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Week In The Life 2012 | April 23-29

Happy Monday! I'm officially on Spring Break this week and as a special treat for you guys I've got a great collection of guest posts coming your way. First up today over on the Project blog is Kolette Hall.

Before I get down to the business of spring vacation I wanted to put up a quick reminder about the Week In The Life project and dates for 2012. Mark your calendar for April 23rd through April 29th.

I've been thinking a bunch about this project and going back and forth about it the last few weeks. Do I really need to do this? Do I have the time and the energy? Is this content already covered in Project Life? And then yesterday, as I looked back through my previous albums (all the way back to 2005), it was obvious to me that I will be doing this project again.

It's a lot of work. Think Project Life on steroids in terms of the details and the photos and the commitment of time.

And that is precisely why I love it and precisely why I will be doing it again.

These albums are amazing looks at our lives over the course of one week each year. They are in-depth. They document so much of the basic pieces of our existence. They show me so many things to be thankful for in my life yesterday and today. So I'm going to do it again and you can consider yourself invited.

Here's a few things I know to be true:

I've always loved the community that has risen up around this project each year and I hope you'll choose to participate in some form. I've also always loved the creative energy that comes from seeing how people interpret the project and make it work in their own lives.

Interested in learning more or seeing what past year's albums have looked like? Check out my complete Week In The Life compilation page here.

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56 thoughts

  1. dawn says…





    Reply 0 Replies
  2. NatalieSpring says…

    Yay! I loved participating in this project last year. Can't wait for Week in the Life! Count me in.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jeni says…

    I hope to be doing Week in the Life... trying to find a way around not being able to really take photographs at work... any suggestions?

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. Courtney says…

      Ask. I know that sounds weird, but I was able to take a few photos in a "no cameras, including cell phones allowed" workplace by asking HR. I explained in a nutshell what I wanted the photos for, and my boss just had to see what I had taken. Since nothing showed anything proprietary, I was able to get 3 or 4 photos. One of my desk with the computer off, one of my cubicle, one of the break room area, and I took one outside (which I could take without permission.)

    2. Gypsy Chaos says…

      I wonder if you, like me, cannot take a camera into your office at all.**

      If that's the case, can you bring home some folders or other objects that remind you of your workplace? Once home, you can photograph them. Or use public website photos about the projects you work on. Any sales materials, pamphlets, give aways? You might want to take a shot of yourself dressed for work each day. How about scanning your work ID? Scanning a paycheck/paystub?

      ** with the advent of cameras in cell phones, the company finally had to accept that we understood the ramifications of photographing aspects of our workplace and work, and accept that we can be trusted! But the prohibition on photographs is iron-clad.

    3. Ilona says…

      Hi :-)
      just thinking: coffee break, lunch break (haha, only thinking about breaks), parking lot, plant on or next to your desk...

    4. Kimberly Stevens says…

      Would love to hear suggestions too- I am in the same boat. I am thinking of pics of paperwork piles and computer shots, but other than those I am kind of at a loss.

  4. jennifer says…

    I need to do this... I want to do this! Still have my DITL pictures & stories waiting to be added to my PL. This is just the motivation I need to get caught up with my PL because I can't possibly tackle WITL with my Project Life so far behind.

    Have a wonderful spring break Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kimberly Stevens says…

      my PL is far behind too, I keep adding to the pile with memorabilia but haven't found the time/energy to sort and print pics. I'm just glad to know I am not alone:)

  5. Lisa W. says…

    You are SO good...have a wonderful vacation!!!

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  6. Stacy says…

    Have a great Spring Break, Ali and kids!

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  7. Sue TR (Your Story 2011) says…

    Have a terrific break with the kids! I'm finishing my WITL from 2011 so I hope I'll be in for this year ;) Thanks for your mentoring and encouragement!

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  8. sabrina says…

    So excited!!! Thank you for being an amazing inspiration!!

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  9. Denise says…

    Just putting the idea out there... What about 11 x 8.5? Same size, but then you can print it digitally through places like Shutterfly. Just a thought. Would be something different, but in a familiar size.

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  10. slmnontec says…

    Just a couple of questions--Did you skip the year 2009? Also, in 2010 you did the Week in April also. Is that on purpose because you wanted something for the spring of the year? I was surprised you didn't pick a different month. (Sept/Oct., July, April so far) Sounds like fun again!

    Have a great trip wherever it is -- I'm guessing Leoland or Disney World or North Carolina to see family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. jennifer says…

    I have joined in a few times with you and off-cycle (on my own another week during year) but wanted to say to anyone who may be thinking that it's daunting that one time I just took all of my photos (think 4x6 stack) and created a cover and back page and just ring bound them. I inserted notes on 4x6 cards throughout and that made the "putting together" quick and simple. It's like PL in that, this project can be whatever you want it to be. I am just thankful that I did it! Looking forward to it - think I'll participate the same week this year! Thanks :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kimberly Stevens says…

    Just curious to hear how others document their lives at work- outside the home. So much of my day is spent out of the home working and I am just not quite sure how I want to document that aspect of my life. Any suggestions I'd be all ears....

