is eating and functions on time she is fine...I just have been preparing the is tough

    my heart goes out to you


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  16. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    I am praying for God's will and blessings for the family. Our (schnauzer)Mollie is 13yrs old she gets insulin 2 day and is almost blind with cataract and she still plods on...Mollie said"I am not in pain just give me my treats and a nice place to sleep at nite" It is tough but Doc the vet said along as she is eating and functions on time she is fine...I just have been preparing the is tough

    my heart goes out to you


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  17. Paula G says…

    Praying for your sweet dog and your family.

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  18. Amanda Kay Tea says…

    Awww Ali I am so sorry to hear about your sweet dog. I know what you are going through. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for you all.


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  19. Christine says…

    Many blessings to you as your family rides this roller coaster. Prayers for peace and patience through the process.

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  20. Linda says…

    Such wonderful news that your dear friend Lily is home!!!!

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  21. Aimee says…

    I know how hard this time can be for the "humans" in a dogs life. My Chelsea, a poodle, lived a wonderful 18 years before suffering from many problems and having to be put down. Amazingly I have come to love a Shih Zsu named Oreo just as much. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

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  22. Maria says…

    Oh, Ali. I truly understand how hard and sad it is to go through this kind of rollercoaster. We've been there twice. And it is never, ever easy. My thougts are with you and your family. Many, many hugs to you.

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  23. Dawna says…

    I am so sorry. What a hard time. Made me think of my kids when our kitty died. Pets are so important and loved.

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  24. Chris McCormick says…

    Sending hugs to you all and Lilly from my family and our 11 year old yellow lab, Max. We are currently "waiting and praying" that his cancer will stay at bay and understand how difficult it can be to worry about your four-legged family member.

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  25. Chrystie DeSmet says…

    I'm so sorry to hear about your doggy. I hope you are able to find a remedy for her. :)

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