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Sponsor Giveaways : Studio Calico, Memory Works, Lisa Leonard, & Designer Digitals

Home Front Giveaway


Three people will win the entire Home Front collection (papers, stickets, journaling cards, and FabRips) from Studio Calico.

One person will receive the January main kit from Studio Calico.

The concept of Studio Calico began long before it was a reality. In 2000, while working at a local scrapbook store, April developed an appreciation for innovative supplies along with a respect for preserving memories. Thus, the concept of combining fresh products with non-traditional scrapbook supplies emerged.

At Studio Calico, we hope to encourage the creative process by providing the best supplies on the market as well as a community that is supportive every step of the way.
In the past 2 years we've grown from an idea, to a small boutique of sorts, to manufacturing our own products. As we've grown, we've stayed true to the basics, while looking to the future.

Three people will receive the lovely Word Of The Year necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs.  

In addition Lisa is offering a discount for readers. Enter "myword15" for 15% off your purchase.

Here's a bit about Lisa and her business: 

California girl and young mom, Lisa Leonard decided to start her small
jewelry business five years ago, she had no idea how things would take
off.  With a fresh perspective and an artist’s heart she set about
making jewelry that could not be found anywhere else.  Her
hand-stamped, sterling silver jewelry is setting the trends and is
loved by women all over the world. 

Her hand-wrought creations have been featured in several
national magazines, such as Parenting Magazine, Pregnancy Magazine,
Victoria Magazine and Wondertime. Online outlets are singing the
praises of Lisa Leonard Designs, including Cookie Magazine and Celebrities also love her line, including Josie Bissett,
Jason and Naomi Priestly and Jennie Garth.

Each piece is hand-cut, hammered, stamped, polished and
drilled with care in her California workshop.  You’ll find the perfect
gift for a friend, grandmother, sister or of course, yourself!  And
don’t forget dad or baby.  Lisa offers custom keychain and baby spoons
that will warm the heart.

Visit Lisa's lovely blog here.

Componants needed for SS short

One person will receive the Life Documented kit from the new Simple Stories collection by MemoryWorks.

Your photos and memories are far too important to keep in a box, store on a computer or bury in a pile. We know life is busy and at times it feels nearly impossible to keep up with all of life's demands - yet alone find time for the things you enjoy like your scrapbook hobby and preserving your memories.

If you're overwhelmed with too many photos...

If you're feeling guilty for not being "caught up"...

If you're overloaded with creative pressure and unrealistic expectations...

If you're stressed because you don't have enough time to scrapbook...

If you don't know where to start...or worried if you can even keep up...

If you're frustrated with the process of traditional scrapbooking...

If you're looking for a better way...

Then you will love our simple and refreshing approach to scrapbooking!

MemoryWorks is beyond thrilled to introduce the new, exclusive Simple Stories scrapbook system. You can view our video here. Our innovative system was designed for scrapbookers of all levels who want to share their life stories and memories in a simple, yet meaningful, way - but without the time, guilt or stress of traditional scrapbooking.

Life Documented, the first collection in our Simple Stories series, is all about documenting a year in your life like never before. Our Life Documented kit allows you to share your story in a whole new way, while getting back to the basics of what scrapbooking is all about...your photos and memories. We've done all the work for you with our exclusive Simple Stories system - with beautiful pre-designed elements that you simply trim, add your journaling and then insert into pockets - along with your 4x6 photos - for quick and easy scrapbooking. No cropping. No adhesive. No stress. It's as easy as that - sharing your photos and memories has never been easier!

In addition to the giveaway here, we're giving away a FREE Simple Stories Life Documented kit, with coordinating divided page protectors and embellishments, a retail value well over $35. Visit for more details.

Three people will receive my new 365 Photo Overlay kit from Designer Digitals.

This digital package includes 365 overlays, one for each day of the year. Designed to fit right on top of a 4x6 photo, these overlays also work really well as journal cards. Perfect for a 365 or week in the life project. In addition, all brushes and overlays on are sale this weekend at Designer Digitals (through Tuesday morning at 6am Eastern).


To be entered into this weekend's giveaways please leave a comment below letting me know one action you are taking in relation to your word of the year or your own personal resolution/tradition. Comments will be closed on Sunday evening at 8pm Pacific with the winners posted shortly after.

Happy New Year!

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2280 thoughts

  1. Dorah says…

    My word for the year is LIFE. So my goal is to enjoy it more and capture it better. I plan to take at least one photo a day that captures a moment of our lives no matter how mundane or trivial.

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  2. Ellen says…

    My word is RELAX. This means I won't getted stressed out about the messy toyroom, the dust on the mantle, how far behind I am in scrapbooking, what to make for dinner. I will just relax and enjoy it all.

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  3. Sue in Grapevine says…

    My word of the year is "stewardship". I want to be a good steward of the goods & talents that God has given me. He has given me creativity, an eye for beauty & materials.
    My goal is to make (at least) a card every week. This will feed my soul & use up some of my many craft supplies. A corollary of this goal is to make 100 cards this year for Operation Write Home.

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  4. Melinda M. says…

    I'm not sure what my "word" is yet, but my goal this year is to work harder at taking care of myself.

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  5. Donna U says…

    Wow-Thanks! Personal resolution to get a comfortable handle on digital scrapping/projects.

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  6. Amanda Susan says…

    I went with two words this year, one of them being less. This weekend is all about cleaning and getting rid of stuff.

