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Project Life 2012 | Week Twelve

Welcome to Project Life 2012 | Week Twelve.

Catching up today with a look back at Week Twelve (the week before we took off for spring break). Hoping to share Week Thirteen on Friday.

When I get behind - I did a couple times last year when I was traveling - the easiest way I've found to catch-up is to keep it super simple with the attitude that I just want to get it done. Stick some things in the pockets and call it good. I know that some weeks are going to have more details, more words and more photos and others will be less. I also know that I'm most interested in the album as a whole vs. any particular week. Onward!

Here's a look at Week Twelve:

I have to say that getting my hands back into this project again felt so good.

I've really got the itch to make stuff, tell more stories and play again. It's been a tough last six months for me and I'm really ready to lighten up and come out of the fog.

It snowed here during this week. And not just a dusting - more like 7-8 inches. Totally rare and random for this time of year (actually for any time of year). I used a Random Facts Journal Card to record some details about how rare it is (info collected online).

I loved being able to add a screenshot I'd taken with my phone on the day it snowed. To take a screenshot with your iphone hold down the top button (power button) and click the bottom circle button to take the photo. It will then show up in your camera roll.

"Hello Snow" and "Winter Wonderland" are both brushes from my Hello Winter set.

I'm often asked about how to (and/or should you) incorporate the more challenging stuff of life in this project. It's a very personal choice. For me, I've included things along the way that give a nod to the heartache and challenges of the last year. Sometimes it's been more obvious and sometimes more vague. During Week Twelve we signed divorce papers to complete the process. Rather than write a detailed account I decided to include photos of flowers I received from friends with a simple statement, "Papers signed. Tears shed. Friends treasured. Moving forward. Looking ahead."

The second half of the week signaled the beginning of spring break (and really so many beginnings): a concert (Lady Antebellum + Darius Rucker), a movie (The Hunger Games), packing for our trip, a mani/pedi, and a birthday celebration for George the cat.

"Bring On The Fun" and "Hello Spring Break" can be found in my Spring Break set at Designer Digitals. "Make A Wish" is part of the Birthday Hand-drawn set.

I loved taking a photo of the packing process for each of the kids. Fun to see the color themes. On top of each photo I added an American Crafts letter sticker (Rouge and Robin's Egg) and a button from this Ormolu set.

SUPPLIES | 2012 | WEEK 12

Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life is a product and a system created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life (including all the spreads from my completed 2011 album) here.

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86 thoughts

  1. Kellie says…

    I love that you take screen shots from your phone to include...I saw you do it with a text message awhile back and I had to ask my 7-year old how to do it because I wanted to include some texts that I had with my friends!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Helen (UK) says…

    hugs to you...

    You are my role model in so many things. I wish you all the happiness in the world for now and the future

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sandi Keene says…

    I just wanted to send you love. Just love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kelsey says…

    GO, ALI, GO!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Dara Cohen says…

    Thank-you for sharing your life, your philosophy, and your art with us. Yes, you are in inspiration to others, and we are grateful to have you in our lives, you bring peace and cheer!
    Hang in there you are loved!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. lee says…

    You have handled the difficulties of recent months with so much grace and positive energy. A divorce is certainly difficult, but it was inspiring to see the hope and reflection and kindness you're allowing yourself - both in this weekly spread (including the picture of your left hand) and in the weeks past.

    Wishing you many blessings as one chapter "officially" closes and another begins. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. anya says…

    Ali, the way you share and document all of your situations is inspiring. I hope that you can find a new happiness in the changes you are dealing with. You seem to be a very strong and well-grounded person with a great support network and that is important. I am looking forward to hearing more about your Spring Break trip and wish you the best going forward!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. audra says…

    I'm so happy to read about your postive energy - that's awesome! There is something about the HIS/HERS clothes pics - I LOVE those!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Christine says…

    I have officially switched my PL method to follow yours--not a true photo a day, but bits and pieces of our week in there. I love it! I love seeing yours each week. I think next year, when you look back at this week, you will see that that was when your wings sprouted.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lycia says…

    God bless you as you begin this next phase, Ali :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Lycia says…

      There was NOT supposed to be a smiley face! My apologies.

  11. Lycia says…

    God bless you as you begin this next phase, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Just b says…

    Not sure if this is appropriate & I realize you don't know me from Jill but for reasons I can't explain I feel close to you, call it intuition. I feared from your subtle hints over the past several weeks that something was wrong and was disheartened by the 'fact' that you have made known today but I am so very proud of you for embracing every facet of life - the good the bad and even the heartbreak. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts & wish for you sunny days ahead...Peace be with you Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Alida says…

    This was a really significant week, Ali. I've bought your Scrapbooking books and seen some older lay-outs of happier times in your relationship & marraige. This lets me begin to imagine a little how hard this must be for you. May this difficult season be a refining fire, and I trust that there's new seasons of joy ahead. Ps: Ever considered writing a book (story or autobiography), you write so well.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Patti L says…

    Always inspiring...really enjoyed a look at your week 12. Lots of important fav shot is def George the cat, so stoic about his bday. Hang in there, it gets better.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Catherine says…

    Pitch perfect this week.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Tracy says…

    Thanks for the iphone tip on the screenshot!! I just got an iphone the 3gs...only .99 with a two year contract!! WooHoo and that was a huge step up from the not so smart phone that I had :) I love my iphone!!! Great post!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Mel says…

    I love the photo of George very cool and calm he looks, taking it in his stride. I was wondering what you thought of the Hunger Games movie? I picked up the book when you mentioned it here and am almost through book 3.

    Thanks for sharing and sending good thought to you all over the pond. x

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. lisa truesdell says…

    sending love, ali. love this. esp the thicker + flair over the page protector.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Mary in IL says…

    Where is George's baby kitten birthday gift??? LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Marie-Pierre says…

    I send you some virtual flowers. You're an inspiration. Heads up! I have a thought for you at least every day. :) You are THAT present in my life, even though we don't know each other. The amazing power of internet, right?! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Teri H. says…

    It seems weird to say this, perhaps, but I bet you'll appreciate the memory of the not-so-great things in your PL later on. You'll look back and see how far you've come.

    PS - love the photo of George at the table. Cracks me up!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Beth says…

    Love the birthday celebration with George - how adorable to get a photo of him at the table :). Lovely pages as always :). Just a note that I just got an upgrade to iPhone 4s and you are right - the photos are so much better than previous iPhones. I only use my iPhone now for all my photos :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Kathy says…

    I have been separated for 4 years but only finalized the divorce, property settlement 1 year ago. It is heartbreaking and painful and sad particularly when there are children involved and our hopes and dreams of our family are shattered. I admire that you are moving forward and all I could do was stay the same to get through at the time. Even though I was over the marriage and the man who cheated, lied and constantly drank in excess I still was upset when I saw the Divorce document. I know you have been through very tough times and will continue to do so in the grieving process however I do admire your positive outlook on the future. Loving your project life pages and of course I'm still behind...once my two little ones go back to school after the holidays that's my number one project to get caught up on. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

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  24. Bev says…

    The Project LIfe Album is a great idea but hard to get completed in my opinion. but it doesn't hurt to try...thanks for entering me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Digital Project Life : Week Fourteen | Heather's Homemade Home says…

    [...] page is full of some ideas inspired by others. I loved seeing Ali Edwards packing pictures on her Week Twelve layout, so I took some of my own. (These would have been much better in color, but I still think you get [...]

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