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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaway : Get It Scrapped, Transparent Touches, & Blue Moon Scrapbooking


Get It Scrapped is giving away one spot in Pattie Knox's "More Mad Digital Skillz" online workshop.

Pattie Knox’s favorite part of digital scrapbooking is learning new techniques for creating realistic--as in “I can’t believe that’s not paper!”--layouts. In “More Mad Digital Skillz,” you’ll learn how to create torn edges on your photos and papers, how to insert photos into type, Pattie’s method for digital dry embossing, and much more about making your own brushes, working with custom shapes, and creating depth and interest with texture. Each lesson is accompanied by beautiful digital products from the talented artists at Designer Digitals—including Ali Edwards! Class starts May 25th at Get It Scrapped!


Transparent Touches & Tags (TTT) is giving away two different prizes this week. The first winner will get to
pick one of the monthly kits pictured on the slide show above. The
second winner will receive $20 in TTT transparencies of their choice.

Transparent Touches & Tags is one of the only monthly kit clubs that offers 3 kit choices each month. They have 3 and 6 month kit subscriptions available. TTT also creates transparencies to use for scrapbooking pages, cards and other projects.  

TTT has a kit subscription offer going on FOR ONE WEEK ONLY for new kit members who sign up because of the Wednesday giveaway. If you sign up for 6 months, you will receive a fun goodie bag filled with scrapbooking products for FREE with your first kit. After you sign up, email Monica ( to let her know that you heard about TTT from this giveaway. Offer ends Wednesday, May 27th.

TTT is also giving you another chance to win a monthly kit...go to their blog to find out how you can win another kit and more transparencies.



Blue Moon Scrapbooking is giving away a terrific package of goodies that retails for $86.99 (and includes the Tiny Attacher highlighted here yesterday). See the full list included in the Spring Party package here.

For more check out the Blue Moon Blog and Blue Moon Videos.


To be entered into today's drawing please leave a comment sharing your best journaling/writing/story-telling tip. Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner's announced shortly after.

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1120 thoughts

  1. Julia M. in MI says…

    My best journalling tip would be to get it down fast before you forget. Also, have a designated spot to collect these stories, so you can easily find it when you are ready to scrap that memory.

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  2. Ginny says…

    I keep a large desk calendar next to my computer. That way, I can jot down notes and quotes on the day they happen. I save my old calendars, so even when I am scrapping my older pictures, I can look back at the right time to jog my memory.

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  3. Sarah in Iowa says…

    Lately, I am finding my blog to be the easiest way to tell my story. That way, when I find time to scrapbook it all, I've at least got my memories and personality captured into words.
    When not around a computer, I tend to write tidbits onto pieces of paper or into my journal.
    I look forward to becoming a mother so that I can document all of the funny things that kids do/say so that, like the mastercard commercial, life will be PRICELESS.

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  4. Donna says…

    Just journal the thoughts as they fill your head. Get them down on paper so you don't forget them. Don't try to be PERFECT with what you want to say. You can always go back and add and edit. A small notebook kept with you at all times is a must!!

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  5. Samantha says…

    I try to think about and write information that you would never know from the photo. I never write what can can obviously be seen in the picture.

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  6. Rachel Paci says…

    I use a digital recorder that I keep in the car. So, when the little stories that I want to remember pop into my head, I can just speak them into the recorder. I've completed a lot of journaling for layouts this way.

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  7. Melanie says…

    Just to be true to yourself. Write from the heart and not by what you 'think' people would want to read.

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  8. Laura says…

    Use your handwriting!

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  9. K. says…

    I write down my thoughts/feelings/memories/ideas in a specially designated notebook that i carry with me at all times. It is a great reference for me to refer to when i have time to scrap that story.

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  10. Linn says…

    My best journaling tip: use a list if you can't think of anything else! And write it down now, before you forget.
    The prizes look wonderful!

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  11. Wendy says…

    In the moment....on napkins, scrap paper, notebooks, whatever is handy..though I really want to be better at capturing the story! Thanks for all your inspiration!

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  12. hanna says…

    I try to get in more of the background story and include what I am feeling as I journal.

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  13. christy says…

    I keep a monthly, day by day, list in my computer of things that my children are saying or doing. Then each month I print it out and throw it in their box in the closet, organized by year. Then when I am scrapbooking that particular event, I pull out the month and look at the day and I already have the journal written. Also it helps me not to forget anything that they are saying or doing for the first time.

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  14. HeatherC says…

    I keep little notebooks all around to jot down memories. Sometimes I even use my calendar that hangs in my kitchen. -- I also use the feature on my digital photo storing system (I use Creative Memories Memory Manager) to record memories attached to specific photos.

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  15. Tammy McClafferty says…

    my best tip is to just write from the heart. include the feelings. the where/when/etc will show up in other places. but the feelings and thoughts fade... write it, write it now

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  16. Melissa B. says…

    I carry a very small notebook in my handbag to write down the funny things my daughters say. I love to include those quotes in my pages. Even better when I can catch an entire sister to sister conversation!

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  17. Tracey says…

    I write a blog and try to do it within a couple days of the event so I keep the facts straight. I also have a list I found online of page titles that I try to use to spice things up.

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  18. Amber B. says…

    I write from my heart & try to visualize what exactly I want my children to know...

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  19. Molly K says…

    I admit I struggle with journalling, but I feel what helps me is to write the details of the event and then take some time away from it (an hour or so), then go back and write the emotions.

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  20. Heidi Gore says…

    I have a pack of 3 x 5 cards in a little case and can write down the events, date, place, feelings, sayings, or whatever I feel I want to remember for the pictures I am taking at that moment. Keep it next to your bed and jot down your thoughts at the end of day. Then when you go to print out the pictures and scrap you can just slip the 3 x 5 card into a pocket on the page and it's already journaled.

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  21. Ali says…

    I have little bits of paper everywhere with thoughts and moments captured. The pieces of paper go into a small basket for retrieval later when I am scrapping. I also keep a small notebook with me - I write things down as they happen or things I want to remember.

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  22. Cara S says…

    I think my best tip would be to write the story as soon as you can, even if you don't have photos or a layout. My best stories are the ones that are fresh.

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  23. Annie says…

    My memory is terrible! It helps me tremendously to keep a little notebook in my purse just for jotting down little daily events I don't want to forget to incorporate into scrapping later.

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  24. Melissa says…

    I make notes in my calendar of everyday events that I might forget and in the back of my calendar I have a page for each of my kids where I write down all the funny things they say!!!

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  25. Kim Brown says…

    My best tip would be to just DO it. I couldn't believe how many pages where just waiting for jounaling in my books.

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