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Summer Manifesto

Last summer I got a chance to be in Andrea's house for just a bit and will never forget the summer list she had on a chalkboard near her door.

I loved the idea of putting into a list what you want to have happen over the ever-so-short months of summer. Setting an intention sounded like a great plan to me.

Above you see the beginnings of my list. I don't want it to to be too long. I do want it to be things we will actually do and/or things I'd really like to do or have it within my power to make happen.

As I was working on this post I asked Simon, "What are your favorite things to do in the summer?"

"Stay home"

Yep, that's his answer (Oh how I love you Simon) said with a really big smile.

And then he said, "play video games." And then something about not wanting to go camping because there will be dogs there (he's not a fan).

Anna told me she wants to go to the park.

I'm sure we'll do a little bit of everything - staying home, going to the park, playing video games, eating watermelon (yes, I know I spelled it wrong in my list), riding bikes, swimming and maybe even a bit of dreaming. I'm mainly looking forward to the pace and the warmth and being in together.

As I started writing this I googled summer manifesto and found a link to an exercise via Simple Scrapper from 2009: Writing A Summer Manifesto. That post links to a post written by Andrea of Scout that is just completely lovely and awesome. Totally inspiring way to write out a manifesto.


Do you have a summer manifesto (or if you're in another part of the world maybe a manifesto for the season you are about to enter)? If you create one for you or your family and post it on your blog I'd love for you to share it below using the link widget or in the comments. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!

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120 thoughts

  1. Quinna says…

    I have the best refrigerator dill pickle recipe! They are super crisp for they are NOT cooked. Would you like a copy?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Sure! You can email it to me

  2. Sue M says…

    My husband and I just did this last weekend, and I labelled it our "Summer Bucket List." It includes fun things -- like a BBQ every week, making a quilt for my nephew, going to the San Juans -- and some around-the-house tasks like painting. Then made a separate list of friends to invite to those weekly BBQs ... and have already begun the invites. Working from a list (for someone deadline-oriented like me) helps, and it will be great to see how many we can mark off as the summer too quickly goes by!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I love the weekly BBQ idea...

  3. Kathy Reid says…

    Love this!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Christine says…

    My son and Simon would get along well. I am always amazed when we go on trips and he is ready to go back to the hotel at 5 pm. And he is 16! No closing down the park for this kid. Swim, read, text, room service......and he is happy. Loves his video games too.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yep - they could definitely be friends!

  5. dawn says…

    I have been thinking and writing all morning after reading your blog earlier, here are both my lists. Every summer I concentrate mostly on making the kids happy and busy and my "CREATIVE TIME" never seems to happen so this summer I'm fitting it in.

    Our family list:

    library reading program
    more bonfires and smores
    camping at least 3x over the summer
    the zoo, Waldameer, Cedar Point
    the park from my childhood
    sit outside with blankets/pillows and read, dream, watch the clouds
    just get in the van and go with no destination
    less electronics for me and the kids
    start a gratitude journal
    read scriptures in the am, this will be a new thing for us
    go to the track 3x a week
    eat more fresh produce, visit farmers market
    free music night in the village on Thursday's
    cousin switch day ( my sister and I switch kids for the day&night)
    buy a new blender so we can make smoothies
    HOMEMADE TRAVEL BAGS ( I get the kids each a little bag and fill it with games, pens, snacks, books etc) we leave them in the car ready to go for car trips

    here is my list, I wake up at 5 each day so most of these will be done early then a few spread the day.

    morning reading, hot tea, porch time
    scrapping, painting, art jouranling
    exercise tapes
    shower and breakfast read blogs
    have kids and I all make our own lunches and EAT AT ONE TIME
    activity to go with that morning scripture
    go outside for one hour each day, all of us together
    breathe, smile more, laugh lots, have patience, ENJOY LIFE
    embrace the heat, no complaining
    art projects outside with kids, PAINT BIG OUTSIDE!!
    clean up house after dinner so we can relax/play in the evening
    let kids stay up real late once a week
    movie days, we forgot to last summer

    I think this should be a good start, sure I will think of a few things later on to add. Hoping to write all these down on poster board this weekend.

