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Summer Manifesto

Last summer I got a chance to be in Andrea's house for just a bit and will never forget the summer list she had on a chalkboard near her door.

I loved the idea of putting into a list what you want to have happen over the ever-so-short months of summer. Setting an intention sounded like a great plan to me.

Above you see the beginnings of my list. I don't want it to to be too long. I do want it to be things we will actually do and/or things I'd really like to do or have it within my power to make happen.

As I was working on this post I asked Simon, "What are your favorite things to do in the summer?"

"Stay home"

Yep, that's his answer (Oh how I love you Simon) said with a really big smile.

And then he said, "play video games." And then something about not wanting to go camping because there will be dogs there (he's not a fan).

Anna told me she wants to go to the park.

I'm sure we'll do a little bit of everything - staying home, going to the park, playing video games, eating watermelon (yes, I know I spelled it wrong in my list), riding bikes, swimming and maybe even a bit of dreaming. I'm mainly looking forward to the pace and the warmth and being in together.

As I started writing this I googled summer manifesto and found a link to an exercise via Simple Scrapper from 2009: Writing A Summer Manifesto. That post links to a post written by Andrea of Scout that is just completely lovely and awesome. Totally inspiring way to write out a manifesto.


Do you have a summer manifesto (or if you're in another part of the world maybe a manifesto for the season you are about to enter)? If you create one for you or your family and post it on your blog I'd love for you to share it below using the link widget or in the comments. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!

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120 thoughts

  1. Winter Manifesto | Inspired Life with Jess says…

    [...] with summer manifestos. I started off reading about it on Sunny Side Up a few weeks back, then on Ali’s blog last night, and then again on Simplify 101 while at work today. Ali even has a link up on there [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. SUMMER MANIFESTO – SORT OF . . . « The AJBs & Me says…

    [...] at Ali Edwards blog she talks about having a Summer Manifesto.  I thought (think) that is a pretty cool idea.  But [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. aliza says…

    I love this idea, and will get to my list...eventually. Making my list, will be first on my list.

    But, I also wanted to say that I totally get Simon. Yes, I hope to get out and explore a lot this summer, but after 10 months of teaching, and the hustle and bustle of daily life, I am SO looking forward to just 'being,' inside my home. I love my home, my space, and getting to be here without rushing out each day, is one of the best things about summer vacation.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Mel says…

    I love this idea! I'm a new Peace Corps volunteer in a rural part of Morocco, and there's not a whole lot going on this summer. Therefore, I know that for my emotional health and sanity I'm going to have to stay busy! I'll have to think about this some more...thanks for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. mindy says…

    i love this list... you have to try a cucumber cosmo, my new fav! happy almost summer, ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. patty says…

    LOVE the summer manifesto idea...
    ali, try a watermelon martini...DELISH!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Kay Gregory-Clark says…

    Ali, your Summer Manifesto and today's Creative Lift about "Dreams" really hit home. Ironically, just this morning I pulled up my Bucket List. I think it has something to do with my intense week of cleaning house, getting ready for a big Memorial Day cookout and weeklong houseguests—-and not being able to scrapbook and take "Me Time" (in fact, putting away all my stuff for the time being). Now I'm really going to rethink the rest of my summer and build in some Dream Days. I love that concept as described by Tracey. Thanks for the nudge!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Nicole says…


    Love this! Just wanted to share that after reading it, I googled "summer manifesto" to see if I could get more ideas and this post was the first link out of almost 17 million on Google!

    Hope your summer is everything you want it to be!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Amanda says…

    I love your list :) I have a few drinks on my blog you should try. They are great for summer!

    I'm a new follower and love your blog! Would love the follow back! Enter my giveaway for a Nordstrom and Starbucks gift card! Enjoy your weekend!

    The Pretty Pinhead

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  10. Debbie says…

    Do less, Be more

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  11. monday: best of last week | The Misadventures of Kelly and Kelly says…

    [...] I love this summer manifesto [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Mandy Moore says…

    Our fanily has four and a half days of school left and making summer goals has been swarming in my head! I want to sit my kids down and make a list of our summer desires, as well as what has to get done (such as laundry). My thought is that my 12 & 10 year olds can understand the need to work hard a little each day so we can play hard each day :)Hopefully their willingness will rub off on my 8 & 5 year olds! I think making it into a manifesto is a great idea and will bring anticipation. Thanks for the encouragement, I will let you know what we come up with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Tinka says…

    I was just reviewing my calendar to see what days/weekends I can try to plan some fun activities. Working full-time tends to suck up all the "fun" of it being summer so I had already decided to make time for that "fun". So I have scheduled a SB retreat for the end of June, signed up for some workshops Donna Downey will be teaching here, waiting to hear what week my sister and her family are coming from SC to visit, and figuring out how many trips to the coast I can reasonably make, even if it's just for the day. Of course, I do also have to factor in finding a new apartment and packing/moving by the end of July. And that makes it all the more necessary to have FUN!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Summer Manifesto 2012 | says…

    [...] Ali shared her summer goals in her blog. I loved the idea of putting summer goals in a list (I’m a sucker for lists). [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. The Single Nester says…

    You've inspired me to make a list of my own . . .

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lindsay @ Daily Doily says…

    Oops...I put the wrong link at first so I had to put another one. NOt sure how to delete. I can't wait to finish my list! Great idea ♥

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Armalite says…

    Mine is here (in French, though):
    Thank you once more for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. My Summer Manifesto « abbeykatew says…

    [...] The Summer Manifesto was inspired by a great blog that I follow regularly, who in turn got the idea from this blog. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Junho e o manifesto | Far away, so close says…

    [...] Enquanto isso, no hemisfério norte, as pessoas brindam o verão escrevendo Summer Manifesto’s (descobri isso por acaso com a Elise e depois li muitos outros aqui). [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Hello June | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] PROGRESS | I’m working on a little project related to my Summer Manifesto that I hope to share later this week or [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Tina says…

    Ali, what a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration!


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  22. Something Good « A Thousand Shades of Gray says…

    [...] Summer Manifesto. I love this idea, want to write one–way better idea than my summer to-do [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. kinnaman family {beckynovacekphotography} Family and Maternity Photographer Fremont Nebraska » Becky Novacek Photography says…

    [...] This blog post inspired me and may be why my wheels are turning today. I typically make a summer goal list, but a manifesto sounds so much more intriguing. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Summer Manifesto – Live Life Outside – Healthy Coconut says…

    [...] This post inspired me to make my own Summer Manifesto.  The list below are all the things I want to do this summer. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Summer Manifesto | Christen Krumm says…

    [...] Inspired by Ali Edwards [...]

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