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  7. kaydrenth says…

    My word for this year is HEAL. Thought the years I have become morbidly obese, clinically depressed. In turn I allowed relationships with family, friends and most importantly God fall to the wayside. I am done with that! I want to HEAL mind body and soul. Yesterday I made an appointment to see a new Dr. (haven't been in way too long) Thankfully they had a opening for this Tuesday. I know if I had to wait much longer I would chicken out. I also sat down with my husband and had a nice long talk about what's going on with me. Not that he didn't know it already but I think it made us both feel better and he is excited to help me get better. :)

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  8. Ellen says…

    My word is "revive." Hoping to get back in touch with the more interesting, stimulating person I used to be. I am trying to reach out to people and build friendships, and am looking for opportunities to get out of the house more, and possibly get back into the workplace. Love those summery colors in the Studio Calico kit - brighten up these dreary winter days! Thanks Ali!!!

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  9. Lena says…

    My word will be "no".
    I don´t have to do all ..... I must think of myself.
    I´ll try it :-)

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  10. Rosy says…

    Ali, my word this year is SIMPLIFY. I've taken down all my Christmas decor and cleaned the house. It looks and feels a bit empty but I prefer having all the clutter gone. My goal is to keep things clean, uncluttered and simple. I'm feeling very optimistic I can do this!

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  11. Debbie says…

    My word is an effort to put action behind my word I have made a focus necklace (not anywhere as nice as Lisa's!) and ordered some things from Etsy to put in my work areas to help keep me focused.
    I also got the books you talked about...already read the "Million Miles" book last night...great book!
    I love all of these prizes!!! Love this blog!!
    Thanks Ali....and when do we get to see your DD...not like you have been busy or anything :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Cheri Lile says…

    My word for the year is "CHANGE". I keep saying the same things every year and this year it is time to change all that. I am journaling what changes I want to make in my life and then breaking it down into measureable steps to achieve these goals. My husband and son have also decided to take on this challenge and change. We are working on this as a team and becoming each others coach.

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  13. Jessica Herling says…

    After much thought my word this year is HOPE. In an upcoming surgery this month my right ovary will be removed, HOPE is going to help me with the preservation of my fertility (that one remaining ovary will need to work hard.) I got a twitter text from Real Simple's daily quotes on Tuesday, the day of my Doctor's appointment, when I learned the ovary would need to be removed. "Once you choose hope, anything's possible." --Chritopher Reeve Like my word last year Calm, I will place the definition along with that quote inside my medicine cabinet. I also plan on using my word this year throughout my house in different ways. I love the word necklace, I plan on getting it. Happy New Year all!

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  14. Laura says…

    Happy New Year! I'm still contemplating my word. I am starting a new job soon and would like to choose a word that will help me do well there while maintaining a good balance with home and everyone there.

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  15. KathleenB says…

    I'm picking PATIENCE for my word this year. I really need to practice more of it. I know everyone always told me I was the most patient person years ago, but I think as I got older I've been a little less patient than I would have liked to PATIENCE for me this year.

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  16. Barb M. says…

    Thanks, Allie. Great giveaways. I am so excited about the necklace discount. Yesterday, I took the step to action and made a pagefinder for my planner that coordinates with my planner with my word (persist) on the front and the definition on the back. I love it as I used my new Tim Holtz goodies from my Christmas stocking and played with them. I also made a small sign with my word, then posted it on my bathroom mirror. On my agenda for today is to make a reminder for my desk at work. I am new to your blog and new to One Little Word. I am big into goal setting so the concept of OLW is right up my alley. I shared with my sons and asked them to think about a word and how to turn the word into action. My oldest thought it was a great idea but my youngest is a tween and has been pushing it with regards to finding an appropriate word. I will have to be persistent with him! Thank you for the inspiration.

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  17. Maria says…

    My word for the year is REFRESH. I will renew myself, letting go of bad habits and seeking new ways to better myself.

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  18. Nicole says…

    My word for the second year in a row is Simplify. I just wasn't done with it after last year. This month I plan to do a lot of de-cluttering. Just the first step...

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  19. Jeannie says…

    My word this year is Embrace. I am embracing all that makes me who I am at this stage of my life. The things I do, the people I love, my life in general.

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  20. Jennifer says…

    I also have not picked a word yet. "Change" comes to mind for a number of different reasons. I have yet to confirm that as my Final Answer. :)

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  21. s.patel says…

    happy new year!!! i think i'm going to go with "balance" as my word this year. the first action i'm going to take is to go into my planner today and schedule "me time" around all of my work and to-dos!

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  22. Linda says…

    My word is life. It seems to get busier as the kids get older, and I'm going to choose to not get stressed over the busy, and just go with it! Sometimes I need to remind myself that I worked hard to get the "busy" in my house!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Gale says…

    "GO" I joined a gym two months ago. I feel so much better in just those two short months. I want to keep going & going to the gym. Also, apply to other aspects of my life. Go clean out that wreck of the basement, Go visit a shut in, Go off the computer, etc.

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  24. Cindy McAllister says…

    My word for the year is Explore...I want to travel more this year and not be afraid to do it on my own. I have always had to have people with me because of fear. My first trip is to travel to North Carolina and spend the week at the beach and just be able to reflect and enjoy who I am. Thank you for your daily inspiration. I would love to win.

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  25. Anne says…

    My word for 2010 is GRATITUDE and I have started writing one sentence each morning about something I am grateful for. I have also just finished creating a frame with my little word and hung it on the wall. Very inspiring!

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