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AE | The Weekend Lens


One of the things I've learned over the last 10 years, through all these adventures in memory keeping, is that my camera can be a refuge.

This past week, when I was feeling particularly out of sorts, I grabbed my camera and started photographing details around here. Life as it is. There's something to that for me - something that seeps into the cracks of my sadness and releases it just a bit.

Often it feels like taking a deep cleansing breath. An opportunity to remember the why.


I'm sure some of you out there stop taking photos when times are hard - I know that's happened to me before too. It's easy to not see anything good in the midst of challenges and struggles that can sometimes be consuming.


Picking up the camera and seeing the little details is good for my heart. It's a challenge, a distraction, and a focus on a practice I love.

lego at night

It doesn't change any of the other real things that are happening, but it brings me back to the goodness, the positive, the fullness, the life still moving on all around me.

grandma visit

I hope you had a chance to pick up your camera this past weekend and I hope you captured some images that remind you just how totally amazing life is.

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131 thoughts

  1. Doris says…

    love you.

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  2. Sara says…

    Peace be with you and your kids. Glad your mom and camera are there for support. Be with the pain and probably anger for now, knowing God will provide new opportunities for love, joy and healing in your future.

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  3. dawn says…

    oh Ali, how sad I am for you. So glad you have all of us here to help you thru this tough part your going thru. Know we all love you and think you are the best and feel our prayers for you. You have lifted me up more then a few times so I hope we can do that for you too.

    I am going thru a rough patch with my family too which became even more clearer during the last week in the life pictures. Those pictures are still sitting there with the stories. I'm going to force myself to tell the good and the bad of that week very soon so I can put it away. I want my kids to know it wasn't all roses when they were growing up and that we have rough patches just like other families do but we have to learn from them and be stronger for them. You have taught me that thru your stories and pictures Ali and I can't thank you enough.

    You have been in my prayers and my daily thoughts constantly since knowing your sadness. Thank you for still keeping it real and honest here with us and trusting us. Sending hugs to all of you.

    Over the weekend I didn't have my lens for this special occasion but I like the story for it maybe this will give you a little smile as you picture your Miss Anna doing this one day. Just posted it this morning:

    love dawn

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  4. Mefi says…

    Take care Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Mary says…

    We've never met, Ali, but I feel as though you are a loyal and trusted friend. Please know there are many out 'here' that feel the same and are sincerely keeping you and your beautiful family in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for always keeping it so honest and so real through the good and the not so... You have lots of love surrounding you - You Are Strong!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Nicky from Canada says…

    Many blessings and love as you go through this tough time Ali. My heart breaks for you as you find your way!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Juliette says…

    I deeply respect your honesty and vulnerability with your readers. All of us have trials in our lives. By sharing them we can support each other and know that "we're not the only ones."

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Denise Sanner says…

    this post makes me want to hop on a plane and come out to the pnw to give you a big ole' hug in person. but, alas, a cyber hug is all i can do right now. i hope it's enough and that you know i am thinking about you and praying for strength for you, and your entire family, during these hard times. xoxoxoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. theresa says…

    thinking of you ali, and saying a little prayer......

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  10. Suz says…

    You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Take the baby steps you need to until you are ready to take strides again. Be kind to yourself. Take time for you. {Hugs}.

    Phil. 4:13

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kimberly L.C. says…

    You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. Usually I retreat into myself when things get tough and taking photos seems like it would be a cathartic experience as well. Thank you for sharing that idea.

