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Day In The Life™ Photos + Words | March 2016

Today I want to share with you my photos and words to tell you the story of a day in my life yesterday. 

Thank you to those of you who played along - the #aedayinthelife hashtag was a trending topic on Instagram much of the day - which was fun but also ends up having all kinds of crazy images included in the hashtag feed from people who are just tagging whatever the trending topics of the day are (such is life in our technological age). I loved browsing through your photos and I especially loved being given the specific opportunity to remember once again that we are all just living our own lives day to day - we are in different seasons and moments and I love the reminder to embrace the whole of it for what it is right now. 

I planned, as I usually do, to take photos with both my iPhone 6+ and my DSLR but I ended up with mostly iPhone shots. I usually like the opportunity to use my bigger camera for these projects, but today felt more like a phone day and it just simplified things for me overall. I took all the photos below myself - using the timer on my iPhone or DSLR for any shots that include me. For Week In The Life™ in May I'll definitely be using my DSLR in combo with my iPhone. Quick reminder that the Week In The Life™ pre-order period ends on March 31st. 

I shared more photos on Instagram today than I have in the past for my Day In The Life™ projects and I really liked that format for both the photos and the words. Tonight as I put this post together I simply had to copy and paste what I'd already written on Instagram for my journaling. As you'll see below I've included a few other photos that I didn't post on Instagram - I decided to not add any additional words to those images and just let them tell their own story within the flow of the photos from my day. What you see below includes most of the images I took today (a little over 40 images) and definitely enough to tell the story of this day.

PS | If you are looking for inspiration on ways to see through the lens of your own camera (phone, DSLR, etc) please make sure to check out my Lens Of Joy workshop that starts next week. It's a deep dive into my thoughts and processes for how I personally see through the lens (vision & voice: composition, design, etc) along with a closer look at my uploading, editing, choosing and printing processes. 

Here's a look at my day: 

5:52am | Up and at 'em (or something like that). The story of my morning so far includes both kids waking up way too early and me telling them to go back to bed // allergies (ugh) // feeding animals // moving laundry around // making coffee // and now sitting at my desk to do some editing before the kids get up for real to start the "get-ready-for-school-routine."

6:54am | A Tuesday that feels like a Monday for this one.

7:42am | Kid-to-school-drive #01 underway.

7:56am | Drop off in the gym for morning assembly. Chat with teacher about allergies and give her an @oliverjeffers alphabet book for the classroom (accidentally bought two). Love his illustrations and books.

8:14am | Pull back up to the house to find George & Sam hanging out on the front porch waiting for me.

8:23am | Next up is this guy. He totally lamented that I didn't let him stay up when he woke up at 5:30am. He would have liked some time for video games before school. Bagel & cream cheese & strawberries for breakfast for him.

8:49am | A conversation about being respectful and kind as he climbs out of the car to begin his school day.

9:13am | Back at home and at my desk to work. I'm usually in my office most days from now until about 3pm when I start kid pick-up/afternoon activity facilitation. On my work to-do list today: One Little Word April content, handouts for @sctmagazine event, and new digital products for April. Ready, go.

10:23am | Yep, pretty much the same spot as early this morning.

12:15pm | A benefit of working from home is that when you really need a nap after a bad night of sleep, that can be a possibility. Aaron's been in his bed with the flu since we got back from our toad trip and I'm really hoping I don't get it and I'm really trying to take care of myself. So a short mid-day nap it is. And yes, I still have my coat and vest on because it's cozy.

2:56pm | Worked after nap and now rounding up stuff for kid pick-up. Noticing how awesome it is that the sun came out after a cloudy and foggy morning.

3:28pm | Pick up kid #01 from school. Question: "How was your day?" Answer: "Same as always." (Which, according to Simon, means it was a good day.)

4:16pm | Soccer Chocolate Kittens begin another season! Anna's totally been looking forward to this. Me too. About 20 minutes after this photo was taken Anna sprained or twisted her ankle which resulted in quite a few tears - I think more tears just over the fact that she was so excited about soccer starting in the first place.

5:53pm | Simon starts horse riding again tonight for a spring session (we stopped for the cold and dark winter months). Tuesday's for the next few months will be busy from after-school until we get home after 7:30pm. Figuring out the logistics for snacks and food and travel times from one place to the next.

6:33pm | Peek in on Simon when I take Anna to the bathroom. He likes to ride without us watching. 

7:29pm | Home again. Unload car. Feed animals. Start dinner (taco Tuesday of course). These two end up on the papasan chair with Anna asking if she can play video games with Simon. I'm listening to him teach her the basics of Lego Dimensions. So far, so good. 

8:05pm | Dinner on the couch + just a little bit of the Lego movie + a little time to edit my photos from today. By this time of the day I'm tired. I'm not a late-nighter - I'd much rather get up at 5am (which is what I do). A bath after getting the kids in bed is calling my name.

8:59pm | Reading about presidents before lights out.

9:20pm | Getting my post ready for tomorrow and Sam telling me it's time for bed. 

So what's next? I'll take the next few days to work on how I'm going to incorporate today's content into my Project Life® album and plan to share that with you here next week. 

Again, thank you for sharing your stories. I can't wait to see how you bring your own photos and words together.