    Ali, I like that Simon answered "HOME" as that is my fave thing always, seems all my kids are complete opposites of me though. I think it's great he wants to be home, enjoy it while you can.
    Thanks for the summer list idea, was fun reading the others.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Linda Marie says…

    LOVE this idea! I am going to put together my own list.

    I already had planned on creating a summer mini book (inspired by Elise Blaha) so my manifesto will be a great planning tool.

    I love all your mini books (bought your Halloween tutorial). Would be interested in a summer one if that is something you have on your project list.....I know that list is super long :)

    hear's to a fantastic summer for everyone!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Linda - it's actually something I've been thinking about and seeing if I can make time for it -

    2. Linda Marie says…

      my credit card is ready :) your ideas inspire me to do better and do more...thanks!

  7. Michele H. says…

    wonderful list ali! i like the idea of trying 3 new things this summer and new salads are at the top of my list too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Bonnie says…

    Hi Ali! I love the manifesto idea. :) I wanted to share some ideas for your "make 3 salads" goal...personal favorites of mine. Quick, features summer veggies, and yummy:

    1) Red pepper, cauliflower, sweet white onion, fresh parsley, dried dill, garlic, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar & olive oil. Chop up all of the ingredients into small bite-sized pieces and stir so all of the veggies are mixed together including the onion. Add garlic, salt & pepper to taste. Mix in the parsley and dill. Top with a good dose of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I make certain the final touch is a beautiful big ceramic bowl and viola!

    2) Sweet English cucumber, avocado, buffalo mozzarella, olive oil, dill, parsley, salt and pepper. Slice the cucumber in medium size circles and do the same with the cheese. Slice the avocado in thin strips. Take out your favorite large platter and place the cucumber in one layer on the plate. Add the avocado and the cheese in that order. Drizzle the olive oil over the veggies and then sprinkle with parsley, salt and pepper. Beautiful, delish, and healthy.

    I hope you like them! They are both my favorite salads and yes, they are addictive. Big hugs to you! XO

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Linda Marie says…

      bonnie, I'm going to try that second one..anything with avocado, I'm in. My summer list includes trying quinoa salads, so I'm going to try your recipes with quinoa. thanks!!

  9. patsy custodio says…

    Ali, you are so awesome for inspiring people everyday! Thanks so much for this post, and for encouraging me to make my own list and fully enjoy this summer. Thank you!!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Paula says…

    Love your post today & I'll be back tonight to add my list and read everyone else's - looking forward to it when my workday is over :)

    Wow, Simon and my sweet daughter Amy who is a child with Aspergers sound like they are silent partners in this deal! Their lists are very close except Amy prefers to be on Tumblr on the computer with the occasional WII game worked in! I remind myself that Amy is Amy - and I love her so much for that - and what she wants to do is just as valid as what I want to do -- then I remind her that we all need a little variety too...but we learn from each other every day which is what I find most meaningful! Cheers to everyone - may your summer lists come true!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jill Kane says…

    LOVE this idea. I've been thinking about my own list - time to put pen to paper.

    I received an email from a writer I've taken classes from at my local writing studio. I love this sentiment she shared:

    "Whatever draft you find yourself in this summer, take heart." Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. hannahk says…

    Hi Ali ~ I love the idea of putting the manifesto up in the home... and love your ideas and links.
    I created mine in diary format a week or so ago, using Aby's guidance over at Simplify 101

    now I'm rewritting it as I love Andrea's one too. thank you so much for more wonderful inspiration

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Deborah says…

    Simon is apparently on the same exact wavelength as my kids. Just asked them the other day (while we were playing hooky from school at Disneyland) what they want to do this summer and was unanimously bombarded with "Stay home!" "Video games!" "Ice cream everyday!" Sounds like a good summer plan to me!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Me too :).

