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Project Life 2012 | Week Twelve

Welcome to Project Life 2012 | Week Twelve.

Catching up today with a look back at Week Twelve (the week before we took off for spring break). Hoping to share Week Thirteen on Friday.

When I get behind - I did a couple times last year when I was traveling - the easiest way I've found to catch-up is to keep it super simple with the attitude that I just want to get it done. Stick some things in the pockets and call it good. I know that some weeks are going to have more details, more words and more photos and others will be less. I also know that I'm most interested in the album as a whole vs. any particular week. Onward!

Here's a look at Week Twelve:

I have to say that getting my hands back into this project again felt so good.

I've really got the itch to make stuff, tell more stories and play again. It's been a tough last six months for me and I'm really ready to lighten up and come out of the fog.

It snowed here during this week. And not just a dusting - more like 7-8 inches. Totally rare and random for this time of year (actually for any time of year). I used a Random Facts Journal Card to record some details about how rare it is (info collected online).

I loved being able to add a screenshot I'd taken with my phone on the day it snowed. To take a screenshot with your iphone hold down the top button (power button) and click the bottom circle button to take the photo. It will then show up in your camera roll.

"Hello Snow" and "Winter Wonderland" are both brushes from my Hello Winter set.

I'm often asked about how to (and/or should you) incorporate the more challenging stuff of life in this project. It's a very personal choice. For me, I've included things along the way that give a nod to the heartache and challenges of the last year. Sometimes it's been more obvious and sometimes more vague. During Week Twelve we signed divorce papers to complete the process. Rather than write a detailed account I decided to include photos of flowers I received from friends with a simple statement, "Papers signed. Tears shed. Friends treasured. Moving forward. Looking ahead."

The second half of the week signaled the beginning of spring break (and really so many beginnings): a concert (Lady Antebellum + Darius Rucker), a movie (The Hunger Games), packing for our trip, a mani/pedi, and a birthday celebration for George the cat.

"Bring On The Fun" and "Hello Spring Break" can be found in my Spring Break set at Designer Digitals. "Make A Wish" is part of the Birthday Hand-drawn set.

I loved taking a photo of the packing process for each of the kids. Fun to see the color themes. On top of each photo I added an American Crafts letter sticker (Rouge and Robin's Egg) and a button from this Ormolu set.

SUPPLIES | 2012 | WEEK 12

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life (including all the spreads from my completed 2011 album) here.

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86 thoughts

  1. Judy says…

    I started Project Life for the first time last year. I was doing really well until my husband was diagnosed with cancer at the end of October. November and December are just blank. Your week 12 has inspired me to revisit that time. There were some bad, scary times but also some good times too so I will go back to the book and complete my project the best way I can.

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  2. view website says…

    Parenting Mistakes You Might Not Know You Are Making

    Making occasional mistakes is impossible to avoid when you're a parent. However, what really counts is what you do on a consistent basis.

    Many parents slip into certain mistakes without realizing it, and over time this can cause problems that could have been prevented. Learning all you can by reading articles like this one is the first step to avoiding some of the mistakes you have been making.

    One mistake that modern parents can easily make is to rely on television as a babysitter. If parents let their children watch DVD's on education, they think
    it is good for them. It has been researched to find that children lag behind in school, with
    such things as language skills, when they spend too much time in
    front of the TV.

    These kids that are watching educational material at home, are missing out on many other needs.
    Children with ADD and ADHD can be affected by things like watching too much TV.
    Be sure to monitor the amount of television that your children watch, so it
    is not overdone. TV should be seen as entertainment, not as a way to educate kids or keep them busy when you want them out of the way.

    When your child talks to you, it is very important to
    really listen to what they are saying. Your child wants your time and attention and when they do not get it,
    they suffer. Today with our hectic lives, when a lot
    of mothers work, the children come home from school to a empty place and communication is usually with a television.
    If a child has concerns about certain things, they need their
    parents to communicate with them. Do not just go through the motions,
    but really listen to your child and ask questions.

    If you are busy doing things, your child will not feel that you are giving them your full attention.

    The timing is uncanny when the parent get
    too busy with something, the child immediately starts getting into

    Different time periods make it almost impossible to to be
    exactly how your parents were when they raised you. If our parents
    taught us to respect others and their things, that would be very helpful for us to teach our kids.

    Having a happy and rewarding childhood is a very good reason to
    raise your children in the same way. It would be a good idea to look at your own upbringing
    to evaluate the mistakes your parents made and try not to make them
    yourself. Learning from mistakes is something that more people should learn to practice.
    When it comes to following the example of your own parents,
    you should keep what worked and change what didn't. It takes quite a bit of effort to avoid making parenting mistakes. You have to be willing to admit that you're doing
    something wrong, and be open to making changes. There will
    be resistance and change is rarely instantaneous.
    Sometimes what seems to work in the moment, such as threatening your child in anger or pacifying him or her with a cookie is not the best practice in the long run.

    Stop by my site - view website

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  3. littlealbatross says…

    I'm going through a divorce and have essentially been dreading Project Life (despite it previously being something I really enjoyed) because I didn't really want to address all of the stuff going on. I googled for "Divorce and Project Life" and found your blog and it has been really helpful. Thank you so much for sharing.

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