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Naomi says…

    Wish I could do Week in the Life, but feel like I don't have the resources here to do it properly (living overseas) ... and am already behind on Project Life as it is ...

    Would love to hear some suggestions for those of us who don't have the gadgets and the tools, or the shops or mail for that matter (to order the fun stuff/add-ons) .. and how we can still create meaningful and beautiful PL albums!!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Margie S says…

      You could do it digitally and print it out when you are finally home. I live abroad too and can't buy anything fun. I just wait until I am home for a visit and then bring stuff back with me. For last year's WITL, I used an ordinary 3-ring binder (cost me $2.50), Avery page protectors and baseball card holders (it was my way of not investing too much money in case I never finished the project). WITL is more about the documenting (writing & taking photos) than it is about cute things. Just take photos, collect a lot of everyday ephemera & keep track of your day (using Ali's daily sheets), those alone would be an awesome record of your week. Good luck!

    2. Naomi says…

      oy Pinterest! I try to stay away! :) You girls are right, I just need to use my printer and go outside of the box a bit! So far, into Week whatever-we-are-on, I am keeping the bits and scraps from our life ... and having the corresponding photos printed --- and that is good enough, isn't it!!

    3. Gypsy Chaos says…

      Do you have a printer? Jessica Sprague's site sells digital files for all the paper products. Plus there are oodles of free jounraling cards online. If you're on Pinterest, search "project life" when you have LOTS of time to look at the results.

      With a printer, you can print what you want, including your photos. You can even print embellishments - 'stickers' that you use with glue, vellum quotes if you have access to vellum paper, and even rub-ons. (I saw paper to use for rub-ons somewhere, but I didn't look at it closely at all.)

  14. Christine says…

    So happy for your kids. Have a wonderful time at Disneyland. Can't wait to hear all about it!

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  15. Tanya Watson says…

    I love this project and love seeing your album all done, but Im yet to complete it myself,,,,, the first year I started it two years ago I ended up being very sick in bed and couldnt' finish it so gave it a miss, last year I did it but Im yet to finish adding some bits lol - quite slack really....But maybe its 3rd time lucky for me and I will get it all done this year? we shall see either way I look forward to seeing your album again

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. sharon says…

    HI Ali<

    YAHOO FOR WITL ....I have to say for me April is better cause the is cooler Than last in July?!!!!eek we live in the desert Ali, since you experienced our Phoenix temps last year you know what I am talking about...still last WITL last year gave me lot of awareness which is a good thing.... so I am marking my calendar for the dates and maybe by that day I will also be more savvy in using photoshop to assist my WITL....


    I have done Day in the Life, as well as Month in the Life

    blessings & hugs,


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  17. Shelly K says…

    Have a great spring break!!! So wish I got one! Will be working and trying to come up with creative activities for my kiddos while I'm away...wish me luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kyle W says…

    Ali- I just literally looked this up today! I've never done anything like 'week in the life' but count me in! Soooo excited!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kathy says…

    Ali very good timing as I was only thinking about when you would post something on this yesterday. I have convinced a friend of mine to do this with me as I got her to do Project 365 last year. I like your reference to WITL is like Project Life on steriods. IT'S TRUE, IT'S INTENSE and looking back from year to year is amazing. Taking a photo a day for a year is actually easier than the intense 7 days of photographing and note taking for the week but IT IS WORTH IT............ I'm thankful that you have come up with such great projects (WITL and DD) and invite us to join in because you do feel a part of the group with everyone sharing stuff. Can't wait to see what this year looks like. Thank you and I hope things are settling down in your life now...I have been through all of that and it's tough...I'm not through the other side yet but I've got my 2 beautiful kids. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Annabella Merlin says…

    You captured such a wonderful life. And 8.5x11 is a good paper size. I'm using it most of the time. :)

    Annabella Merlin
    Creative photo Albums

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  21. Gypsy Chaos says…

    I hope you got photos and/or video of the moment you told your kids! Friends of mine surprised their two girls. They were flying to Orlando, which means an extremely early flight from here. The girls were SO confused when they were woken up! The moments when each one realized what was going on are priceless.

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  22. Kim Schiller says…

    yippee! Finally, a week that works for me. This will be my first time doing it, so I'm super psyched. I normally work 12by12, but I think I'll also do it in 8.5by11.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. allyson says…

    Hi Ali

    I came across a great autism news story in our local paper that I thought might interest you. Here's the link

    Enjoy your break!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Verbena says…

    I love doing Week in the Life every year. It is so much fun to go back and review all of the routines and activities of daily life. It is funny how so many things change but yet how so many things remain the same - that's indeed what life is all about!

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  25. KSW says…

    Ali you are fantastic. Thanks for everything. Loving the guest posts too - you think of everything!

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