  14. Camilla Blue says…

    LOVE #9. Yum! Truly one of the BEST things about summer. Always a flood of good memories with every bit of watermelon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. sharin says…

    totally "sick" idea as the kids say today. I still dont get how sick means something to outstanding or really neat as we said in our days! guess that just shows progress and age....anyway back to ;ist love the idea it keeps me grounded...

    1.Swim every morning daily and enjoy time on patio a book a week blueberries
    5.go north to Oak Creek scrabble or board game
    7.tackle a conversational new language
    8.BBQ more
    7.make dill pickles and pickle beets( Yum)
    8.vacation Bible class
    9.ride bikes with nephew and nieces. on political campaign
    11. volunteer at shelter
    12.make a art project once a week (besides scrapping)
    13.start making Christmas items
    14.visit the ocean Catalina or San Diego

    Sure I could add more as time progresses...difficult to believe half year is almost here!!! Yikes Did we just not finish Christmas!!! LOL

    blessings & hugs

    sharon Phoenix Arizona

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I love beets.

  16. J3SS1C4 says…

    Hmm, reading through all the fun stuff everyone will be doing over summer has me jealous! I think I might make a list for winter here, and have stuff like movie nights snuggled in on the lounge, trying some new soups and slow cooker meals and I'm not sure what else... Will talk to my partner over the weekend for ideas! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Sara says…

    Ali - I've gotten some of your digital brushes for my PL and am LOVING using them on my photos. Question - I really want some school ones, you have some, but most of the ones in each file wouldn't work for us, we home school. Any way that you would ever consider making some brushes geared towards us who school at home?! Thanks for all your work and thank you even more for sharing it with us!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Sure! Please email me a list of words you'd like to have included:

  18. Kathy L says…

    Love this idea! Memorial Day Weekend seems like the perfect time to stop and jot it down. Can't wait to get started.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Summer Manifesto | Haynay Designs says…

    [...] she posted her Summer Manifesto! I LOVED reading it. And, she then challenged us to make our own…and that is just what I am [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Paula says…

    Back with my list! The word "alot" is what Amy emphasized most!

    Watch ALOT of episodes of The Big Bang Theory!

    Go to the beach ALOT! Rent a small beach house for a couple of nights.

    Morning trips to Dunkin' Donuts for Amy's favorite Chocolate Frosted Cake donuts ALOT!

    Go in our pool every day! Swim when it's raining!

    Scrapbook our Taylor Swift concert photos together.

    Have Amy's cousin over for a long weekend of girl time.

    Walk barefoot most of the time.

    Go to a concert.

    Go to the Science Center.

    Play with Whiskers (our cat) ALOT!

    Go strawberry picking.

    Read ALOT of Harry Potter (again.)

    Join the church we've been wanting to become a part of and hopefully the youth group. (Mom's really hoping most of all for this one, Amy is worried about her sensory issues during the service and timid about joining a group. Saying a little prayer we can make this happen after
    several failed attempts.)

    Listen to ALOT of music together.

    Go on ALOT of crazy lady rides (Amy's name for late night aimless drives.)

    Go out to dinner at a few new restaurants (mom & dad's wish, Amy hates eating out.)

    Watch Grandma get ALOT healthier as her radiation treatments progress.

    Laugh and hug ALOT!

    Reply 1 Reply
  21. Ruth G says…

    Ali, I shared the bits about Simon's comments with my hubby and we both smiled. We had a similar reaction from my son about summer (without him admitting the video games part because he knows better than to go there - Alex is an Aspie.) Like you said, if we keep it balanced we stay balanced and that means everyone should be satisfied in some way over the course of the summer. Thanks for sharing your list!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Christine says…

    My daughter and hubby and I are making our list. At the top of the list is to visit the King Tut exhibit at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. Last time in North America. Can't wait to see this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jayne says…

    I need to remember to do number 8 a lot more too! Thanks for the reminder.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. MonicaB says…

    Thanks for the push to get our summer list together. We did one last year and the boys loved it. This year we kept it short and sweet.

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  25. Inspiration for your weekend « A Beautiful Ripple Effect says…

    [...] Will you create a summer manifesto? (via Ali Edwards) [...]

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