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AE | The Weekend Lens


One of the things I've learned over the last 10 years, through all these adventures in memory keeping, is that my camera can be a refuge.

This past week, when I was feeling particularly out of sorts, I grabbed my camera and started photographing details around here. Life as it is. There's something to that for me - something that seeps into the cracks of my sadness and releases it just a bit.

Often it feels like taking a deep cleansing breath. An opportunity to remember the why.


I'm sure some of you out there stop taking photos when times are hard - I know that's happened to me before too. It's easy to not see anything good in the midst of challenges and struggles that can sometimes be consuming.


Picking up the camera and seeing the little details is good for my heart. It's a challenge, a distraction, and a focus on a practice I love.

lego at night

It doesn't change any of the other real things that are happening, but it brings me back to the goodness, the positive, the fullness, the life still moving on all around me.

grandma visit

I hope you had a chance to pick up your camera this past weekend and I hope you captured some images that remind you just how totally amazing life is.

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131 thoughts

  1. Sue TR (Your Story 2011) says…

    Hi Ali, Good thoughts and prayers and big hugs for you since I read your post last week. I feel for you and what you are going through. You are brave and strong and you will prevail! My best to you always!

    and...on a lighter note...took pictures of a 4 girl sleepover and ensuing silliness this weekend. Dad made spaghetti tacos ala iCarly and we are uploading the photo to the Nickolodeon website when the girls get home from school ;) Gonna scrap that story tonite as well!

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  2. sarah says…

    you're in my prayers + good thoughts, ali. i admire you for being so open.

    did you get my message about fall festival this weekend? i'd love it if you came up - i'd love to give you a hug, and buy you a beer. art + warm fall weather + beer + friends? sounds perfect to me! xo

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  3. Kimberly says…

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. It is wonderful to see you continue taking photos. When I did my 365 project, I had some really icky days, however I still took a photos of something each day Now, when I look at the photos, I caputured the rainbow in the storm.

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  4. Cecilia Madden says…

    I so appreciate the honesty you bring to this space. I love that you notice (and then capture!) the little details of wonder in the day-to-day, even when you're not in the best of spirits. These moments of hope help carry me through my days too.

    Sending good vibes to you and your family...

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. slmnontec says…

    Dear Ali,
    I couldn't let the day go by without offering you some encouragement from an "older" woman (I'm 64). I've found that scrapbooking hard stuff when it happens is too difficult (I have, however, been successful in pouring out my true feelings in a journal.) It's a bit raw and surprising when read later. Perhaps that would help.

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  6. Amy says…

    great advice ali. as always, thank you for your honesty. thoughts to you...

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  7. abbeyviolet says…

    It is weird how tied up together the internet can make us. I reflected a lot on your "real" post and hurt for you. Sad again today. We've never met and probably never will, but I've gotten to "know" you through all the stories you tell and want you to know that we care, love and send you our thoughts and prayers in your pain too as much as we love to see the joy. We are there for you, albeit virtually. Thanks for making a community that matters.

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  8. alida says…

    Ali, still praying for you. And I can really agree that taking photo's is theraputic. I thank you for inspiring me to start documenting my everyday in the times when my kids were very small and days were so long and demanding. It really provided that daily pause and aprreciation of what otherwise would have been a blur.
    I can also tell you that God can take what looks hopeless and broken the one day and turn it into an amazing story the next.

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  9. Jenni Hufford says…

    i am praying God soothes your heart. Sending lots of love to you and your family. Thinking and praying for you often. xo

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  10. Michelle C. says…

    There's a song by Little Big Town called "Lean Into It".Lately I've been listening to this a lot a son in middle school,and our daughter,9, is autistic.

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  11. Lisa says…

    Ah, Ali. I echo all the thoughts and prayers headed in your direction. "And it came to pass"...words with whom I have a complicated relationship. Love those times when it finally passes, though the scars left both build me up and tear me down. Hate those times when it finally passes, and the memories are but a shadow of the moment, the lifetime. The consistent thing, I guess, is that good or bad, it passes. And therein lies our quest, right? To document. To hope. To embrace. To thrive. To overcome. To love. To live. To stand in the light as you do so very well. And if you're interested, I've got an awesome chocolate fondue recipe. {{{HUGS}}}

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'd totally take that recipe - this was my first time trying a cheese one and it was okay :).

