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Summer Manifesto

Last summer I got a chance to be in Andrea's house for just a bit and will never forget the summer list she had on a chalkboard near her door.

I loved the idea of putting into a list what you want to have happen over the ever-so-short months of summer. Setting an intention sounded like a great plan to me.

Above you see the beginnings of my list. I don't want it to to be too long. I do want it to be things we will actually do and/or things I'd really like to do or have it within my power to make happen.

As I was working on this post I asked Simon, "What are your favorite things to do in the summer?"

"Stay home"

Yep, that's his answer (Oh how I love you Simon) said with a really big smile.

And then he said, "play video games." And then something about not wanting to go camping because there will be dogs there (he's not a fan).

Anna told me she wants to go to the park.

I'm sure we'll do a little bit of everything - staying home, going to the park, playing video games, eating watermelon (yes, I know I spelled it wrong in my list), riding bikes, swimming and maybe even a bit of dreaming. I'm mainly looking forward to the pace and the warmth and being in together.

As I started writing this I googled summer manifesto and found a link to an exercise via Simple Scrapper from 2009: Writing A Summer Manifesto. That post links to a post written by Andrea of Scout that is just completely lovely and awesome. Totally inspiring way to write out a manifesto.


Do you have a summer manifesto (or if you're in another part of the world maybe a manifesto for the season you are about to enter)? If you create one for you or your family and post it on your blog I'd love for you to share it below using the link widget or in the comments. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link. Thank you!

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120 thoughts

  1. J3SS1C4 says…

    I sounds like you guys are in for an awesome summer!! :)

    I wish it was summer here in Aust, but we're only just coming into winter!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Toni From says…

    We are already into summer here in Raleigh, not technically, but it is in the 80's so I think that counts. The kids and I will make one together this weekend. Thanks Ali, what a great idea!

    I hope you have a lovely summer with your children. You are embracing this new stage in your life and I commend you for your efforts. Simon and Anna are lucky to have you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jennifer says…

    The Sunny Side Up Blog. May 14th post has her summer list posted.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. dawn says…

    Great list of ideas Ali, love the staying outside, movies outside, pickles, these will bring fun memories for all of you. I love making our summer list and have been talking to my kids about their ideas and so far we have

    Summer, wants to visit my childhood park, we didn't last summer.
    Renee, sleep sleep sleep, yep she's had to wake up early this year for HS and is only thinking of sleeping in
    Sam, wants to play video games and go to the local bounce house

    these will all happen but I will be adding some other things to the list. This is a fun idea to link up and share with others, thanks for the idea Ali. Looking forward to reading them and will get started on mine today.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Toni P says…

    This made me smile. All of my kids are grown but I so remember those summer lists. I wish I had saved them! I have the summer reading lists from the library summer reading program (loved that. ..) especially the year when our 3 year old wanted one and the library was not yet enlightened to offer that so big sister duplicated hers in exact detail for her sister :) now at 57, why shouldn't I have a list??

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Michelle M says…

    I love this post! Last year, I sort of made a list but don't think I ever did anything with it. This has really inspired me to make a list this weekend and USE it this summer! Thank you for the inspiration!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Nicole says…

    What a terrific idea! We have a bulletin board in the kitchen that currently has last years vacation "scrapbooked" on it - I'm going to take that down and have everyone write 5 summer ideas/wishes on paper. As we do them I'll post pics and "stuff" from our summer adventures! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jenni Hufford says…

    love this ali!! i just started writing down my summer list the other day --- love the change of pace and clean slate it offers!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. diane says…

    Thanks for the great idea! What fun!

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  10. Jen says…

    We have done this the last 2 summers and it really helps us to add some purpose to those lazy summer days. It is too easy to let the days slip by. We build our list as a family - kids are 6, 4, 2 - I always put in things i know we will do and some I know may stretch us - we don't always end up doing it all but we try really hard. Our list runs Memorial Day to Labor Day...this years list...road trip to Colorado - Camp at a new place - Read 50 books (6 yr old) - Make Crafts - Waterpark - Pick Berries - Lemonaid Stand - twins game - State Fair - Go to a new Park - visit a Flea Market - walk on the Stone arch bridge - fishing - lots of bike rides - picnic - try a new sport - grow Tomatos - Visit the Farmer's Market Weekly -Grill something New!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. A summer manifesto « Giles News says…

