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December Daily® 2020 | Let The Storytelling Begin

Happy December 1, 2020!

As we begin our December Daily® documenting adventure I want to remind us all of this: the most magical piece of this project is the words + photos. 

\Some of us will create super simple projects + some of us will go all out. Some of us will tell 25 daily stories + some of us will tell more or less. Some of us have kids + some of us don't. Some of us are dealing with really hard things this year + some of us are finding this to be the favorite season of our lives. Some of us love layers of product and creating homes for our stories in advance + some of us love just taking the cards from the kit and slipping them in the pockets and calling it good. Some of us are here for the very first time + some of us have been doing this project in one form or another since 2007. Some of us will finish this project before January + some of us will work on it next year + some of us will reach a point where we set it aside for whatever the reason.  

I'd love to invite you to spend a few minutes today reading a post I wrote about my hopes for people doing this project a few years ago. It's all totally still relevant today: My December Hopes For You

Remember: We are all here because we share a love for storytelling + the holidays. 

As we dive into this next phase of the project (or the start for some of you) I want to remind all of us that this isn't at all about competition or a race or anything that should bring you feelings of guilt or inadequacy. There is no place for those feelings in this project. 

What this project IS all about is celebrating + documenting our stories in December. It's about an awesome community coming together each year for fun, for crafting, for storytelling, and for support as we make our way through December. And in this year in particular I love that we get to participate in something with like-minded memory keepers from around the world that hasn't been cancelled. 

I am so excited to start paying attention to + documenting the stories of this particular season. I'm ready to take advantage of this opportunity to create, celebrate, and look for joy. I'm so happy to have you joining me in this adventure. 

I'll be sharing my daily stories each day starting on December 2nd (telling my December 1 story) here on my blog + YouTube. 

Thank you for being a part of this community + thank you for the ways you support + show up for each other regardless of our individual approaches to the project.  I can't wait to start telling stories with you in December.

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7 thoughts

  1. Mel_12 says…

    So excited to be here again. Thanks for this inspiring post Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. TheLucyBird says…

    Your site is my very favorite stop during the holidays! Looking forward to it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. meldarcy says…

    I'm very mixed this year and have done very little prep so far. Ali, just reading this post, I did have a thought: would you please be able to do a digital file with 'Christmas isn't cancelled, it's just different this year'? For many people over the globe this year, Christmas will look so very different. Thank you for your reminder that Christmas is indeed not cancelled. Just what I needed this morning.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You've got this!

    2. Danieleserhan says…

      meldarcy...holding your virtual hand for support. start small. one foot in front of the other. we are all in this together!

  4. stkong7 says…

    Ali, just want to confirm you are not doing the layered templates for Dec. Daily with the dates on them?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's correct - we call those Overlays. We are not doing a new set for this year. Past years sets can be adapted by erasing numbers on the overlays if they include a day of the week.

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