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Project Life 2012 | Week Twelve

Welcome to Project Life 2012 | Week Twelve.

Catching up today with a look back at Week Twelve (the week before we took off for spring break). Hoping to share Week Thirteen on Friday.

When I get behind - I did a couple times last year when I was traveling - the easiest way I've found to catch-up is to keep it super simple with the attitude that I just want to get it done. Stick some things in the pockets and call it good. I know that some weeks are going to have more details, more words and more photos and others will be less. I also know that I'm most interested in the album as a whole vs. any particular week. Onward!

Here's a look at Week Twelve:

I have to say that getting my hands back into this project again felt so good.

I've really got the itch to make stuff, tell more stories and play again. It's been a tough last six months for me and I'm really ready to lighten up and come out of the fog.

It snowed here during this week. And not just a dusting - more like 7-8 inches. Totally rare and random for this time of year (actually for any time of year). I used a Random Facts Journal Card to record some details about how rare it is (info collected online).

I loved being able to add a screenshot I'd taken with my phone on the day it snowed. To take a screenshot with your iphone hold down the top button (power button) and click the bottom circle button to take the photo. It will then show up in your camera roll.

"Hello Snow" and "Winter Wonderland" are both brushes from my Hello Winter set.

I'm often asked about how to (and/or should you) incorporate the more challenging stuff of life in this project. It's a very personal choice. For me, I've included things along the way that give a nod to the heartache and challenges of the last year. Sometimes it's been more obvious and sometimes more vague. During Week Twelve we signed divorce papers to complete the process. Rather than write a detailed account I decided to include photos of flowers I received from friends with a simple statement, "Papers signed. Tears shed. Friends treasured. Moving forward. Looking ahead."

The second half of the week signaled the beginning of spring break (and really so many beginnings): a concert (Lady Antebellum + Darius Rucker), a movie (The Hunger Games), packing for our trip, a mani/pedi, and a birthday celebration for George the cat.

"Bring On The Fun" and "Hello Spring Break" can be found in my Spring Break set at Designer Digitals. "Make A Wish" is part of the Birthday Hand-drawn set.

I loved taking a photo of the packing process for each of the kids. Fun to see the color themes. On top of each photo I added an American Crafts letter sticker (Rouge and Robin's Egg) and a button from this Ormolu set.

SUPPLIES | 2012 | WEEK 12

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life (including all the spreads from my completed 2011 album) here.

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86 thoughts

  1. Allie.Duckienz says…

    Sending love your way! My fiancee and I broke up at the same time that you and your husband did. I am so not even close to begin moving on. I thought you needed to be separated for 2 years before you could get a divorce? It feels too soon in my book but not trying to judge. Love this week's spread! Especially the kids packed clothes. You are such an inspiration both in your creative work and in your life. Bless you for being you Ali!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      No laws here regarding a specific length of separation before divorce. Edited: Actually I looked that up and there is a 90-day waiting period before a case can go to trial. We did mediation so our situation was a little different. Here's a link that shows different states laws: (and that's actually from 2009 so I'd assume that some states have changed).

    2. Allie.Duckienz says…

      Thanks Ali!

  2. Marsha Alford says…

    I love reading your words and seeing your creativity. Tonight, I was caught off guard and began to tear up thinking about how hard this must be for you. My husband tells me all the time that I am so empathetic to other people's situations. I am so sorry you are going through this and will keep you in my prayers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Paula says…

    Love your Week 12 (ok, love your Weeks 1-11 too!)
    Wishing you much love and comfort and adventure going forward! You will continue to shine!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. laura g. says…

    a difficult week for you signing the papers but you have such a supporting family good friends and lots of are truly blessed!!
    one thing i discovered this week doing PL is that i miss scrapbooking now i am going to do my PL a bit differently i was cropping photos and making them fit into pockets rounding the corners then it hit me...this is taking way too much TIME i should have just put the photos on the page used the journaling cards and i would have been done lesson learned! plus i will stretch out my pocket page supply!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Tiara says…

    I agree that documenting the rough parts of our daily life is hard, but I do feel this project lends itself to mentioning these life lessons without over shadowing all the wonderful things we experience. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Mel says…

    I have been following your blog since 2007. I love your style and the positive way that you live your life. I have two adult kids with autism. I was divorced three years ago after 25 years of marriage. The kids and I are doing fine and feeling stronger and happier everyday. The day I had to go to court for my divorce, there was an ice storm (in Minnesota). The traffic was jam packed on the freeways because of the icy conditions. I looked up and there was a rainbow in the sky! I wish I had taken a picture of it (no iPhone at that time!). I feel that it was a "sign" that I was doing the right thing.

    The healing takes time, but it does get better! Just keep doing what you are doing!