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  12. Yolanda says…

    Life is beautiful. It is precious. But it does hurt sometimes. And sometimes it hurts for a long time. Four years ago I was in a place of hurt so deep I didn't think there could be life without hurting. But I now know that is not true. There was beauty then, in could shine through even amongst the pain. Good for You for seeing it so clearly, even while you're in the fog of despair right now. You are bigger than whatever is happening right now. And all of us are holding on to you and your family and wishing you the best.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Christie says…

    Your honesty and braveness for posting about your struggles are encouraging me to be more deep and honest with my scrapbook pages and blog. Your sharing is taking away the stigma of "problems" and it builds all of our shame resilience. Thank you. You and your family are in my thoughts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jamie says…

    You are an amazing inspiration to me. Thank you for you strength and encouragement to "keep it real". In the past I didn't often scrapbook the hard times, but with a son coming into his teen years and struggling to find himself and struggling in school, I have learned to take solace in my pictures and in documenting these times even when I feel like crying so much and feeling like I am failing him some how.

    So to you I say Thank You, one of my joys in the morning is checking to see what's new with you and what awesome new project you are embarking on.

    Take care, my thoughts will be with you.


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  15. Dee Cummins says…

    oh, Ali, I'm wishing you light and peace. You make so many of us happy every day through your blog and we wish we could do the same for you.

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  16. Michelle L says…

    Your blog has brought me so much inspiration and happiness when I've really needed it. I wish I could do the same for you. Please know that my positive thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Thank you for reminding me to pick up that camera more often!
    Take care of yourself and be brave!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Melissa H says…

    I've been doing a "snapshot" a day this year and it is a fun, daily practice to capture some element of our lives each day. Most of the snapshots are technically pretty crappy but I'm going easy on myself and just being happy if it gets done.

    Hope things start looking up for you soon. Glad you are still able to find joy and peace in daily life. Take care....

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    Ali, I feel your sadness and am giving you a big hug...This morning at devotion I added your intentions for peace and joy and love for the family. I forget how healing it is for me to use my camera when I am in a "snarky" is a saving grace to move on with life because one thing we can always be sure of time does not stand still and change is an absolute...So good to see Mom with you at this time blessings and peace

    sharon dryjanski

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  19. char says…

    Take care Ali.

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  20. Alison Day says…

    Like so many others, my heart is heavy for you too.
    I am going through issues with my marriage too and have left my camera at home more times than I can to count. On Saturday I was reminded how precious my family is (husband too!) when they were hit on their way to swimming lessons by a truck running a red light. Thankfully the only thing hurt was our van. It helped remind me what is really important and that even if I'm up half the night with a 2 year that refuses to sleep in her own bed, I need to find the strength and patience deep down to overcome my selfish need for time alone and extra sleep!
    I love how your pictures are so intimate. I can feel the love for your kids through them. And the sadness too. I am praying for you and your family. Thank you for all the inspiration you have given to me and to so many others. Hopefully we can support you in this time by coming together in prayer.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. dawn says…

      I'm so glad your family wasn't hurt in the accident. How awful for them to go thru that though. It does make you see what's important in this world, enjoy every minute with them.

  21. Keri says…

    Just, very sincerely, thank you.

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  22. Stephanie Howell says…

    I am praying for you daily and carrying you in my heart. Wish I could give you a hug, buy you a drink, make you laugh...something. But I'm thinking of you and praying for you because it's the least I can do. I admire you greatly,ali. You mean a lot to a lot of people. Xxo

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Sarah says…

      Perfect thing to say! I echo it as well. Sending you lots of positive thoughts, hugs and prayers. We're all here for you. x

    2. Dara Cohen says…

      What a perfect thing to say.

      Ali, I am sorry that things are so difficult lately, you are very brave to share that with us all. Take care, sending hugs to you!

  23. Katie says…

    Ali, I don't comment here very often but I have followed your work since your early days at C.K. Today, your words ring true with me too. Some times taking a minute to focus through that little lens is all I need to be set right again. Silly I know, but true.

    I wish you all the best.

    Here is my weekend lens

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  24. Marie T says…

    I have been been there...I will echo what others have said, be gentle with yourself. Light in your direction.

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  25. Solgunn says…

    I would like to ditto Colleen. This is how I feel too. I wish I could do the same for you. Positive thoughts in your direction.

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