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Birthday No. 9 | The Invitations

On Friday Simon will be 9 years old.

On Monday night I created some invitations for him to give to a couple of his friends at school.

I printed the No.9 design on white cardstock, adhered the front piece with the number and the inside piece with the party details back to back with adhesive (could have done back to back printing if I'd left myself more time and patience) and he hand-wrote a message inside each one that said, "would you like to come to my birthday party?"

After he wrote messages on the inside he put each child's name on the outside of the envelope, licked it, and sealed it shut with his hands.

We bundled them up and he took them to school with him yesterday.

He reported back that all were delivered except one. He's not sure where that one ended up.

Yesterday I ordered 35 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and multi-colored sprinkles to take to his class on Friday (per specific request). We've done this for the last couple of years and he really loves having a bunch of his family come see him at school. Last year both the Grandmas were able to come. This year both the Grandmas and the Grandpas will be there.

Here's how happy he was to see Grandma in his class last year:

On Friday night the Grandparents will all be here for a dinner and cake gathering.

On Saturday we hope some of his friends (about five kids total) will be able to come over for pizza, more cake, and merriment.

I'm thinking about trying the cool number cake that Martha showed in the Number Themed Party article (January 2011) for the Saturday party. I'll let you know how it goes.

As we get ready for the annual festivities I feel like this is a good time to say THANK YOU. Thank you for all the support you've shown Simon (and our family) over the years. Thank you for the encouraging words, the suggestions, the heartfelt emails and comments, and for simply rooting for him. Your support is felt and greatly appreciated. He is one super special kid.

Go Simon Go!

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161 thoughts

  1. Pam says…

    Happy Birthday, Simon! I hope that you have a super happy birthday and a fun party on Saturday. You are a very special boy.
    Ali-Thanks for sharing so much with us. I love the stories about Anna and Simon. Simon in particular because I work with autistic children and love every minute of it. He is so very lucky to be a member of such a wonderfully supportive family full of sooo much love. Much happiness to all of you!

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  2. Rhonda Z says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!! Enjoy those cupcakes!

    We share a birthday. I will be 50 on Friday. Simon, thank you for allowing me to have a glimpse of your life (and Anna's too). I really enjoy the photos and journaling that your Mom does. You sound like a great guy. Tell your Mom that she gives me inspiration.

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  3. Maureen says…

    Oh what great shots of Simon concentrating and then hugging your mother. My granddaughter who will be 9 in midFeb has always been very reserved, unlike her older sister who is still a great hugger but as a tween.

    Ali, if you have the patience to make Martha's cake, you will go into 'absolute supermom' in my book!

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  4. Melinda Kirk says…

    I just made a number 3 cake 'Toy Story' style for my little boy, if I can do a three you can manage a nine Ali! Happy birthday Simon :)

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  5. kat-in-texas says…

    Happy Birthday Week, Simon!!! Hope you have a blast and get lots of cool Lego's!!! :)

    p.s. you have very nice, neat handwriting!!!

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  6. paula s says…

    happy bday simon! and thank you for sharing this!

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  7. Tiffany H. says…

    Thank *you* for sharing your family with us. From the peek you give us into Simon's life it seems like he's an amazing kid. It also seems that you and Chris are great parents. My daughter turns 9 in March so I follow what you say/share about Simon closely since we have that connection of kids the same age. Send Simon big birthday wishes! I hope he has a year filled with wishes come true!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Cori J says…

    Yes he is one super special kid!...It helps to have parents that champion his cause for him! You help him to reach and grow beyond his let him soar...and in doing so as a parent you soar. kudos to you Ali and your husband for the parenting job you are doing.

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  9. Cori J says…

    ...forgot to say Happy Birthday Simon!!! Enjoy your celebration!!

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    Hope you have a wonderful day with your family and classmates!

    Ali, you (and your hubby) have done a tremendous job with Simon and I have thouroughly enjoyed watching him blossom over the years. Thank you for opening up your home and sharing a piece of your life with everyone! I know it can't be easy.

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  11. Dee Cummins says…

    Happy birthday Simon from Texas! I love your invitations and your handwriting!

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  12. Cindy says…

    Oh, yes, definitely, go, Simon! My son Logan will be 9 in July and he and Simon seem to have lots in common. Nice to see them make progress and take joy in the world. Good for you for being such a calm, fun, loving parents. Happy birthday to Simon!

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  13. Debbie Hodge says…

    Love that face. And love a family's excitement over celebrating a birthday :)

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  14. Verona H says…

    Birthday greeting to Simon from TX. I'm sure this will be a special day for him. I wish every child could have such loving parents.

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  15. Rachel says…

    Happy birthday Simon! I hope you show us another video of the cool stuff that you get for your birthday!

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  16. Kirsten J says…

    He is a super kid - with a super mama - I remember the old mama2simon days at did he get to be 9!?!!? Happy Birthday, Simon!!

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  17. Noelle says…

    It's shocking to me how fast kids seem to grow up. I've watched my friends's kids grow from babies. I look at my cousins' kids, and the oldest is now 21! I was in my teens when he was born! My own baby girl is 6 months old, ready to sit up, ready to pop out her first tooth. Where has the time gone?

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  18. Dawn says…

    Oh My Goodness...I've been an "Ali fan" for years and therefore have been reading about Simon for years and this post just literally brought tears to my eyes. Simon is one special boy and I hope Simon has the best birthday yet! Can't wait to hear all about his birthday party!

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  19. Erin K. says…

    Happy Birthday Simon. Congratulations on not only being another year older, but for all of the awesome new things you have accomplished this year!

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  20. Anne-Liesse Ankeny says…

    Happy, happy birthday to Simon. How quickly the time flies...

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  21. EJ says…

    I cannot believe that it's nine years time flies. Happy Birthday Simon I hope you have a fun filled weekend. Ali, Simon is such a super boy and I have no doubt that the credit goes to you and all your family. Here's to the next 9 years.

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  22. Amy Coon says…

    I didn't realize our boys birthdays were so close we will be wrangling 5 boys at Chuck E Cheeses for Tucker's 7th birthday....and yes I am bringing industrial size hand sanitizer HAH! Tell Simon Happy Birthday from us.

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  23. Kristy S. says…

    Wishing Simon Happy Birthday wishes. I think it is so cool that you share not only your creativity with us but also your family. You do such a wonderful job of "being real" on your blog and it is inspiring to me as I am sure it is the rest of those that read your writing.

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  24. Molly says…

    Happy 9th Birthday Simon! You share the exact same birthday as my son, DJ :) He turns 9 on Friday too. We will be thinking of you and hope this is your best birthday yet!

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  25. Karen says…

    Ali, my son's 10 Birthday is Friday too!!! We're having the family and a few friends over Saturday and some kiddos will be "spending the night" - that was Jordan's only request for the party. He's sweet and happy with the simple things (well mostly!). Hope Simon's day is awesome!!

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