  12. Mary in IL says…

    Ali, I am sad for you also but I loved seeing the pictures you took and knowing that (taking them) gave you some comfort. Know, too, that He is with you through it all. ((((hugs))))

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  13. Jenny says…

    So glad your mom is there. Let her love on you. Pictures do remind us so of our blessings. And you are indeed blessed.

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  14. Amy says…

    Kelly said exactly what I was thinking...

    September 19, 2011

    kelly said…

    "Ali, the fact that your mom is in the photos brings comfort (the kind that puts tears in my eyes) to me as I know that if I was in a sad place, I would want the strength of my mom to help me through. From what you have written in the past, I know that your mom is strength for you, too. What good advice to work through some sadness with loving attention (through the camera) to the absolute reasons that life is as amazing and wonderful as it is even when it doesn’t feel amazing and wonderful."

    And Ali, I am sending prayers your way because you have touched my heart and been such an inspiration to me in my memorykeeping and also living with intention everyday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. MichelleB says…

    (HUGS) Ali. It breaks my heart to know you are feeling sad. Some of us have been following you for a long tme now. We gather all this inspiration from you and try to take it back to our own craft our own lives. And along the way I feel like I've gotten to know a part of you and a part of your family. Thank you for being so open and honest. For sharing. For being a an amazing source of inspiration. I am also glad to see your Mom with you. My Mom is my go to person. Please know I am thinking about you and sending lots of good thoughts your way. Take care.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Susan Anderson says…

    Having been through the dark spaces and challenging times I find this quote helpful; “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” Julian of Norwich. Positive thoughts for you and your family.

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  17. Lauren P. says…

    Sending well wishes your way!

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  18. Raylene says…

    Oh how well I remember those days years ago! So many things pulling us in so many directions! However, as I look back now, I kept my focus on the kids and they grew up well, happy and we are great friends now. My husband & I are better friends now than then . . . we made it through! Life is good. Looking forward to retirement. Stress is all a part of being human.

    Hugs to you & your family. Don't let go!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sue says…

    Thanks for the reminder. Hope your troubles can pass by quickly.

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  20. Teri says…

    This was a really inspiring post, Ali. I, too, am going through challenges (over a year now, actually), but i never thought to take photos. I think I'm going to try it.

    Prayers and well-wishes sent your way.

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  21. amy tangerine says…

    oh Ali, you speak so much truth and inspire so many. big hugs.

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  22. Kristan says…

    I'm so sorry to read that your heart is heavy right now. I can totally relate. My Mom passed away unexpectedly in February the day before her 43rd Wedding Anniversary. I had started a P365 this year, and even though it was tough, I am really thankful that I grabbed that camera and took pictures throughout that whole time. I captured some really beautiful shots. The P365 allowed me to get some random everyday shots that I wouldn't normally have. One I treasure is one of my Mom holding the dog about two weeks before she passed. I also have a picture of her shopping at Target, that I took from behind her. She didn't know I took it at the time.

    Photography also helped me connect with my Dad, he was a photographer...there is still a darkroom in our garage. My budding interest in photography (I got my DSLR sometime in March), as well as analog and "toy" cameras, allowed me to bond with my Dad in another way. He's got so much knowledge in that area and is willing to share.

    Huge hugs to you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Lisa H says…

    Ali--I have been thinking of you lately. Please know that things will get better. I promise. Slow down, enjoy your kids, and give yourself time to work thru all of this. Life can be so hard sometimes, but lots of people love you :-) and that makes it so wonderful...

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  24. Carolyn HP says…

    Hi Ali, sorry to hear things are still so difficult. I applaud you for trying to see the light and embracing positivity amidst your struggles. Sending positive thoughts, love & hugs from afar.

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  25. Kristin says…

    Oh Ali, I'm so sorry you are going through a rough time. I think a lot of us have been in a similar place and know how difficult life can be. I'm praying things get better for you and you are able to work through your difficulties.

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