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Birthday No. 9 | The Invitations

On Friday Simon will be 9 years old.

On Monday night I created some invitations for him to give to a couple of his friends at school.

I printed the No.9 design on white cardstock, adhered the front piece with the number and the inside piece with the party details back to back with adhesive (could have done back to back printing if I'd left myself more time and patience) and he hand-wrote a message inside each one that said, "would you like to come to my birthday party?"

After he wrote messages on the inside he put each child's name on the outside of the envelope, licked it, and sealed it shut with his hands.

We bundled them up and he took them to school with him yesterday.

He reported back that all were delivered except one. He's not sure where that one ended up.

Yesterday I ordered 35 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and multi-colored sprinkles to take to his class on Friday (per specific request). We've done this for the last couple of years and he really loves having a bunch of his family come see him at school. Last year both the Grandmas were able to come. This year both the Grandmas and the Grandpas will be there.

Here's how happy he was to see Grandma in his class last year:

On Friday night the Grandparents will all be here for a dinner and cake gathering.

On Saturday we hope some of his friends (about five kids total) will be able to come over for pizza, more cake, and merriment.

I'm thinking about trying the cool number cake that Martha showed in the Number Themed Party article (January 2011) for the Saturday party. I'll let you know how it goes.

As we get ready for the annual festivities I feel like this is a good time to say THANK YOU. Thank you for all the support you've shown Simon (and our family) over the years. Thank you for the encouraging words, the suggestions, the heartfelt emails and comments, and for simply rooting for him. Your support is felt and greatly appreciated. He is one super special kid.

Go Simon Go!

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161 thoughts

  1. kryssi says…

    Wish him a happy birthday. He's so blessed to have such an amazing mom. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. annette says…

    Happy Biorthday to you Simon.... I was just thinking last night you should be having a birthday soon..... Enjoy 9 it's so fun!!!!! I have a very special awesome son too.....

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Misty Murphy says…

    It has been wonderful watching your family grow. Thanks so much for sharing what you do with all of us! Happy, Happy birthday to Simon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Jes says…

    with tears in my eyes, and a thank you in my heart, for sharing Simon with us all these years... Happy Birthday Simon!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Erika Bates says…

    happy birthday to your sweet boy! thank you for sharing him with us, i love hearing about him

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lori says…

    Happy early birthday Simon! And of course I love the invitation you designed. Thanks for sharing the font in the comments - that nine looks really cool. I have that font and love it, but haven't used the numbers, so I can't wait to try it out. Have fun celebrating!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. amy j. says…

    My oldest turns nine next week feelin' as melancholy as me? Where did the time fly? They're almost in double digits!!

    (youngest turned six this week...she's not my "baby" any more : (

    Happy birthday Simon! My big nine year old is skipping a party for the first time ever this lieu of a night on the town with her BFF (dinner, shopping and Starbucks, lol). She's getting way too big!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I really feel like I just want to soak it all up and in ;).

  8. Esther says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!!

    Thank YOU for sharing your stories about Simon with us! It's always lovely to hear for me, because my son has PDD-nos and I can relate to a lot of your stories!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. PattiP says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! What lovely invitations,too. And thank you Ali for sharing like you do. I'm grandmother to four grandchildren; one of them is autistic and one is being evaluated for Asperger's. It's encouraging to me to read about you family's everyday lives in addition to all the wonderful projects and designs.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. rhonda nickol says…

    Happy 9th Birthday Simon! Ali, my SIL is a teacher of Autistic children and I often volunteer in her classroom and with her many fund raisers that she organizes and I always think of Simon and your wonderful family! Thank You for sharing your lives with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Jenni Hufford says…

    Hooray for Simon!!! Happy 9th birthday!!! I hope your family has a super weekend celebrating a super kid-- thanks for sharing so much of this sweet boy with all of us on your blog :) hugs!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Deiga says…

    Wow, Simon is 9 already! Happy, Happy Birthday, Simon. We love watching you grow up on your mom's blog :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Debbie Blincoe says…

    Ali, I just love sitting here looking at pics of Simon writing his cards and seeing how fast he is growing and how far he has come...Simon you are an awesome kid...I remember telling you're mum that 4 years ago when she was in NZ and you still are and always will be.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Karen M. says…

    Thank you for sharing your journey with Simon. You have taught us so much about being a parent and how you have truly concentrated on the joy that he brings. You have faced the challenges with grace and passion. My daughter who is a resource teacher has recommended your blog to more that a few parents to help them embrace the experience to the maximum possible. I have learned so much, so grateful for you "telling your story!"

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nicky from Canada says…

    I hope that you all have a wonderful day - sounds perfect.
    Happy Birthday to Simon - hope you all enjoy.
    Life is good

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Katie @ cakes, tea and dreams says…

    Happy birthday, Simon! Hope it's fabulous - cupcakes, family, friends and all good things.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kelli says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!! Such a big boy now! I hope you get lots of cool presents!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sam F says…

    Happy Early Birthday to Simon!! Looks like a super special birthday for a super special kid! (Great ideas!)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Denise Laborde says…

    Go Simon! And happy birthday!

    Ali, the invites are so nice.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Jen Thompson says…

    Happy birthday for friday Simon! You share your birthday with my little girl who will be 5 on friday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. carriep says…

    to a certain extent thanks for letting me see Simon through your eyes. As I work with and around little autistic people knowing what is possible for them is so exciting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. DeDe Smith says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! Ali - I just wanted to let you know how much your blog means to me. My son, who is also autistic, will turn 9 NEXT WEEK and it has been an incredible journey and I have loved hearing about Simon and the similarities and differences between him and my JJ.

    Anyways, just wanted to say thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Michelle Evans says…

    Happy Birthday, Simon! You are sooooo lucky to be able to still take cupcakes to celebrate a birthday. "homemade" treats have not been allowed in our district for 5 years....and starting this year, they have to be "healthy" as well, so pretty much only fruit cups,granola bars or string cheese are allowed (and they have to be individually pkg'd...and this is in rural Iowa where crime is almost non-existant!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      We definitely can't bring anything homemade - pretty amazing that we can do the cupcakes.

  24. Maureen Mahurin says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! Your invitations are awesome - I hope you have a "Fun-tastic" time at your Parties!

    I am new to your blog Ali and have been enjoying it immensely! Your children & Family are beautiful! Your pages are fantastic and they have inspired me to create our wedding album using a We R Memory Keepers album with the differently configured pages. I've been looking for the "perfect album" for 5 years and I found it on your blog this past weekend! Thank you for showcasing this type of album!

    The photo of Simon and his grandmother is beautiful and one he will surely treasure when he is older and sharing his books with his future children "Greg" and "Molly".

    Thank you for sharing your family with all of us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Patty N says…

    When did he get to be 9? Time has really flown by since I started reading your blog. I feel like I know all of you. Happy Birthday, Simon!

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