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Those Things Left Undone

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll walk into a kitchen with a counter and sink full of dishes. In my office I'll find a partially completed layout I'd planned to finish and post. On my computer l'll find emails I've not yet answered. In my closet and laundry room I'll find hampers filled with clothes to be washed.

When I wake up on Monday morning, instead of finding a clean house and an organized work space, I'll find a heart full of great memories from this past weekend.  

As I begin that process of cleaning up the kitchen and getting the laundry going I'll be thankful that Chris and I got to spend a full weekend just with Simon while Anna had her first weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Camp (what we call going to the beach with my parents). We let him choose his own adventures with our full attention: swimming on both Saturday & Sunday, Toy Story 3, the park, chocolate ice cream, dinners of his favorite foods, cuddling with me on the couch.

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll hear Simon's words in my ear from Saturday night, "thank you for spending the day with me."

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll begin my day with a very thankful heart.

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108 thoughts

  1. Tanya says…

    What a wonderful way to see things!!

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  2. sharon says…

    Oh Ali, You have reminded me of some important lessons. I woke up this Monday morning with much the same scene, except I needed to be out the door by 7.30am, off to school and take three of my kids with me (last two stay to be driven to school by my dad). I have grumbled and groaned at the mess all week.......but you have reminded me that the mess comes from a weekend where I had two kids attending birthday parties (that they both so enjoyed!!) on Saturday, the others did a spot of shopping with moi and we all enjoyed a lunch and afternoon with friends on Sunday - that's what important - time together as a family and the smiles on my kids faces!!! I'll happily attack the mess on Saturday now!!

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  3. Jennifer Camplin says…

    Sound just perfect... One on One with Simon for weekend. You will do the same with lil Ana too.
    Nice to hear how he loved it.

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  4. Alison says…

    Thanks so much for giving me a reality check. I (crazily) decided to have kids before getting my degree. Now I find myself studying full time with 3 girls aged 3,5 and 7, all with a husband who's often away with work for extended periods of time. I love to wake up to a clean organised house, and I think that it's often my focus when I wake up Monday morning. If it's messy when I get up somehow it sets the mood for the day, and I feel kind of cranky.
    What you wrote has really shown me that I'm missing the point. I need to be more thankful for the beautiful memories that we make on the weekends as a family. Precious memories that I can keep!
    Thanks for sharing, and helping me change my perspective xox

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  5. Stacy W. says…

    What a great post! I want to write something like this and frame it as a reminder for myself of what is truely important, especially with the school year starting up next week for me and my kids :( Thank you for sharing this with us all :)

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  6. Gaele says…

    I SO wish I could react just like you and see the positive side of all things. I've been working on this these past few years, trying to step back from trying to have everything perfect, cleaned, organised, etc all the time when obviously perfection is a lure, especially with two young kids, a full job and a husband really busy with his own business. Telling my stories with scrapbooking has actually helped a lot as I realized that everything - and I mean absolutely EVERYTHING including dishes in the sink, toys all over the house, massive mess in the kids' room - is part of our life.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      It's something I work on everyday...and I think it gets easier over time and I also totally believe that scrapbooking can positively impact our attitude on life if we are open to it ;).

  7. RaisingOrleans says…


    "When I wake up on Monday morning, instead of finding a clean house and an organized work space, I'll find a heart full of great memories from this past weekend."


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