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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaway : Get It Scrapped, Transparent Touches, & Blue Moon Scrapbooking


Get It Scrapped is giving away one spot in Pattie Knox's "More Mad Digital Skillz" online workshop.

Pattie Knox’s favorite part of digital scrapbooking is learning new techniques for creating realistic--as in “I can’t believe that’s not paper!”--layouts. In “More Mad Digital Skillz,” you’ll learn how to create torn edges on your photos and papers, how to insert photos into type, Pattie’s method for digital dry embossing, and much more about making your own brushes, working with custom shapes, and creating depth and interest with texture. Each lesson is accompanied by beautiful digital products from the talented artists at Designer Digitals—including Ali Edwards! Class starts May 25th at Get It Scrapped!


Transparent Touches & Tags (TTT) is giving away two different prizes this week. The first winner will get to
pick one of the monthly kits pictured on the slide show above. The
second winner will receive $20 in TTT transparencies of their choice.

Transparent Touches & Tags is one of the only monthly kit clubs that offers 3 kit choices each month. They have 3 and 6 month kit subscriptions available. TTT also creates transparencies to use for scrapbooking pages, cards and other projects.  

TTT has a kit subscription offer going on FOR ONE WEEK ONLY for new kit members who sign up because of the Wednesday giveaway. If you sign up for 6 months, you will receive a fun goodie bag filled with scrapbooking products for FREE with your first kit. After you sign up, email Monica ( to let her know that you heard about TTT from this giveaway. Offer ends Wednesday, May 27th.

TTT is also giving you another chance to win a monthly kit...go to their blog to find out how you can win another kit and more transparencies.



Blue Moon Scrapbooking is giving away a terrific package of goodies that retails for $86.99 (and includes the Tiny Attacher highlighted here yesterday). See the full list included in the Spring Party package here.

For more check out the Blue Moon Blog and Blue Moon Videos.


To be entered into today's drawing please leave a comment sharing your best journaling/writing/story-telling tip. Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner's announced shortly after.

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1120 thoughts

  1. Anne Thompson says…

    I like to write down the moments my girls have of "kids say the darndest things" and use them for my journaling : ) Always adds some good humor to the pages!

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  2. Janet says…

    Write the words first to see how they'll fit on the layout.

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  3. carlaj says…

    I like to let my pictures tell me what I need to tell. I look at them and think, if I weren't here what would I want the person looking at them to know. Some time this is harder than other.

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  4. laura stewart says…

    I always write my journaling on a transparency and then figure out where I want to put it. And the spacing and stuff.

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  5. Page says…

    I don't enjoy journaling so much. It sort of stresses me out. So, I FORCE myself to journal on each layout as i complete it. None of that, "I'll go back and journal later" stuff because I KNOW I never will. I also used to say that I would go and type it out later, which I also rarely did. So, now most of my journaling is hand-written.

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  6. Pippa says…

    I recently put together something great for a significant birthday for my mother. My mother is definitely not someone who really likes homemade gift - unless they're unusually good (think quilts, knitted blankets). Knowing I wanted to do this, I talked to my siblings over a couple of months about the project, which was to document her favourite sayings (e.g. don't make me stop this car! with a photo of her rambler). Whenever any of them remembered a saying, they immediately called me and we talked about when my mom would say it and I would document it on my computer, usually making the story from my or my mother's point of view. We haven't laughed so hard in a long time. On Mother's day, I called my mother and read the list (I'm still putting the photos together - but that's another story. Think of trying to find photos from the 1930's.). She laughed and said she hadn't thought of the sayings in years. They were great memories for her and she said she can't wait to see the album. For the first time, we've put together a family-made gift that my mom loves. For the layout, I am using the cover one from your sharing stories book - a photo, story, and some colour. It's been a great joy to put it together. So, thanks for the ideas!

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  7. hyeyoung says…

    since i had children, i like to scribble things on my kitchen calendar so i can go back and see the big picture. my calendar already has the stuff i have to do written down, so adding little details--like the day my babies rolled over or said their first word--puts my world in perspective.

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  8. Dawn C says…

    I write like I am telling my adult kids the stories behind the pics. that has helped me alot!

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  9. Brenda says…

    A tip I learned in school was that when I get stuck when writing to just jot down words or phrases that immediately come to mind about the subject at hand. It works so well for me. Sometimes I just need to get all the words swirling around in my brain down on paper and then I can arrange them the way i want.

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  10. Sarah Hedman says…

    I always try to make my journaling very personal. i usually write TO the subject of the photos instead of about them. I try to include important info that i will be more likely to forget years from now. (instead of focusing on the actual event of the day like a birthday, i might focus on something cute or quirky my child said on that day).

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  11. amber says…

    sometimes when journaling/writing the best thing to do is make a list and then answer the "why" behind each item

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  12. LauraLe says…

    When my son was diagnosed with epilepsy I journaled within days of his diagnosis. It was a year before I was ready to scrapbook the events surrounding that change in life for our family. I was really glad I had journaled my emotions at the time. For emotional events fresh journaling is important!

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  13. Erin R. says…

    I don't know if I would call this a tip but I don't worry that my journaling needs to be poetic or perfect. The goal for me is recording memories and half of the memory down the road will be in what I recorded in the journaling in my own way.

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  14. Jill F. says…

    If I don't write down details of a particular day/story/experience right away, things get too fuzzy for me to remember them. I have a special folder on my computer for journaling. I type out key points that I want to remember (with the date, of course!) so I at least have a starting-off point when I have more time to fill in the blanks and "flesh out" the story at a later date when I am ready to journal for a LO.

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  15. emily plemons says…

    writing down in a journal the actual conversations going on during an event is the greatest way to capture the story!!

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  16. Kris D. says…

    I really struggle with journaling. I hate when it sounds so stiff and boring. So I try to constantly remind myself to journal in a conversational manner--like I'm talking to someone I know about what happened, not like I'm writing an article for the school newspaper!

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  17. Jennifer says…

    My tip is to just be casual about it. Whether lists, first person, long paragraphs or short sentences, do whatever works for you so you don't stress about it. If you stress about it, it won't get done.

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  18. Christene says…

    My best tip is - get it written down. I always think I'll remember something later. Well, I don't, and have begun carrying little notebooks with me. I have one in my car, in my bag, by my bed, etc. My second best tip is to keep track of those notes! It gets a tinsy bit frustrating to know that you have something good written down... somewhere. Staying organized is a work-in-progress for me. ;)

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  19. Michelle Price says…

    I keep my blog up to date and then go back and use that for my LO journaling. That way I write about it while it is fresh in my mind.

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  20. betsy says…

    my best tip....just write, write, write. don't worry about getting it "just right"!

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