    [...] summer manifesto This is a response to a challenge from Ali Edwards (VIP scrapbooker extraordinaire). I liked the idea of having a list of activities to inspire us [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Kari M says…

    Love number 8. One I need to work on too :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kendra says…

    Summer Fun To-Do:

    1. GO to the Drive In Movie
    2. Have a neighborhood movie night on the garage door
    3. Go to the pool as often as possible (especially in the evenings when mama is home:))
    4. Picnic - either at home or in a park
    5. Visit Pompeii (At Cinic Museum center)
    6. Ride bikes. Teach Gabe to ride his.
    7. Learn to use the grill!
    8. Sit outside and unplug at night. Even if it's hot.

    That's it for now.

    PS - Ali- A bed sheet on a flat surface makes a great movie screen. Be sure to include popcorn or make-your-own sundaes


    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Suz says…

    Ali--love this manifesto!! Especially number 13. ;)
    Have a beautiful weekend and summer. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Monica says…

    We created a summer bucket list just yesterday. As soon as the blog post goes up I'll come back and link it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. McAmy says…

    Love it! I was just thinking we need to make a list for summer vacation which starts here in a couple of weeks. I had a list for April vacation, and although I came down with something and was too sick to to many of the things, something about having the list and checking off a couple things made us all feel happier. I also planned to include on my summer list something about spending less time on things that "need to get done" and more time playing with the kids and doing whatever they want. Thanks for your continued inspiration and also the links which I'm going to check out.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Heather G says…

    What a great idea, Ali! Hope you have a wonderful summer.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Patti L says…

    Really cool me something to think about. I love the summer! I was born in July, so its always such a festivus time for me. Will work on my manifesto...

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Theresa H says…

    My husband and I sit with our son and make a summer wish list. Here is what a 7 year-old wanted to do in summer 2011:
    1. Swimming
    2. Bible School
    3. Build-a-Bear
    4. Eat at Friendly's
    5. Go stay at Grammy and Papa's
    6. Play Baseball
    7. Have Friends over for a Sleepover
    8. Go to an Akron Aeros baseball game
    9. Camp with Cub Scouts
    10. Go to Canada

    We captured it all in pictures and put in his scrapbook using the project life page protectors. My son did most of the journaling.

    We discussed a 2012 list last night at dinner!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. TracyBzz says…

    I agree with Simon - I'm not a fan of dogs either. Wow, watch a movie outside. We live too far north (northern Alberta) to do that. We'd be up til at least midnight waiting for total darkness.

    We'll have to start thinking of our list. We've got a ways to go before school is out on June 28.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Catherine Denton says…

    Oh I love this idea! I'll try to post a list soon. I know one of mine will be: read as much and as often as possible. My want-to-read list is ginormous! :D
    Catherine Denton

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Deirdre says…

    What a coincidence to stumble upon this this morning. I just happened to post a photo to flickr with my "season's goal" as part of the description:
    (more barefoot time, more picnics, more time being part of what is around us and not just passing through)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Deirdre says…

    Oh -- I also plan to make Fridays internet-free days.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Oh I love that idea too.

    2. Macys says…

      Wonderful list ! Like the idea of trying 3 new things this summer and new salads are at the top of my list too. Thanks

  24. {vicki} says…

    Summer Maifesto

    1. Read on the front porch as often as possible
    2. Go to the beach (we've got this planned for June 9th)
    3. Go to the Grand Ole Opry (planned for July 14th)
    4. Go to a Braves games
    5. visit a water park
    6. Enjoy our swimming pool---Often
    7. can our home grown tomatoes
    8. have cookouts and invite folks over
    9. take long walks
    10. enjoy some local car racing events

    ps--Ali--I have the BEST sweet pickle reciple for canning ---I would be happy to share with you if you are interested in it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. marsha j says…

    i love this idea. i do not have small children but i have grandchildren and i love taking them places like the library or the musuem or doing crafts with them. i try to watch for any free things to do that come along in our city. sometimes the local colleges may put on children plays. they like to bring their bikes over to go bike riding. so many options that do not cost anything.

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