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The Roller Coasters Of Life

Over the last five days or so we've been on a roller coaster of emotions with our dog Lily.

While camping she began having difficulty breathing and not being able to keep food or water down. Chris took her to the nearest emergency vet hospital where they put her on IV, sedated her and found a variety of maladies - the combination of which put her in critical condition. We made the decision to transfer her to a different emergency vet hospital in Tacoma (the next closest) to be able to see a specialist and get more information (underlying causes, etc) before deciding how to proceed.

Since we've been here in Tacoma it's been close to the end and then it's been a bit better. It's been up and down, each day waiting for a different test, a new hope, a bit of recovery.

Riding the coaster is hard. Being here with family while riding the coaster makes things easier and keeps the kids entertained.

Today she seems on the upswing, able to keep some food down last night, but there's still other conditions that need to be addressed. We're waiting for another update from the main doctor today to determine the next course of action.

Lily's 11. She's had an awesome full life and has been a great companion for our family.

I appreciate your patience and your kindness towards our family and Lily as we move forward in the coming days.

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307 thoughts

  1. SherryGrove says…

    I know this must be really hard -- our loving pets become such a part of our lives. Like humans, it's hard to watch them suffer. My heart goes out to you and your family.

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  2. Renee says…

    Brings tears to my eyes.. I know how hard it is when our fur babies get sick. Sending lots of prayers and well wishes to Lily and your family :)

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  3. Cindy Andrews says…

    Prayers being said for Lily and her family. Peace to all of you.

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  4. Sharon says…

    Thoughts and prayers are with you--and of course, Lily. Blessings, Sharon

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  5. Shawn says…

    I am so sorry that your family is going through this. I do know how you feel as my family has struggled with the ups and downs of one of our beloved dogs for over a month now . Our prayers are with you and Lilly.

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  6. Cori J says…

    Hope you are doing okay. thinking of you and your family during this difficult time with Lily...hugs and cuddles for lily.

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  7. Brandy Russell says…

    Ali I am sorry to hear what ya'll are going through. As I read your blog I am always a little surpised at how our lives seem to parallel each others in many ways. My Strayer and your Simon are very similar and I often share my own joys and struggles through your blog. So once again our lives seem to parallel...we just found out yesterday that our Bailey (10 year old black lab) has SARDS which has left her blind. It is so hard to watch them suffer.

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  8. Nicky says…

    I have been down the road of the critical care hospital 2 times with my French bulldog Ruby Foo. It is a total roller coaster. Good luck! My thoughts are with you.

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  9. Terrie says…

    in reply to your tweet -- Lily update - she's coming home. Meds + wet dog food for life and happy to be back in her own house.

    That is such good news! Hugs to all of you and an especially big hug to Lily. We feed Stella and Chewey's dehydrated that we re-hydrate. Just meat, no grain and my two senior mini doxies love with capital L-O-V-E it... lamb, chicken and beef are available. Of course, home cooking is well loved too. :)

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  10. Shanie says…

    Hey girl...thoughts & prayers are with you, your family, and Lily. We just lost a 20 year old cat & a 13 year old black lab. Pets are truly part of family and its super hard when they get sick. Sending positives your way. xo

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  11. Rebecca Brooks says…

    Ali, we've been where you are with two of our dogs and it's just hard. But, as hard as it is, they are worth it. I can't imagine NOT living with a dog (or two) just to avoid this hard stuff with them. Praying wisdom and peace for you.

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  12. Celia Smith says…

    My heart goes out to you, Ali. I love my puppy so much that I cannot imagine my life without him. Pets are such a huge part of our lives. Much love to you and the kids. xox

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  13. Kimmie says…

    I already replied the other day, but I want to let you know that I'm still thinking of you and Lily. The same day I posted my first reply, my parents-in-law had to put down their 16 year old dog. She will be dearly missed. I agree whole-heartedly that dogs make our lives whole. Many hugs to you, your family, and your sweet Lily.

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  14. Jen says…

    Oh, Ali. I can only imagine how difficult this is for all of you. Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for the best.

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  15. Alison B says…

    How is it that a post about a dog can garner 290+ comments? What is it about these amazing creatures who become so integral to our lives? With two small kids and two black labs, life sometimes seems overwhelming, but then I think about them not being around and tears immediately well up in my eyes. I hope that day hasn't arrived for you either and that Lily is around to create many more happy memories.

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  16. Danielle Taylor says…

    Praying for all of you.

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  17. Joan Abraham says…

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. My friend and I spent part of our evening last night talking about our wonderful dogs - hers recently passed and mine recently diagnosed with diabetes. What emotions they can elicit from us! What wonderful members of our families. I understand your pain. Your family is in my thoughts.

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  18. Barbara says…

    Thinking of you and your family.

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  19. Diane says…

    Not an easy time. My heart goes out to you all. Our pets are such important and special companions in our lives.

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  20. Dara Cohen says…

    just logging on to see how Lily is doing. Thinking of you guys, and praying that Lily will recover nicely.

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  21. Jamie says…

    If you are still reading comments from this post, I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and your family. Pets are a big part of our life and it's so hard to see them struggle!

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  22. Annie says…

    I am praying for your family and dear Lily. We just got a family dog 2 weeks ago and we are completely smitten. I can only imagine how hard this is for you all.

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  23. suzanne says…

    my "mature" dog Zoe and I send Lilly and your family a BIG hug. Keeping you in our thoughts.

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  24. Beth says…

    Hugs to the family...been there. Have comfort in knowing she has had a great life, she will let you know when she is ready.

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  25. Anna-Marie says…

    My prayers are with you, Lily and family during such a difficult time. There isn't much more painful thing in life than trying to decide what to with a pet when it may be the end. I had to put my sweet Sunny dog to sleep after a battle with a cancerous tumor in her jaw. We had it taken out a few times but it kept coming back and getting worse each time. Finally the surgery would have been too much for her and we had to put her to sleep. The toughest thing I have been through so far in life. But right before that day God smiled on me and brought the one of the greatest lights into my life and I didn't even know it. Ends up 2 weeks after I put Sunny to sleep I found out I was finally pregnant after 5 years of trying with our first of 2 beautiful baby girls. I pray that you find comfort during this difficult time and if it's time for Lily to go that the kids will find comfort knowing that she lived a full and happy life with your family and you can't ask for more than that from anyone or any dog. Lily is in my prayers!!!!

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