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Those Things Left Undone

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll walk into a kitchen with a counter and sink full of dishes. In my office I'll find a partially completed layout I'd planned to finish and post. On my computer l'll find emails I've not yet answered. In my closet and laundry room I'll find hampers filled with clothes to be washed.

When I wake up on Monday morning, instead of finding a clean house and an organized work space, I'll find a heart full of great memories from this past weekend.  

As I begin that process of cleaning up the kitchen and getting the laundry going I'll be thankful that Chris and I got to spend a full weekend just with Simon while Anna had her first weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Camp (what we call going to the beach with my parents). We let him choose his own adventures with our full attention: swimming on both Saturday & Sunday, Toy Story 3, the park, chocolate ice cream, dinners of his favorite foods, cuddling with me on the couch.

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll hear Simon's words in my ear from Saturday night, "thank you for spending the day with me."

When I wake up on Monday morning I'll begin my day with a very thankful heart.

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108 thoughts

  1. Cathy Weber says…

    As I read your post, I cried. I remember the time my daughter was so happy I worked on a puzzle with her. Not going to Disneyland, the movies, buying her stuff at the mall. A puzzle.

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  2. Vicky says…

    Ali, this post is one of the main reasons I love you and your blog so much. You always remind us of what's important. Thanks for sharing and for making my heart sing on a monday morning.

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  3. Olessia says…

    OMG,Ali, I can TOTALLY relate to your beautiful story...
    I wake up in the Monday morning and fine sink full with dishes from last night Nikita's 6 birthday party,in the living room lots of wrapping paper from her gifts,from 18 friend she had over yesterday and about 20 family and friend,sharing FATALISTIC day with her.And when I was sitting on my coach,having my morning coffee, I can hear her voice telling me and my husband:"Thank you mom and dad for such a fun party,thanks for inviting a Barbie Ballerina for my party !"
    LOVE memories
    Thank you for shearing your life story's,Ali.

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  4. amykiane says…

    What a wonderful perspective to have. Your post inspired my own post for today. I have left many things undone this summer, but I'm not regretting any of it.

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  5. Anne says…

    Oh Amy, I can relate to your thankful heart. I spent the day out in the garden with my 10 year old niece. She is at that age where she is interested in everything that grows, and wants to be a part of the planting and harvesting of the garden. She has been asking me all summer to help me- and just yesterday we were able to make it work. I totally cherished that time with her. This morning, running out of the house for work, I passed dirty laundry, a stack of mail on the counter, a garbage can over flowing, and a dishwasher that needed to be unloaded. It will all get done eventually, right? Thank you for your post today!

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  6. Nicky from Canada says…

    Life is good!!

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  7. Anne says…

    I meant Ali! really, I did! I meant, "Oh, Ali!" It's Monday! :)

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  8. Paige says…

    As a mom of a five month old second child, I am trying so hard to find private time with my older one. He got all of our attention for close tofive years before his brother arrived. This is a good reminder!

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  9. Michelle says…

    As I was reading your post, I was so feeling your "pain," until I read you had a heartful of memories and read changed my perspective on what needs to get done around my house...
    Thank you Simon for helping me see things in a different life as I think back over the past weekend and had a blast with my family!

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  10. Deb J says…

    I know it can't be done every day but I'm so glad that you know that it can be done occasionally and what a difference it makes. I wish I could get my mom to realize that. She's worse about it at 82 than she was when I was younger.

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  11. cher says…

    Iknow...I remember these moments sweet! luv that kid!

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  12. goshery says…

    Ali, stop making me cry at work!!! What a wonderful post - and what a wonderful family.

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  13. Shauna Miller says…

    Love it! Thank you for reminding me that as I am cleaning up from the weekend every monday to not look at all I have to do and clean but to reflect back on all that we did as a family the past weekend!! This exactly what I needed this monday afternoon as I still clean up from the weekend :)

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  14. Wendy High says…

    So totally awesome Ali! What a great weekend with your little guy!

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  15. Debbie - NZ says…

    Awwww Ali that is just awesome and gorgious! Sounds like an awesome weekend!

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  16. TracieClaiborne says…

    Lovely and thoughtful post. I always wake up to a mess on Monday mornings but I've never been thoughtful enough to realize it's because I enjoyed the weekend!

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  17. Teresa says…

    I've tried to spend more time with my daughter this summer. I work 2 jobs and the parttime one I usually work on my days off from the fulltime one. For the summer I've waited until my husband gets home those 2 afternoons and then go to my other job(it's very flexible). We have spent a lot of time together this summer. She turned 8 in June and I realize it won't be long she'll be too old to hang out with mom.

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  18. Gina says…

    oh Ali, that is so sweet and so true! i am so glad that you had a very nice weekend with Simon and that he realized how special it was. it is hard when you have more than one child to completely focus on just one! but so important! I hope you are having a great Monday!

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  19. Wendy Orme says…

    What a great mom you are!

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  20. Sherry Coleman says…


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  21. Angie says…

    Beautiful words....hits home on most Monday mornings...
    I have a MIL who when my kids were little always told me...clean your house....never go to bed with dishes in the sink......I am so very glad I did not listen to kids never once said to me....Mom do those that vacume......but they did tell me in the hugs and kisses how much they loved spending time with us....the dishes will be there and the dog hair will still be on the rug.....buth kids grow up way too fast....
    thank you Ali for this trip down memory lane about my kids when they were little...

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  22. Melanie L. says…

    What a sweet boy you have there! You've got to enjoy them when they're young. :)

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  23. Ruth Allmart says…

    Now that is so cool! What a great idea :)

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  24. Karen W says…

    What a nice way to start the week, for you, for all of us....

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  25. Tracy says…

    What a testimony to how beautifully you are raising your children! To hear Simon speak with such a grateful heart just for the simple act of you focusing all of your attention on him probably brings you so much joy! Embrace these precious moments Ali. I've learned a thing or two about how I want my children to be raised just from reading this post. Thank you!

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