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Birthday No. 9 | The Invitations

On Friday Simon will be 9 years old.

On Monday night I created some invitations for him to give to a couple of his friends at school.

I printed the No.9 design on white cardstock, adhered the front piece with the number and the inside piece with the party details back to back with adhesive (could have done back to back printing if I'd left myself more time and patience) and he hand-wrote a message inside each one that said, "would you like to come to my birthday party?"

After he wrote messages on the inside he put each child's name on the outside of the envelope, licked it, and sealed it shut with his hands.

We bundled them up and he took them to school with him yesterday.

He reported back that all were delivered except one. He's not sure where that one ended up.

Yesterday I ordered 35 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and multi-colored sprinkles to take to his class on Friday (per specific request). We've done this for the last couple of years and he really loves having a bunch of his family come see him at school. Last year both the Grandmas were able to come. This year both the Grandmas and the Grandpas will be there.

Here's how happy he was to see Grandma in his class last year:

On Friday night the Grandparents will all be here for a dinner and cake gathering.

On Saturday we hope some of his friends (about five kids total) will be able to come over for pizza, more cake, and merriment.

I'm thinking about trying the cool number cake that Martha showed in the Number Themed Party article (January 2011) for the Saturday party. I'll let you know how it goes.

As we get ready for the annual festivities I feel like this is a good time to say THANK YOU. Thank you for all the support you've shown Simon (and our family) over the years. Thank you for the encouraging words, the suggestions, the heartfelt emails and comments, and for simply rooting for him. Your support is felt and greatly appreciated. He is one super special kid.

Go Simon Go!

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161 thoughts

  1. Chris R says…

    Happy Birthday, Simon!! It is hard to believe that he is 9 already and so great to see all of the progress that he has made. He has great parents and family and that helps him become the person he is becoming.

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  2. Leora Henkin says…

    OH fun! Happy Birthday sweet Simon, and his mom, too! I made those number cakes every year until they reached double digits. I have a special pan that helps create the numbers. Good luck with yours! I will be thinking of all of you. Thanks for sharing Simon with all of us.

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  3. Marsaille says…

    Happy Birthday Simon... and Happy Anniversary Ali. 9 years ago you changed your name forever... to Mommy.

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  4. Paula G says…

    Happy 9th Birthday to a superfantastic boy!! Hope the whole family enjoys Simon's special time of celebration! GREAT JOB creating your invitations Simon! I think they are wonderful, just like you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Janine Boyton says…

    Happy Birthday to Simon. My nephew is Autistic (he is turning 15 this year) and he just loves sing Happy birthday...he doesn't have a very big vocabulary but he does LOVE sing Happy Birthday. Always brings a smile to my face when he sings it to me or anyone in the family:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Alli says…

    Happy, Happy Birthday Simon!!!
    Enjoy all of your special festivities!
    Wishing you a very happy 9th year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Amy K says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!
    Enjoy your day at school and your parties over the weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Vanessa says…

    Feliz Cumpleanos-Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Monica says…

    I don´t think I´ve ever told you this, but when I first saw Simon on pictures in your column in CK, I didn´t know he had autism, but there were something so special about him. There were something in his eyes that talked to me, I just knew he was special. When I bought Life Artist I finally found out what that was. He seems so volnurable, but you seems to have made such an amazing job being his parents, making him into such a happy boy. Congratulations to you and Chris, and to Simon, of cause!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Mauxane says…

    Happy birthday Simon. I wish you a wonderful day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Bonnie says…

    Happy Birthday to Simon! His handwriting is so neat! Ali, thank you so much for sharing. Enjoy the birthday festivities.

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  12. scrappysue says…

    Hope Simon has a wonderful birthday, and enjoys all the great celebrations planned for him. And good luck with the cake Ali, it looks a really great idea!

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  13. Camille says…

    Happy Birthday 9th Simon. What an awesome birthday you will have! I love watching you grow up. HAve a fun weekend.

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  14. Sara G. says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!
    Go Simon Go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. corinna says…

    Simons 9!!! wow wasnt he born just the other day? time flies, life busy.......HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY SIMON HIP HIP HOORAY!!!

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  16. Caitlin says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!!! So great that his grandparents get to see him in his classroom.

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  17. Ann Marie (Buffalo, NY) says…

    He IS one super special kid! And it's a privilege to watch him grow through your blog.
    Happy Birthday Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Skrapkitty says…

    Pizza and cake and grandparents . . . oh my!!! This sounds like the makings of one great, big, fun birthday celebration! Happy, happy birthday, young man! May you enjoy the gift of family and friendship and all the yummy delights that you can stand on your special day! From what your mom posts, you are one terrific kid and a fabulous big brother - you deserve a special celebration! ENJOY!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kim G. says…

    awesome idea for my daughter's sweet sixteen birthday. Happy Birthday Simon!

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  20. kim smart says…

    just wanted to wish simon a very happy birthday!! i have to say that i have really enjoyed you sharing your family with us! i've been following your blog for several years now and have loved seeing simon grow and the arrival of anna! you have such a lovely family! and i agree, simon is a super special kid!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Ginger says…

    Happy 9th Birthday Simon!!!
    From Burbank, CA

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  22. says…

    Adorable cards. Good luck on that cake. I've seen the pictures from her site. It looks fab..

    Happy Birthday Simon. You rock boy!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jane Hambly says…

    Happy Birthgay Simom all the way from New Zealand ki ora and may all your wishes come true....

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Melissa says…

    Thank YOU for sharing your stories of life with Simon. I appreciate it so much and it gives me hope for my son also on the spectrum. Happy 9th Birthday Simon. We are in your corner and cheering for you!

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  25. Wendy Orme says…

    Happy Birthday, Simon! Have a fun friend party today!

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