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Those Things Left Undone

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll walk into a kitchen with a counter and sink full of dishes. In my office I'll find a partially completed layout I'd planned to finish and post. On my computer l'll find emails I've not yet answered. In my closet and laundry room I'll find hampers filled with clothes to be washed.

When I wake up on Monday morning, instead of finding a clean house and an organized work space, I'll find a heart full of great memories from this past weekend.  

As I begin that process of cleaning up the kitchen and getting the laundry going I'll be thankful that Chris and I got to spend a full weekend just with Simon while Anna had her first weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Camp (what we call going to the beach with my parents). We let him choose his own adventures with our full attention: swimming on both Saturday & Sunday, Toy Story 3, the park, chocolate ice cream, dinners of his favorite foods, cuddling with me on the couch.

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll hear Simon's words in my ear from Saturday night, "thank you for spending the day with me."

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll begin my day with a very thankful heart.

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108 thoughts

  1. Elizabeth Rosemond says…

    So sweet! Ill take a thankful heart and happy kid over clean dishes any day :)
    As I get ready to have my next baby (in a few weeks), I will remind myself to take some private time with each of my older kids as often as I can!

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  2. Heidi says…

    What a very sweet post! Reminds me that tomorrow I need to play more and work less. I can't do that every day, but I *can* do that tomorrow!

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  3. Laurel says…

    Oh Ali, this post made me tear up. Thank you for sharing it, what a sweet weekend of memories.

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  4. katie says…

    How wonderful for your whole family. I have all the same things waiting for me on Monday morning but instead a memory of "thanks for spending the day with me" I'll probably feel guilty that I didn't get it all done. Your post reminds me that I need to be present in the moment and not so hard on myself when I fail to meet my own expectations.

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  5. Sonu says…

    You will be so glad you took this special time out for Simon!!! Dishes never seem to end, but childhood does. Enjoy it when you can. :-)

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  6. KarynS says…

    That's just beautiful Ali. Thanks for sharing.

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  7. Shauna Wobeser says…

    Isn't being a mother wonderful!!! Thanks for the reminder as to what is important!

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  8. jen shears says…

    Just reading this made MY heart happy! We are just back from 2 weeks on our boat in Puget Sound, and to just UNPLUG and BE- just the 3 of us- was so great- a bit of a recharge of ourselves!
    Thanks for the constant inspiration, and the very sweet reminders of how great each day can be!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lori O. says…

    Perfectly and Simply Blessed! :)

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  10. Allison Waken says…

    Wow, I totally agree. Sounds like a great weekend! I had the majority of Sat and Sun with my little one while my husband spent time with our oldest. I love one on ones.

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  11. DeAnna says…

    That is fantastic! It's so amazing to be able to live in the moment and put aside the chores and tasks that take up our daily lives and take our focus away from what really matters. Thank you for posting that.

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  12. Jenn L. says…

    I love it, and what a great way to look at a messy house on Monday morning. I'll remember this great perspective.

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  13. Paper Pile Kitten says…

    Oh, that's so beautiful! Thank you for filling MY heart with warm and fuzzy feelings on a grey Monday morning. :)

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  14. Elizabeth says…

    That sounds lovely : )

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  15. margaret says…

    that sounds like a great week end

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  16. Leslie says…

    That is beautiful!

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  17. DanielleQ says…

    A beautiful heart. And a wonderful reminder, thank you...

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  18. Katya says…

    Thank you for such posts, Ali! They make me think though I don't have children yet. Have a great day!

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  19. Sarah says…

    What a lovely post, and a beautiful way to look at life. Your optimism inspires me, and reminds me that there's always a positive way to look at things. Thank you :)

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  20. Amy says…

    This is such a wonderful post. The most important "thing" was NOT left undone! Awesome times/awesome memories!

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  21. Cherrytree says…

    Thankyou so much for reminding us to be grateful for the everyday miracles of our lives.

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  22. sharon russell says…

    Hi Katie! I have an idea of how you feel...I am the same way...your "being present in the moment" comment struck a cord in me! I have a hard time with that, too!

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  23. AngieS says…

    What a wonderful gift to Simon! He's a lucky boy...

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  24. Louise says…

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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  25. Rachel Kizirian says…

    it's good to be here, reassuring look on, things that happened and not only see this mess, but all that lived. Thank you for helping me look like that! kisses, Ali ..

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