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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaway : Get It Scrapped, Transparent Touches, & Blue Moon Scrapbooking


Get It Scrapped is giving away one spot in Pattie Knox's "More Mad Digital Skillz" online workshop.

Pattie Knox’s favorite part of digital scrapbooking is learning new techniques for creating realistic--as in “I can’t believe that’s not paper!”--layouts. In “More Mad Digital Skillz,” you’ll learn how to create torn edges on your photos and papers, how to insert photos into type, Pattie’s method for digital dry embossing, and much more about making your own brushes, working with custom shapes, and creating depth and interest with texture. Each lesson is accompanied by beautiful digital products from the talented artists at Designer Digitals—including Ali Edwards! Class starts May 25th at Get It Scrapped!


Transparent Touches & Tags (TTT) is giving away two different prizes this week. The first winner will get to
pick one of the monthly kits pictured on the slide show above. The
second winner will receive $20 in TTT transparencies of their choice.

Transparent Touches & Tags is one of the only monthly kit clubs that offers 3 kit choices each month. They have 3 and 6 month kit subscriptions available. TTT also creates transparencies to use for scrapbooking pages, cards and other projects.  

TTT has a kit subscription offer going on FOR ONE WEEK ONLY for new kit members who sign up because of the Wednesday giveaway. If you sign up for 6 months, you will receive a fun goodie bag filled with scrapbooking products for FREE with your first kit. After you sign up, email Monica ( to let her know that you heard about TTT from this giveaway. Offer ends Wednesday, May 27th.

TTT is also giving you another chance to win a monthly kit...go to their blog to find out how you can win another kit and more transparencies.



Blue Moon Scrapbooking is giving away a terrific package of goodies that retails for $86.99 (and includes the Tiny Attacher highlighted here yesterday). See the full list included in the Spring Party package here.

For more check out the Blue Moon Blog and Blue Moon Videos.


To be entered into today's drawing please leave a comment sharing your best journaling/writing/story-telling tip. Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner's announced shortly after.

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1120 thoughts

  1. kathryn martorina says…

    When I journal, I just pretend I am talking out loud to someone, telling them the story. I then reread it to make sure it flows.

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  2. JennB in AK says…

    I write things down when the event happens...or shortly after. That way, I don't forget the details when I scrap the photos!

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  3. Kimberly Williams says…

    My best journaling tip is to write down the things that my children say about the event or the picture when they see it.

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  4. Danielle says…

    I wish I had a great tip! It's so hard for me to write. I guess I want it to be perfect. My tip is don't wait, the kids don't care about grammar, they want the memory in words.

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  5. Beth @ Red and Honey says…

    I tend to consider what emotions were present at the time of the photo, and then journal the rest from that. I find that breathes life into an otherwise dull bit of facts.

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  6. Jenell says…

    I'm not the world's greatest journalist so I use bullet points a lot - using the who/what/where/why/how style. I get my story point across and don't have to use a tremendous amount of space on a page for the journaling. I do document the date on every page somewhere.
    Great giveaways, Ali.

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  7. Lore says…

    I always have my iphone with me. When something comes up that I want t scrap about, or just plain remember. I jot a note with the note app. When its time to scrap I just check my notes.

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  8. Emma says…

    I vary between liking the freedom of stream of consciousness writing straight onto my page and knowing that the best part of writing is often the editing - type it up and then come back to it and read if you're still happy or want to make any changes before printing it/incorporating it on a digital page.

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  9. Marianne says…

    My tip is to write like you talk. If I do it any other way, I end up with "we had fun at the zoo"

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  10. tracey m. says…

    When I get a bunch of 4x6 photos developed, I'll rubber band groupings of them together with an index card in the front where I can jot down those first impressions and details I don't want to forget - then when I have time to scrap, I can just grab it and go!

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  11. erin s. says…

    i write as though I am talking to my son, who is almost always my subject. And I just tell him what I want him to know whether it be tomorrow or years from now. I always write on scratch paper and then on my layout and usually in my own writing, I like the personal touch. It seems the ones that I tweak the least I like the most.

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  12. Lea Ann says…

    I keep a daily journal and pull from it.

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  13. Ashley Crenshaw says…

    I like to scrap the whole page before I think about writing things down. I have a journalism background and always want to put too much detail. The pictures say a thousand words, so I just like to highlight a few little points and try to get most of the feel from the picture and page itself. Too many words can mumble what you want. If there is a story I HAVE to tell about the page, I like to make a cute something on the back of the page.

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  14. LorieW says…

    My best tip, journal everything. I like seeing the little everyday changes, as well as the milestones.

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  15. Deborah says…

    Deborah said...
    describe some details using all of your vocabulary, even if you fear that the information might not be important.

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  16. Jen D. says…

    I have two things I do with journaling. One is I write things down on my kitchen calendar so I remember. Then I can take it when I have time and sit down and journal about them for a scrapbook page. The other thing I will do is just journal a bunch on the computer in MS Word. I can always play with the size later for the page. I don't like my handwriting so typing on the computer is the way to go for me. Plus I love all the cool free fonts available today.

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  17. Jennifer M. says…

    I tried to write like I'd speak. I struggled with journaling for a long time. Everything I wrote sounded stiff and impersonal. But since I started my blog and I write on a fairly regular basis, I've found that my journaling has improved and is much better.

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  18. laura j says…

    My suggestion for journaling is to keep a small notebook handy to jot things down.....even if they seem to be insignificant and unimportant it's the little details that make all the difference! Have a great day!

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  19. Mindy M. says…

    My best tip is to keep a small notebook stuck in various places (your purse, beside your bed, etc.) to write down all those hilarious or tender things your kids say (and you forget within hours) (as well as those neat layout ideas that pop in your head).

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  20. Cindy says…

    Write things down as they happen! Not every detail, but enough that you'll be able to tell the story later. Whenever I hear someone say they're years behind in their scrapping, I hope they have a journal that will help them tell the stories they wanted to tell when they took the photo.

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  21. rebekah says…

    i use bullet points in my storytelling. sometimes it's too much of a struggle coming up with a cohesive story, so i've embraced quick points that capture the emotions of the moment. this way, the storytelling doesn't intrude upon the pictures.

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  22. Dori says…

    I used to struggle with journaling and would end up listing names, date, and location. Then one day, while scrapping an old photo (copy) of my now-85-yr-old mom and her older sister playing outdoors in 1925, I asked her why they were wearing hats. Mom instantly remembered the photo and told me that "proper little ladies" always wore hats on Sunday, even outdoors to play. That became the special title and journaling for my page. So now I will include details about the people in my photos, like a favorite hairdo or outfit someone is wearing, jewelry, recent accomplishment, etc., along with the 'facts', which helps me to journal.

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  23. jen shears says…

    I have a dayplanner type of calendar (soooo oldshcool!) and in the margins I write notes about what's going on in our life, or funny things our daughter is going- the calendar pages are small enough to keep and refer back to when I'm scrapbooking!

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  24. Carolynn F says…

    Post-it notes and an email to myself are the two quickest ways to capture the memory. Email has the added benefit of a date stamp...gotta love that blackbery ;).

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  25. Vera says…

    My best journaling tip is actually two tips. One is to take notes while you're traveling. I took notes at the end of each day at Disney. We saw and did so much that I could never remember it all! Second, I always write my journaling on a scratch piece of paper before I write it on a page. I prefer journaling in my own handwriting on my layouts.

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