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Those Things Left Undone

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll walk into a kitchen with a counter and sink full of dishes. In my office I'll find a partially completed layout I'd planned to finish and post. On my computer l'll find emails I've not yet answered. In my closet and laundry room I'll find hampers filled with clothes to be washed.

When I wake up on Monday morning, instead of finding a clean house and an organized work space, I'll find a heart full of great memories from this past weekend.  

As I begin that process of cleaning up the kitchen and getting the laundry going I'll be thankful that Chris and I got to spend a full weekend just with Simon while Anna had her first weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Camp (what we call going to the beach with my parents). We let him choose his own adventures with our full attention: swimming on both Saturday & Sunday, Toy Story 3, the park, chocolate ice cream, dinners of his favorite foods, cuddling with me on the couch.

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll hear Simon's words in my ear from Saturday night, "thank you for spending the day with me."

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll begin my day with a very thankful heart.

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108 thoughts

  1. Theresa says…

    Grandma & Grandpa Camp is loved by all here - we call ours by the place they go - e.g. they go to "Camp Sunrise" when visiting my parents in Sunrise, FL! It makes a special way for them to refer to their time and location.

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  2. Jamie V says…

    What a lovely little post... :)

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  3. Dori says…

    Thank you for the beautiful post, Ali. I love it!

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  4. Suzanne says…

    what a beautiful post, ali! time spent with those who grow up too fast is priceless!

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  5. Nell says…

    So true! When I had my first child my friend gave me a magnet that said "Good mothers have filthy ovens, sticky floors and happy kids" Some days (usually when the crumbs, and dishes and washing overwhelm me) it is my mantra!
    Simon will remember those memories for years to come.

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  6. Sonya says…

    How DO you do it? Once again, you've shown your ability to enjoy and reflect on the truly important! I think I want to be you when I grow up! :)

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  7. Roberta says…

    Washing and cleaning will wait till tomorrow,
    Children won't we've learned to our sorrow.
    little quote i found years ago
    it's more important to make those memories than having a spotless house
    my idea of cleaning is to sweep the room with a glance
    another little quote

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. sue says…

    Time with your children is much more important than laundry and dishes! My children are grown and gone and I am very thankful that I took time to 'play and read and go places with them' instead of focusing on household chores all the time. We did share chores among the family but the focus was on them while growing up and I'm glad i did it.

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  9. Laurie J.M. says…

    What a beautiful post. What a beautiful heart you have.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Staci @ tales from the s*crap*room says…

    Thank you for this reminder. I often wake up on Monday feeling aggravated at the messes that were made over the weekend that I have to clean up now. I look forward to remembering the fun weekend we had instead of the mess I am cleaning up.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jamie Pate says…


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  12. Jamie Pate says…


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  13. Jamie Pate says…


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  14. Jamie Pate says…


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  15. Cindy C. says…

    Your post is so inspiring to me.
    You remind me to enjoy my time with the family, and not to concetrate on gettng things done.

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  16. Mariana Correia says…

    The more I read you, the more I like you!!! It's good to see that everybody (at least every mother) has the same issues, even if we live in different countries! You are quite an inspiration! Congratulations on your jobs (as a blogger, a mom, a scrapper, a designer, a wife, etc)!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jakki says…

    THIS is so important for them...even though my kids are 14 and 17 I STILL try and have alone time with each one of them and even at their ages, they love it...

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kristal Jones says…

    I heart this post. Being present for our children is all they really want. :)

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  19. Donna Tullis says…

    very sweet words whispered straight into your heart...priceless and very precious.

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  20. Karen says…

    Brought tears to my eyes. So sweet :)

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  21. Robyn Meierotto says…
    07/27/2010 spending individual time is oh so important! glad you had such a great weekend :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Cherie says…

    Thank you for this reminder. Very well written.

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  23. Sue from Oregon says…

    what a heartwarming post. I am going to forward to my daughter. Sometimes it is so easy to forget...

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. AForestFrolic says…

    That is super sweet...what a fun way to spend time...letting him pick the weekend activities! *Smile*
    Jamie :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Erika Melnychuk says…

    Thank you for sharing the reality that your life isn't "perfect" - that there are dirty dishes and messes and unfinished projects. Sometimes, it's easy to only project to the public the completed finished products, so it's nice to hear about those things that are so REAL in your life. And, beautiful that instead of fretting about that and making in an overwhelming, negative thing in your life, you're able to really see the positive in it! Thanks for all the inspiration!

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