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33 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Thank you for sharing YOUR story. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. instantphoebe says…

    I really enjoyed following you through your day on Instagram. I signed up for your post alerts, and it was actually a good reminder for me to take my own pictures throughout the day! This is my first DITL--wasn't even planning on doing it right now--and you made it fun and easy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. gina200 says…

    Really love these photos and the story they tell. Although I'm happy with the photos I took, as I look at this I see many things I didn't think to capture. I need to remind myself to look at your old posts before starting next time!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. katie_rose says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali! This was my first DITL and I really enjoyed it! Got some great shots I would not have otherwise gotten.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. saramitchell09 says…

    thank you so much for doing this project Ali.... I didn't take nearly as many pictures as you did but my 8 hour work day really doesn't allow for picture taking and I am okay with that. I did capture a few things during that time frame. I decided to use the Project Life App to get the project done because I know if I waited to do a physical version it would never get done. That App is going to be my saving grace I think.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. beehive50 says…

      Ditto for me! :)

  6. KProffitt says…

    I just love this project SO much, Ali! Thank you for sharing YOUR story with us and for inspiring me! I love DITL and WITL because it really focuses on the beauty in the every day moments, which I love. Such a beautiful reminder. Seeing my life through the lens is so moving in a lot of ways, even though it's such a simple life. So many blessings fill it and I think we're normally too busy to SEE that every day. You have really helped me think about what I document and why and more importantly the STORY behind it all. We ALL have a story to tell and I just can't thank you enough for reminding me of that, challenging me and inspiring me to be creative. THANK YOU! You're my most favorite. :) XO!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. JBCarr says…

      K!!! I so ditto your words... couldn't say it any better!!! And yes, Ali is my most favorite too!! xoxo to you and your family!!!

    2. KProffitt says…

      Love you too, Janet! XO!

  7. Davida says…

    This was my first DITL. I am happy with the amount of photos I took and I shared most on Instagram to make sure I was recording my thoughts right away and that kept me motivated. Also, getting hearts from people is fun too :) I am using the kit you used in Markham last year; I couldn't get into the class but I bought the kit and my mini album is coming together super fast - it will probably be finished by the end of today. It's amazing how quick one can move when you limit the amount of supplies to a kit. You're projects are the BEST! I can't get enough :) Thank you!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Msaula says…

    Thanks Ali, I enjoyed playing along.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Peggydid says…

    I just love your day as you shared it with us, Ali! Each of us has different days, as we are each a different person! So very noticeable with this project. (Hmmm, but so many similarities, too.) My DH is intrigued. Asked if I thought lots of people would wish they were me. I laughed. No one will, if I can't figure out how to get any pics online! Oh, but my sister already does! I told her I got the cobwebs down in my room to be ready for the photo-day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Blissmamaof3 says…

    What project, thanks for taking us along. I love doing this type of documentation!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. hgauvin says…

    This was my first DITL project. I like documenting these little snippets of my life! Thanks Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Susan_Vollmar says…

    This was my first DITL project and I have to say how surprised I was at how much I enjoyed doing it! I really found myself being excited about documenting my day and can't wait to do it again. Ali, thank you so much for providing inspiration for this project! It was awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. lizness says…

    Thanks so much for the inspiration and for sharing Ali. I played, too (#poghourxhour) and it had been awhile since I'd captured a day in the life. Also, I took the opportunity to launch a personal project inspired by the Make Learning Visible ( project.

    Getting ready for the DIL and MLV projects renewed my love of scrapbooking/artifact making. I'm re-learning just how important the observing-to-recording-to-interpreting process is to finding meaning--our memories can be so transitory and clouded by our filters of the moment.

    Thanks for sharing your gifts, your journey, and your courage.

    =) Liz

    PS: Hi to your mom. She's been on my mind lately. I've been revisiting a poem she gave me on slowing down. Such good advice.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. jendcnguyen says…

    Loved playing along yesterday. I didn't take as much photos as I would have liked...had to work and missed out what happened at home. Having turned on the notifications on Instagram when you posted helped remind me to take a photo - even if it was my coffee cup or my desktop at the moment. =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. MeganR says…

    Great photos Ali. I'm going to do my day later in the week but I love what you focused on.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. limecicle says…

    Enjoyed seeing your day, Ali. As always, thanks for sharing it with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. kathleen says…

    Thanks for sharing with us, Ali! I can't wait to see what you do with your pictures&words! I had so much fun with DITL! On another note... I signed up for a previous Lens of Joy workshop, but life happened and I wasn't able to dive into the class. Is there anymore talk about an "Alumni edition"? I'd love to be a part of it this time around!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      We should have more details on that on Monday :).

    2. kathleen says…

      Super! Thanks Ali!

  18. tuna13 says…
    03/30/2016 in love with your house and your backyard :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. janazavitz says…

    Thank you so much for sharing your story and your photos Ali! I was a little intimidated about doing this project but now, after seeing what you did, it seems so much more manageable. While I didn't do the DITL on the same day, I am definitely going to do this soon! Thank you again! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Binxcat1 says…

    Sometimes I get a bit freaked out about how similar my life is to yours... I had a #ditl nap too. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Judi2 says…

    Thanks for DITL - loved it. ? Are you going to add class for returning clients for the Joy of the Lens class?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      We have an alumni rate of $24 - just use the code LOJalumni at checkout.

  22. abbypimentel says…

    Seriously considering signing-up for the Lens of Joy workshop, but I might not be able to do it in the four consecutive weeks. Is this a workshop I'll have access to in my "Classes", and be able to access when I can? Thanks

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yep! All of my classes are like that.

    2. abbypimentel says…

      Awesome! I'm in :)

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