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Those Things Left Undone

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll walk into a kitchen with a counter and sink full of dishes. In my office I'll find a partially completed layout I'd planned to finish and post. On my computer l'll find emails I've not yet answered. In my closet and laundry room I'll find hampers filled with clothes to be washed.

When I wake up on Monday morning, instead of finding a clean house and an organized work space, I'll find a heart full of great memories from this past weekend.  

As I begin that process of cleaning up the kitchen and getting the laundry going I'll be thankful that Chris and I got to spend a full weekend just with Simon while Anna had her first weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Camp (what we call going to the beach with my parents). We let him choose his own adventures with our full attention: swimming on both Saturday & Sunday, Toy Story 3, the park, chocolate ice cream, dinners of his favorite foods, cuddling with me on the couch.

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll hear Simon's words in my ear from Saturday night, "thank you for spending the day with me."

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll begin my day with a very thankful heart.

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108 thoughts

  1. gkgirl says…

    this made my heart full...

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  2. ale says…

    ali, you're such an amazing storyteller!
    thank you for sharing this moments with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Suzette says…

    This was so lovely and totally shifted my thoughts as I look around our messy home this morning! Thank you, Ali!

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  4. april n. says…

    Moments like that are the most are only young once...and there will always be dishes and laundry. Thanks for the reminder to not stress about the unimportant things...

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lisa says…

    Love this reminds me that i need to be more present in the moment with my daughter. Instead of worrying about what needs to get done, i need to stop and play when my daughter asks me to because she will only be this ge once.
    Thanks for the reminder to play more, worry less.

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  6. Susan says…

    we spent a wonderful day with the kids yesterday while many things went undone but i agree the tradeoff is worth it! off to tidy up! have a beautiful day, susan

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  7. Barb M. says…

    What a beautiful post! It is peaceful to be grateful for the mess and remember our blessings.

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  8. Kim says…

    good for you Ali! Simon will appreciate both his parents and sister a little more after a weekend just about him. I always tell my oldest he had me all to himself before his sister and brother were born!

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  9. Iara says…

    you are so lucky to have your parents and be able to dedicate time to Simon. I wish I could do it sometimes too. but the best thing is that you do it and enjoyed the day. There are so many people with family and relatives close to them and they do not see the treasure they have.

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  10. Jan C. says…

    Good for you! I have many more regrets about the moments I did not give my kids my full attention than I do proud memories of my house being clean and orderly! When you get to the point where they are leaving for college or moving out for good, you don't want to have that, "could I have a do-over sensation." Happy for you!

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  11. SchoolMommy says…

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Sounds like the truly important things got done :)

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  12. Ann says…

    Thank you for the poignant reminder of the little things.

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  13. Diane Knott says…

    I couldn't agree more! I was also lucky enough to have my oldest to myself this weekend. My heart is full of gratitude and my sink full of dishes as well...and I wouldn't want it any other way! Thanks for sharing.

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  14. Michele in Texas says…

    love this

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  15. Cynthia H says…

    what an awesome reminder that the tedium of undone chores is actually a reminder of great memories!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Clover says…

    Awesome. How right you are.

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  17. kirsten says…

    what a great way to embrace a Monday morning. Thanks - you just started mine out in a more positive light

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  18. K@thy says…

    And, when Simon turns 25 years old, as my son, Scott does today...he WON'T remember if there were dirty dishes in the sink after the weekend or if the laundry is caught up. He WILL remember, that he had a fun weekend with his parents' and that he had their undivided attention AND...He will remember how special and safe and loved he felt. As my son and I discussed last night, time goes by so quickly...We need to invest our time in relationships that last a lifetime!

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  19. Mary Rogers says…

    fabulous post Ali! Simon is such a precious boy!

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  20. melissa says…

    wonderful post...just what i need this monday morning!

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  21. Tamara says…

    This almost made me cry. thanks for the reminder that moments with family are so much more important than dishes or other chores. Chores will keep while family moments will pass us by if we don't take advantage of them. Thanks again!

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  22. sue mannel says…

    i love how you turned what could be chaos ( dishes, clothes, etc., etc.) into something positive and memorable and a heart full of great memories!!
    sue :)

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  23. sarah j. says…

    your post brought tears to my eyes...i can't tell you how much i needed to read this today :) thanks! now up off the couch (after a wonderful weekend with my family) to get the house put back together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams says…

    Beautiful. You'll all remember that weekend for a long time to come.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Sally says…

    Awesome. Love it.

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