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Week In The Life™ 2014 | Sunday In Album

Wrapping up Week In The Life™ today by sharing what Sunday ended up looking like in my album. 

What I want to tell you about this album is that I really love it. As I close it up and put it on my shelf, I love the Monday through Sunday look at my life over this one particular week in 2014. I love the depth. I love the focus on the words and photos. I love, love, love that I really went for it with the words this year. I know it will be something I will look back on and be thankful for in the years to come, just like the last nine or so years of doing this project. It makes my heart happy. 

You can check out my words and photos from Sunday here

Here's a look at what I ended up with: 

Another variation for the 3x8 page protector - all typed words. I ran this one through my printer like I did on Wednesday, but this time I went with smaller text and a collection of words that tell the story of the photos I didn't take (included in my blog post). "Today" is from the stamp set. 

I also just wanted to mention that I love the enlarged photo I started Sunday with - it's such a great representation of this day. People in my kitchen is something that has my heart - my Dad, my sister, Aaron and Woody the dog. They are all doing stuff, chatting, fixing food - in action. These are the kinds of photos I personally love as they really showcase real life in action - my people in action. 

On the back of the 3x8 pocket I included a photo of dishes in the sink. 

Today I actually ended up with 2, 3x8 inserts - the second one was created by cutting a 4-pocket page protector in half. The main reason I did this is because I didn't have any other photos I felt like including. The gold seven is stapled in the pocket. I added a second 2-inch plastic tab along the edge. I always like adding something like that for these insert-style pages. "Life documented" stamp is from my Photos stamp set

On the back of this second insert I added the "Sunday" card + a blue star. 

On the next page I've got two, 4x6 photos. One I added text directly to the photo and on the other I added a label with stamp and hand-written journaling.

That photo of hand holding is special to me.  

I ended my album with a 12-pocket (2x2) page protector. I printed out my 6 inch x 8 inch photo and then cut it up into 2-inch squares. I used the circle stamp + the "this is my life" stamp in the top center square and then added the white circle rub ons onto various other squares. 

Thank you so much for joining me on this project this year. I appreciate your support and my main hope is that you got some of your own everyday life stories documented through the process. 

Check out my other completed Week In The Life™ 2014 days here: Monday // Tuesday // Wednesday // Thursday // Friday // Saturday // Sunday


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22 thoughts

  1. petrac says…

    Love the final page made of the 2x2 squares. Thanks so much for sharing your Week In The Life Ali. I really love and appreciate what an open book you have been through this process as each day inspires in both story telling and memory keeping ways. Thank you. I truly enjoyed it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. nvarner says…

    Amazing to see your album come together!!! Fantastic and inspiring! I've so enjoyed seeing all these posts. Question- what did you put on the back of your last page?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Nothing. Yet. Need to think that through. Maybe a compilation of a bunch of my favorite photos from the week.

  3. YolandaL says…

    Moved and inspired. I have been following your WITL albums since 2008. I have loved every one. But this one feels weightier, meatier, and it's been an absolute pleasure to see it all come together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. usingmywords says…

    I'm sure you have answered this somewhere but I've been away from the blog reading for a bit and want to know 1) where/brand for the 6x8 12pocket 2x2 page protector?! 2) do you have a great source for getting 6x8 page protectors? I'm looking at doing this size for each quarter/season in a year instead of huge 12x12 books for Project Life/family memories. Just really running into a problem finding the 6x8 protectors.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - this album and the page protectors were all part of the kit that was offered for this project. The albums and page protector portion sold out but I'm hoping to have more in my shop in 2015.

    2. skemp65 says…

      Ali, thanks in advance for hopefully stocking these for us! My 50th birthday is coming up in 2015 and I'd love to document that week. I have the kit, (which I just purchased recently), a Studio Calico 6 x 8 binder but not the correct page protectors. I'm considering altering some that I already have to fit, but it would be nice to get the SC versions. I enjoyed getting some quiet time this morning and finally reading through all of your WITL blog posts.

  5. abragg79 says…

    What a wonderful album - so inspiring. Seeing the "pros" doing more journaling over embellishments makes me more confident in my own scrapbooking style.

    Love the last page. Very cool and ties it all together.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. desilei says…

    So sad to see it end but it has been an awesome experience to view your layouts and to create my own. Thank you so much for the inspiration! Until next year's WITL! --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. scrapfin1 says…

    As always, I love and appreciate your "real" life stories. Your authenticity shines through.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. mtercha says…

    I didn't think I could do it. The full on documenting, photos and words. Lack of stamina, confidence, perfection, etc. But I did it. I'm on Friday now with my album, slowly but surely. This project has made my heart happy, too. Thank you for the encouragement and the inspiration. I have received so much from this project, I've come far. Thank you. All the best to you, this season and into the new year. Michelle t

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Love that Michelle.

  9. Raylene says…

    Love the use of the 2x2 squares covered with one photo! Great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Esk74 says…

    Thank you so much for the inspiration! I will definitely be joining in next year. :D

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. ciahansen says…

    I think this is the most gorgeous of all the days! Love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. laurel_holman_yahoo_com says…

    Love watching you put this together. Mine is done too, and not as gorgeous as yours, but just as precious. Thank you for the inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. KarineC says…

    So when is the next Week in the Life? I'm looking forward to it, for sure!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It will be second half of the year - likely end of summer but don't quote me :).

  14. ginacook says…

    It totally amazing and your photos are really beautiful, sometimes marking collage of your most memorable photos are really amazing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. kathyb says…

    Ali, I too would love to know when you are planning WITL for 2015?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It will be second half of the year - likely end of summer but don't quote me :).

  16. ximena says…

    Hi, Ali! Are you planning on presenting your album in a video like other years? I love watching those while listening to your thought process.
    Thanks! Have a wonderful week.

    Reply 0 Replies

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