    I LOVE that you and the kids went to Disneyland! The happiest place on earth!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Lisa W. says…
    04/04/2012 as such! This blog makes my day. Your style..your inspiration..your zest for life...your love for your children are a class act! Thank you for everyday little piece of "ali" blog!! My dream is to go on one of the scrapping of Italy...ANYWHERE. Have to get my third through college. THEN hoping I can make that happen. My friends ALL tease me about "my friend ali"...hope to meet you someday:) Happy Spring, and glad you had a wonderful safe trip!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Elizabeth*S* says…

    Jeremiah 29:
    11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Stacy says…


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  10. Brooke says…

    I love that the seasons are in your favour helping you move forward. Spring followed by Summer it's all stuff to look forward too.

    Thanks for sharing. I get lots of inspiration from you each week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. scrapper al says…

    Thank you for sharing your life with us. I hope the pain of the past months lessen with time. So glad you have good friends to support you and your fans love you too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Colleen says…

    Hi Ali. I'm coming up on six years since my divorce was final. You reaching this milestone and your sharing bits of your experience with us has had me thinking back to how hard it was for me at the time, and how much better my life is today. I cannot express how much I appreciate your candidness, but especially your positivity. Maybe a bit apropos, then, that I finally saw The Help this week and immediately thought of you when I heard this quote: "You is smart. You is kind. You is important." You go, girl. You got this.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. dawn says…

    Ali, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this hard time. I think all the comments above have summed it up already, you are doing a great job so keeping moving forward and upward. Thank you for your honesty and sharing with us, we all love you and are cheering for you. That was so sweet of your friend to send you the flowers and positive note!! Be easy on yourself and hug those cute kids of yours!!

    My favorite photo is the kids clothes layed out, how fun that is. LOVE LOVE THE SNOW PHOTOS!!!

    I checked out your new class, was really thinking it was going to be an artsy class due to your recent posts on art. The class does look fun and I would love to learn more about writing. How funny that the cost is $31 so just a dollar a day, made me smile.

    Can't wait to see your Disney photos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Petra from NL says…

    Flowers and some text, sweet and subtle. I guess you will/can make a separate layout if you feel the need to do so. Good luck!

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  15. Rene' Sharp says…

    You are always an inspiration to me, thinking of you and the kids during this difficult time!!

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  16. HeatherC says…

    very cool -- there is just no other way to put it -- and how appropriate for this to happen in the spring -- a time when the world is full of new beginnings.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Michelle B says…

    Always love your weekly layouts Ali. And you always handle things with such grace! I am sure that it was a difficult week - but I think you acknowledged it but didn't dwell on it in the most perfect way. I wish you nothing but peace and happiness as you move forward with your life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. tetcy says…

    I love folded laundry photos! Just a beautiful, ordinary, slice of life. Order in the midst of constant chaos :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. gina says…

    LOve this week and I know what you mean about falling behind when you travel and the desire to get it DONE!!
    i did want to ask you a question, kinda random, but i love the dress you are wearing in your picture with the grey stripes, can i ask you where you got it from, or where you are trying it on?
    thanks and so proud of you for documenting what you feel like and can during those times.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Helen says…

    Oh Ali, your solution to the signing is so full of grace.
    Love the rest of your week 12 spread: the his and hers photos are so genius!
    Thinking of you, inspired, as always, by how you handle the good and the bad.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Chris says…


    I read this online newsletter today, and it reminded me of you and what you have been going through. I hope the little story helps as you move into the next phase of your life. May your harsh winter be over very soon!

    March 11th was the one year anniversary of the disastrous and tragic earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan. The CBS Sunday Morning that recounted the event featured a man who designed and made dolls in the images of children who perished. He sends the dolls to the still grieving parents with this explanation.

    “After the harsh winter comes spring. You don’t suffer the winter forever. Spring will arrive. Wait for that day with this doll.”

    I can’t imagine what those parents have experienced, but I know many of us experience a change that feels like an endless winter. If you’re in that place right now or know someone who is, remember – Spring will arrive. Find something meaningful and tangible to hold on to while you wait for that day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Sue says…

    Ali I too wanted to let you now that we all are holding you close. I think you have displayed such dignity in in embracing and releasing this chapter in your life. It is wonderful to hear that you are open to embrace all the new possibilities that are sure to come your way. AND... I just had to have a huge belly laugh at the picture of George's birthday. Oh! it is all those precious little moments that truly matter.

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  23. Loydene says…

    Congratulations on "keeping it real" -- your dignity, your privacy, the amount you share. But ... you know ..... it is okay to shut a door with one quick kick!
    Good luck and best wishes on a wonderful future with your differently shaped family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Michelle L says…

    Thanks for the the tip on taking screenshots of your iphone! I've been wondering how people do that!

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  25. denise sanner says…

    i love how you include everything in your project life album...the good, the bad, and the ugly. not putting it in there isn't going to make it go away. how wonderful it will be for simon and anna to flip through these albums someday and see how you handled "life" in their best interest. just one more thing i admire about you. i was divorced back in my mid 20' year i will be celebrating my 20th anniversary with the most amazing husband, father, and truly my best friend. i can't wait to see where your life will lead you in the future. you can be sure i'll be following along and cheering you on!

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