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Project Life® 2014 | Week One


Welcome to Project Life® 2014 | Week One (December 30th through January 5th).

Jumping around with my weeks in an attempt to show you a bit more of how 2014 is progressing (in addition to the 2013 album I'm working on at the same time). I've got Weeks 2, 3 (already posted here), and 4 done with the other weeks up until today about 75% done. 2013 is completed through October.

As I was working on this project again today my heart was full.

I'm glad I'm sticking with it weekly. It encourages me to be intentional. It encourages me to take photos. And darn it, I just like it.


One of the things I did this week to unify my spread was add the same little title & journal spot on seven of the photos.


I created them using cards from the Seafoam kit (just cutting a bit off the top edge) + a "this day" stamp from this set + Color Theory Doc Brown ink + a little cork star.

I love repetition!


I like that I was able to just just a few words/phrases on each photo to give a little bit more information. Here's a look at one of them:


I think this idea helped me finally complete this spread. It's been "almost done" for way too long but I wasn't sure how to finish it off all the way. Creating these little cards helped.


I included a little blurb about me that was included in our local paper about One Little Word® and included a key card from a getaway with Aaron (yep, he's still around).


Throughout 2014 I'm using a brush set called Messy Weekly Lines to designate each week in my album. I talked about this a bit when I shared my 2014 title page, but it's been going well. I'm using the font Sentinel to add the dates below the week.


It's a little bit of a change up for me to think of which photo I want to use in that top left pocket but I like the change from the pattern cards.


On the second half of the spread  I used a "today" card is from the Plus One Mini Project Life® kit alongside a "2014" letterpress card that was included in a Kelly Purkey kit.

I think the card on the end, with the little yellow star, is from the Studio Calico Blue Note Project Life® kit.


All the other "this day" cards were added to the edge of the photos but this one had so much white in the middle that I went with that instead.


Click on the images to link to the products.

Project Life® is a product and a system and a lifestyle created by Becky Higgins. It can be anything you want it to be. The core pieces used in my album are available here. If you live outside the US check Becky’s site for more information on sources. View all my posts about Project Life® here.

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22 thoughts

  1. Jo-Anne says…

    Hey Ali really LOVING your idea of replacing the top left date card with a photograph!! You are right it does take a bit of thinking because somehow i want a really SPECIAL photo to fill that space:-)

    Also loving your idea of repetition on a spread. I guess it takes a bit of practice to get it right but i must say it looks FAB on your pages!!

    The weeks just seem to flow into each other lately. Don't know where the time goes:-) and before i look i am 6 months behind on PL. Besides for looking great i think your idea of repetition could also help when playing catch-up!

    Have a great week your side:-) Off to shop TEMPLATES:-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Christen says…

    Love it! I always get so much inspiration from your PL posts. I was recently able to share my album with a friend (fellow scrapbooker) and it was so fun to have someone outside my family be excited about my pages.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Michelle t. says…

    Very pretty pages. Love those stamps. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Alida says…

    The first week does require more thought, because we want it to be just right, I guess. Yours is perfect! Love the repetitive tabs, and the 2014 letterpress card is a stunner.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Carolyn HP says…

    Love it Ali! Love what you did with the little title cards and I love all the gold ink!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kelly says…

    I love that raspberry color theme and the using the same prompt on a bunch of photos. And...I had been wondering about "your guy". : ) Glad that's going well.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Allison says…

    I worked on my PL this weekend for the first time in months and it made my heart full too. :) Love this spread. Especially Cannon Beach. Signed, Raging Goonie Fan

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  8. Kristen Hyatt says…

    I have a question regarding your digital elements, I've never used any digital scrap elements. I dont have a Mac, will I still be able -to use what you have designed on my Window's based laptop? Do I also need to have a certain software to do this

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Kristen - you don't need a mac to work with digital elements. Many people use Photoshop Elements which is a great program for adding text and digital elements to your photos (or creating/working with the layered templates).

  9. Kristin A. says…

    Love the Messy Week Lines and how it allows you to get another photo in the spread when you want. And man, do I love Cannon Beach. Saw the Surfsand Resort ephemera before the photo of Haystack Rock. Love that place! Meaning the resort, the rock, the town, it all! As always, thanks for sharing our spreads with us. Watching you catch up on 2013 is such an encouragement to me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. laura g. says…

    I love Cannon Beach too! hope to go back again this year...probably won't be able to until September...but it's still nice then...also love Indian Beach and Seaside...could spend a week there, but never have enough time...I'm catching up on PL as I recover from another surgery...every cloud has a SILVER lining...:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. cindy b says…

    Seriously? Am I the first one to say it??? Glad to see Aaron is still around... I didn't want to ask but sure was wondering. LOL! I can't read what is on your bracelet and I apologize if you mentioned it. Is it your OLW? Love it!! Thanks for sharing Ali!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Ha! He's definitely still around we both just have our own stuff to take care of :) but looking forward to some up coming travel plans. The bracelet has my word thrive on it.

  12. liz says…

    Perfection. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Nirupama says…

    I love your spreads each week Ali! You are always so inspiring. The tip about cut off journaling cards has worked really well for me, and adding a little title like this is something I need to try now too.

    Ps. The little yellow star card is from Sugar Rush. I loved that kit and used that card on my newborns spread. Seemed like the perfect to do list for a new baby:). Thanks again!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thank you!

  14. J3SS1C4 says…

    Love this layout! I always enjoy seeing when you use elements across a layout like that. I never seem to do the repetition think enough in my own pages.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Eva says…

    Quick Question - Would these stamps (this day set) fit on an avery tab or are they too big? Thanks :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Too big. The Just Awesome ones are the set that fit just right.

  16. Petra says…

    Ah HA! "Unify" that is the word I am always searching for when explaining my PL layouts and having some element/color/pattern to "bind" is all together. Unify is a much better way of describing this. Ali I am not a religious Blog follower nor do I have a blog feed I follow but, I always take the time to visit yours and to take my time looking at your gorgeous work. So very insiring and your work just speaks to me! Thank you so much for being so giving of your inspiration.

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