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Birthday No. 9 | The Invitations

On Friday Simon will be 9 years old.

On Monday night I created some invitations for him to give to a couple of his friends at school.

I printed the No.9 design on white cardstock, adhered the front piece with the number and the inside piece with the party details back to back with adhesive (could have done back to back printing if I'd left myself more time and patience) and he hand-wrote a message inside each one that said, "would you like to come to my birthday party?"

After he wrote messages on the inside he put each child's name on the outside of the envelope, licked it, and sealed it shut with his hands.

We bundled them up and he took them to school with him yesterday.

He reported back that all were delivered except one. He's not sure where that one ended up.

Yesterday I ordered 35 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and multi-colored sprinkles to take to his class on Friday (per specific request). We've done this for the last couple of years and he really loves having a bunch of his family come see him at school. Last year both the Grandmas were able to come. This year both the Grandmas and the Grandpas will be there.

Here's how happy he was to see Grandma in his class last year:

On Friday night the Grandparents will all be here for a dinner and cake gathering.

On Saturday we hope some of his friends (about five kids total) will be able to come over for pizza, more cake, and merriment.

I'm thinking about trying the cool number cake that Martha showed in the Number Themed Party article (January 2011) for the Saturday party. I'll let you know how it goes.

As we get ready for the annual festivities I feel like this is a good time to say THANK YOU. Thank you for all the support you've shown Simon (and our family) over the years. Thank you for the encouraging words, the suggestions, the heartfelt emails and comments, and for simply rooting for him. Your support is felt and greatly appreciated. He is one super special kid.

Go Simon Go!

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161 thoughts

  1. tammy g says…

    I do love how he is so happy to be squeezing his grandma. That is so sweet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Therese says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!

    He is one happy, amazing kid BUT don't downplay you and your husband's contribution. He is lucky to have such great parents who truly cherish him.

    Life is good!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Teresa says…

    HaPpY bIrThDaY Simon!!! Can't believe that your nine already. That means my daughter's almost there with you(in a couple of months). I hope you have a great day! Enjoy all your parties!!
    Ali Thank you for sharing your whole family with us. It is a joy to see your family growing! I love the invitations!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Lynn M says…

    Simon says: "I'm 9 on Friday!!" Happy Birthday, Simon, have fun at school and your party.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Rhonda says…

    Happy Birthday! Hooray for Simon! I am still thinking about how much my son loved your explanation of Quidditch.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jenny A says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! Love your invitations! Hope your day is filled with lots of cake and ice cream :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Michelle L says…

    My little guy turns 6 next Wednesday and I can't believe it! Time really flies doesn't it? That's why it's so important to capture it all!

    Happy Birthday, Simon! =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Deb J says…

    Wow! Happy Birthday Simon!!

    It's hard to believe he is already 9. But then it is hard to believe how big Anna is getting too. The years seem to fly by. Simon is turning into such a great boy. I can't believe how much he has changed and how much he looks more and more like his dad.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Julia says…

    Ha! What is it with boys that they sometimes don't know where things/stuff/invitations dissapeared to... ;)
    Your invitations are awesome and I love the special touch with Simons handwritten note. What a super sweet detail!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Karen says…

    Happy birthday Simon! I think your birthday invitations (and you) ROCK! Hope you have a great day!

    Thank YOU, Ali, for all that you share with us and the daily source of inspiration you provide. I have learned so much from your writing, your video tutorials, read some great books and discovered some wonderful family traditions.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Susan says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Ruth Allmart says…

    Cool invitations Ali. Happy 9th birthday Simon :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Suz says…

    Love the invite! Too bad my little guy turned 9 in December. So cute.
    Happy Birthday on Friday, Simon! May it rock as much as you do!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Gaele says…


    I'm actually working on the same thing right now, except that my son is turning 6 in a month but he's sooooooo looking forward to his birthday party that I figured we could already write the invitations.
    One question: I used to have that font, the one you used to write "you're invited" on the left but since our computer crashed and we lost everything some time ago I have never been able to find it back. Could you help me?
    Thanks and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one great boy!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Hi! That font is called MamaeQueNosFaz:

    2. Gaele says…

      Thanks so much for your very quick answer!!

  15. Heidi says…

    Blessings that year 9 for Simon is an extra special and wonderful one! As CZ noted on her blog, "time is a bullet train". INDEED! Can't wait to hear how all the celebrations for Simon's 9th brithday unfold. And by all means, have some hot water with lemon for yourself Mama, I'm pretty sure YOU did the work on that day he was born :) :) You and your family, friends and loved ones have just gotten to reap the benefits after the fact! :) Heidi

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  16. Jislayne says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Susan DR says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! It has been so wonderful to watch him grow and to cheer his achievements. Thank you for sharing your family, your inspirations and talent. Have a great day Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. {vicki} says…

    Hope all festivities turn out great!!!!!!!!

    Way to go #9!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Heather Prins says…

    wow nine, already?!!! Happy Birthday Simon!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Alida says…

    Happy Birthay Simon. Love seeing you grow via your Mom's books and blog. Cheering you on here from South Africa!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. EmmaJ says…

    Happy Birthday to Simon!
    What a wonderful party and invite. Are you going to do the m&ms cake? that is simply divine.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Sarah M. says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!! I hope you have a great day!
    And thank you Ali for sharing so much of your family with us. I've loved seeing Simon grow up and now Anna. I've followed your blog for years and it's hard to believe that he is 9 already!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Tammy says…

    Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful boy on his special day. Happy 9th Birthday Simon! (From Texas)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. TaraMcK says…

    Happy Birthday to Simon. There is a special Light in his soul. Your family is very lucky.

    Our kids are the same ages, I have loved watching them grow up as mine have. Thank you for always being so open with your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Stacy Milford says…

    Wishing Simon a Happy Birthday! This just makes me smile :)

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